this image contains text
onInfo: MAD was star
ted January 1994. It merged with Mindless in June/July. Mind
less died August/September. MAD was reformed with about 80 of
its past members Late January 1995.
This was a pretty interesting month. After getting ever
yone back together and all, It turned out to be pretty good.
I was kinda disapointed that some people couldnt get their
art in this month, but I guess thats life. Anyways, If you
havent noticed, MAD is based in 713, about 90 of the artist
s in the group live in 713, and of those 90 about 25 live i
n Baytown. Ok, Ill stop this lame history shit and get to t
he news.In this pack we were suppose to have snap shots o
f Me, Doomsday, G-Man, and a lot of other MAD
members. However, due to the lack of funds,
I could not develop the film Talk about poor. So, in order to take
their place, Ive inserted some noodlesc text files. If you dont
know what noodles is, then a quick explanation is the motto.
Lamest of the Elite. Most of it is pretty funny.
Here is a special paragraph just for Doomsday. He wanted a greet
real bad so
here you go. Greets go to Doomsday, you are realy Cool. I
wouldnt have written any of this if he didnt know some kind of
Ninja shit magic but he does, and he also threatened to assassinate
me at school.
This pack is dedicated to the Four basic food groups, so if you see pictur
of Grapes, Eggs, Or anyother Food group products then dont be
alarmed. The reason for this is that our Psychic Advisor, Sabotage
said that In order to reach a new plain of enlightenment we must
humble ourselves before the 4 basic food groups. So we did, and
here we are.
MAD is currently taking donations to purchace a MiracleTHAWtm. If you w
like to donate money to help purchace a MiracleTHAWtm, then send
E-Mail to Me on any of the Local 713 boards. When we do purchace
our beloved Thawing device, we will have a dethawing party.
All iCE members invited. Be sure to bring something that you want
to thaw.
MAD has its official Net, finaly called CarrionNET, for more details se
Psychoskylark. We are currenly looking for American Hubs. Al
altho MAD is a local group, we do accept members who are out of our
AC. We do plan on spreading nationaly, but not at this time.
Special super elite kowabunga Greet goes out to Dragon, who joined
at the
last minute, And is also a LD artist. Another Super elite kowabunga
greet goes to Technomancer who wasnt with us during the origi
MAD but has joined recently and has contributed quite a bit.
And the Super duper elite mo motha chia-pet kowabunga supreem greet
is tied with Reptile and Uncle Fester. Uncle Fester l
eft the scene
called the general scene mean names, then came back. Reptile
gets a greet for making sure our channel is AOK. Im not forgett
anyone else, I just want everyone to know that you get a super
commander mark thumbs up. Doomsday gets a 3 fingered alien
up. And Wonko gets a Thank You for using ATT. double whoo
p thumbs
up. Ok, no more lame Thumbs up and super elite greets.
Delayed Tripple summersault whoop goes to Mephitopeles with his gr
eat Rag war
Just kidding.
Group Greets go out to: noodlesc, cancer,
image, stab, dps + other groups
that arent run like an agency.
Personal Greets go to: GorgutzdPs: Werd.
Lord ManothdPs: One day you can be as cool
as me.
G-ManiCE: Doing an ansi for that OTHER art
DoomsdayMAD: Dont ever rush perfection.
Dark VenMAD: Golf!
onInfo: MAD was star
ted January 1994. It merged with Mindless in June/July. Mind
less died August/September. MAD was reformed with about 80 of
its past members Late January 1995.
This was a pretty interesting month. After getting ever
yone back together and all, It turned out to be pretty good.
I was kinda disapointed that some people couldnt get their
art in this month, but I guess thats life. Anyways, If you
havent noticed, MAD is based in 713, about 90 of the artist
s in the group live in 713, and of those 90 about 25 live i
n Baytown. Ok, Ill stop this lame history shit and get to t
he news.In this pack we were suppose to have snap shots o
f Me, Doomsday, G-Man, and a lot of other MAD
members. However, due to the lack of funds,
I could not develop the film Talk about poor. So, in order to take
their place, Ive inserted some noodlesc text files. If you dont
know what noodles is, then a quick explanation is the motto.
Lamest of the Elite. Most of it is pretty funny.
Here is a special paragraph just for Doomsday. He wanted a greet
real bad so
here you go. Greets go to Doomsday, you are realy Cool. I
wouldnt have written any of this if he didnt know some kind of
Ninja shit magic but he does, and he also threatened to assassinate
me at school.
This pack is dedicated to the Four basic food groups, so if you see pictur
of Grapes, Eggs, Or anyother Food group products then dont be
alarmed. The reason for this is that our Psychic Advisor, Sabotage
said that In order to reach a new plain of enlightenment we must
humble ourselves before the 4 basic food groups. So we did, and
here we are.
MAD is currently taking donations to purchace a MiracleTHAWtm. If you w
like to donate money to help purchace a MiracleTHAWtm, then send
E-Mail to Me on any of the Local 713 boards. When we do purchace
our beloved Thawing device, we will have a dethawing party.
All iCE members invited. Be sure to bring something that you want
to thaw.
MAD has its official Net, finaly called CarrionNET, for more details se
Psychoskylark. We are currenly looking for American Hubs. Al
altho MAD is a local group, we do accept members who are out of our
AC. We do plan on spreading nationaly, but not at this time.
Special super elite kowabunga Greet goes out to Dragon, who joined
at the
last minute, And is also a LD artist. Another Super elite kowabunga
greet goes to Technomancer who wasnt with us during the origi
MAD but has joined recently and has contributed quite a bit.
And the Super duper elite mo motha chia-pet kowabunga supreem greet
is tied with Reptile and Uncle Fester. Uncle Fester l
eft the scene
called the general scene mean names, then came back. Reptile
gets a greet for making sure our channel is AOK. Im not forgett
anyone else, I just want everyone to know that you get a super
commander mark thumbs up. Doomsday gets a 3 fingered alien
up. And Wonko gets a Thank You for using ATT. double whoo
p thumbs
up. Ok, no more lame Thumbs up and super elite greets.
Delayed Tripple summersault whoop goes to Mephitopeles with his gr
eat Rag war
Just kidding.
Group Greets go out to: noodlesc, cancer,
image, stab, dps + other groups
that arent run like an agency.
Personal Greets go to: GorgutzdPs: Werd.
Lord ManothdPs: One day you can be as cool
as me.
G-ManiCE: Doing an ansi for that OTHER art
DoomsdayMAD: Dont ever rush perfection.
Dark VenMAD: Golf!
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