this image contains text
** This is an exerpt from a bigger noodles file.
*--* 2/25/95 - 11:15:59 PM *--*
*** ReTry mihaim@isumataq.eskimo.com has joined channel ice
Znark hey retry
ReTry An1 can tell me def. of IcE?
ReTry Hey
tg huh?
Skitzo Are you like a warez guy?
gman huh?
Znark ret: its like... frozen water :
tg gm: :
gman oh.. definition
mp haha
ReTry No, I need it to get access in one board here
*** ReTry has been kicked off channel ice by gman gman
mp try again
gman mp: :
Skitzo Mihai Margarint?
Znark hmmm... is it instant Creamed Eggrolls?
*** gman has changed the topic on channel ice to iCE insane creators
enterprise iCE
- *retry* join ice
- *retry* read the damn topic
*** ReTry mihaim@isumataq.eskimo.com has joined channel ice
*** Topic for ice: iCE insane creators enterprise iCE
*ReTry* thatnx
- *ReTry* welcome
gman *ReTry* thatnx
Skitzo G: Did you tell him?
gman well. i told him to rejoin and check the topic
ReTry What about RiSC?
gman ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
Skitzo Really Intersting Stoop Couriers
gman like you need help with everyone of them right?
gman skitz: ahah
Skitzo TDT The Dream Team
Skitzo Thg The humble Guys
*** Mode change -b *!*ihaim@*.eskimo.com on channel ice by gman
gman dont..
gman hes phun
- *ReTry* ice
OpusiCE hes a fucking moron
*** ReTry mihaim@isumataq.eskimo.com has joined channel ice
gman ahaha
Skitzo O love Warez Stats
ReTry uhh thanx
gman so are you NEW?
Skitzo Ptg Pentagram The red Sector
ReTry hmmm kinda yeah
posK TRSIrules
posK Razor AmigaRules
posK FairlightRules
ReTry I need access in this board, EXACT def. are needed
posK Poskgubbepimp
gman FIRM rewlz
gman China Rewlz
posK retry: maybe you should know what they mean.
*** noodlesc notice - the next 3 lines go together smoothly, even if
it wasnt meant to be like that.. life is like that.. ***
OpusiCE ret- maybe you should cut off your nuts and shove them up your
ReTry I should, I know what they do and stuff, but I forgot the mean...
Skitzo Retry: Just learn.. Is it an Art board or a warez baord? I mean Art
defs or Wares defs?
ReTry opus: maybe not
ReTry I think h/c
ReTry or warez
gman hmmm
gman how old are you?
ReTry 15
Skitzo Razor 1911 rzr
Skitzo IU think
Skitzo Acid Acid
ReTry I just needed those 3
ReTry thanx
Skitzo Mad Mad Aritsits in Demand or something
gman mad : malicious art demoninations
Skitzo Fukc Yuo
magneticm What is this? a qUIZ?
gman mad : malicious art denomination
Skitzo Eat Me
Skitzo Iss Mich
ReTry so there is not def. for ACiD?
OpusiCE whoa
gman ahah
OpusiCE that was my board
- *retry* ansi creators n demand
OpusiCE i ran a board called mutually assured destruction
Skitzo Mad mentally And Academicaly Disjected
posK opus: and theres a warez group called that.
Skitzo ?
Skitzo Fuck Me
* posK fucks Skitzo.
Skitzo Acid ACID
ReTry thanx g
posK Ansi Creators in Demand.
posK pMpPIMP
Skitzo Acid used to Ansi Creators in Demand the Art creators in Demand now
just ACiDc
posK kTSKatharcheeze
- *retry* dont mention it.. literally
*--* 2/25/95 - 11:15:59 PM *--*
*** ReTry mihaim@isumataq.eskimo.com has joined channel ice
Znark hey retry
ReTry An1 can tell me def. of IcE?
ReTry Hey
tg huh?
Skitzo Are you like a warez guy?
gman huh?
Znark ret: its like... frozen water :
tg gm: :
gman oh.. definition
mp haha
ReTry No, I need it to get access in one board here
*** ReTry has been kicked off channel ice by gman gman
mp try again
gman mp: :
Skitzo Mihai Margarint?
Znark hmmm... is it instant Creamed Eggrolls?
*** gman has changed the topic on channel ice to iCE insane creators
enterprise iCE
- *retry* join ice
- *retry* read the damn topic
*** ReTry mihaim@isumataq.eskimo.com has joined channel ice
*** Topic for ice: iCE insane creators enterprise iCE
*ReTry* thatnx
- *ReTry* welcome
gman *ReTry* thatnx
Skitzo G: Did you tell him?
gman well. i told him to rejoin and check the topic
ReTry What about RiSC?
gman ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
Skitzo Really Intersting Stoop Couriers
gman like you need help with everyone of them right?
gman skitz: ahah
Skitzo TDT The Dream Team
Skitzo Thg The humble Guys
*** Mode change -b *!*ihaim@*.eskimo.com on channel ice by gman
gman dont..
gman hes phun
- *ReTry* ice
OpusiCE hes a fucking moron
*** ReTry mihaim@isumataq.eskimo.com has joined channel ice
gman ahaha
Skitzo O love Warez Stats
ReTry uhh thanx
gman so are you NEW?
Skitzo Ptg Pentagram The red Sector
ReTry hmmm kinda yeah
posK TRSIrules
posK Razor AmigaRules
posK FairlightRules
ReTry I need access in this board, EXACT def. are needed
posK Poskgubbepimp
gman FIRM rewlz
gman China Rewlz
posK retry: maybe you should know what they mean.
*** noodlesc notice - the next 3 lines go together smoothly, even if
it wasnt meant to be like that.. life is like that.. ***
OpusiCE ret- maybe you should cut off your nuts and shove them up your
ReTry I should, I know what they do and stuff, but I forgot the mean...
Skitzo Retry: Just learn.. Is it an Art board or a warez baord? I mean Art
defs or Wares defs?
ReTry opus: maybe not
ReTry I think h/c
ReTry or warez
gman hmmm
gman how old are you?
ReTry 15
Skitzo Razor 1911 rzr
Skitzo IU think
Skitzo Acid Acid
ReTry I just needed those 3
ReTry thanx
Skitzo Mad Mad Aritsits in Demand or something
gman mad : malicious art demoninations
Skitzo Fukc Yuo
magneticm What is this? a qUIZ?
gman mad : malicious art denomination
Skitzo Eat Me
Skitzo Iss Mich
ReTry so there is not def. for ACiD?
OpusiCE whoa
gman ahah
OpusiCE that was my board
- *retry* ansi creators n demand
OpusiCE i ran a board called mutually assured destruction
Skitzo Mad mentally And Academicaly Disjected
posK opus: and theres a warez group called that.
Skitzo ?
Skitzo Fuck Me
* posK fucks Skitzo.
Skitzo Acid ACID
ReTry thanx g
posK Ansi Creators in Demand.
posK pMpPIMP
Skitzo Acid used to Ansi Creators in Demand the Art creators in Demand now
just ACiDc
posK kTSKatharcheeze
- *retry* dont mention it.. literally
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