this image contains text
/ / !uF
by Uncle Fester / MAD
I was on State of Euphoria global newscanning when I saw figur
e one. see
below I noticed that I did the exact same font a few months ago for
So, I downloaded it and now Im here typing this. Notice the strikin
simularities between them . .
This is the ascii I did for Point of Destruct in Marc
h released through MAD
This is the fileid.diz a nyquil logo in the nyqu
il issue 002 zip.
--- nyquil issue 002 ---
Notice the simularities ? . .. : : :
nyq .. . / . .
-figure one- fileid.diz
: : : -figure two-
: : : : : : nyq-002.txt
...by the way, the zipfile name is NYQ-002.ZIP
This is :
This is their N
my N
This is :
This is their U
my U
Well, I could compare every letter, but you get the idea.
I dont really know who cd the person that ripped my font is a
dont really know WHY he/she did, but this sucks . . I spent all thi
s time
drawing this font just to have it ripped.
If you have any questions/comments or if you know who did this find
me on
irc under the nick uF or Spice. You could email me, but my acc
is deactivated You could also find me on edge of infinity 713-83
later . . .
-Uncle Fester / MAD Senior Staff
why would somebody rip if it was so OBVIOUS ?
by Uncle Fester / MAD
I was on State of Euphoria global newscanning when I saw figur
e one. see
below I noticed that I did the exact same font a few months ago for
So, I downloaded it and now Im here typing this. Notice the strikin
simularities between them . .
This is the ascii I did for Point of Destruct in Marc
h released through MAD
This is the fileid.diz a nyquil logo in the nyqu
il issue 002 zip.
--- nyquil issue 002 ---
Notice the simularities ? . .. : : :
nyq .. . / . .
-figure one- fileid.diz
: : : -figure two-
: : : : : : nyq-002.txt
...by the way, the zipfile name is NYQ-002.ZIP
This is :
This is their N
my N
This is :
This is their U
my U
Well, I could compare every letter, but you get the idea.
I dont really know who cd the person that ripped my font is a
dont really know WHY he/she did, but this sucks . . I spent all thi
s time
drawing this font just to have it ripped.
If you have any questions/comments or if you know who did this find
me on
irc under the nick uF or Spice. You could email me, but my acc
is deactivated You could also find me on edge of infinity 713-83
later . . .
-Uncle Fester / MAD Senior Staff
why would somebody rip if it was so OBVIOUS ?
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