this image contains text
Regretfully this will be my final ans
i. Im quitting the scene and all
groups that I am in that makes
me a lame unaffiled l00zer again..
many reasons for my doing this,
probably most of which some of you understand.
The main reason I decided to do th
is was because Im not producing enough
each month for even one pack n
ot to mention two.. Other reaso
ns are more
personal, but I dont suppose
you want to hear them. I am not q
uitting ansi
altogether, but I think this will be my la
st ansi until at least next winter.
You can try and request something
I am still up for good conversation
, and
Ill see what I cant do.
I considered taking Euphio down
, but there seemed
no point. Euphio will
stay up for as long as I can afford it and am around.
Euphio -
4265745. Oh, Maiten1 W
HQ has been moved to Zeitgeist.
Until next time my
friends. Same bat channel
...... etc.
a F1RE
Since Ive not released an an
si dedicated to a girl
yet, please allow me the time to do so
. Im
dedicating this ansi to Sha
, a person who
became very special to me
over spring
break. I
say I miss you, and I damn
Nebraska -- all in one
This ansi was
done for Div personally
if you go to paris
often you will
surely fin
d me there again. Seeing
as how I am in no group t
o release
under, I
consider a personal ansi some-
thing special.. .
.. . D . i .
g . i . t . a
. l . .. . X
. a . n . a . d
. u . ..
X A N A D U ------
i. Im quitting the scene and all
groups that I am in that makes
me a lame unaffiled l00zer again..
many reasons for my doing this,
probably most of which some of you understand.
The main reason I decided to do th
is was because Im not producing enough
each month for even one pack n
ot to mention two.. Other reaso
ns are more
personal, but I dont suppose
you want to hear them. I am not q
uitting ansi
altogether, but I think this will be my la
st ansi until at least next winter.
You can try and request something
I am still up for good conversation
, and
Ill see what I cant do.
I considered taking Euphio down
, but there seemed
no point. Euphio will
stay up for as long as I can afford it and am around.
Euphio -
4265745. Oh, Maiten1 W
HQ has been moved to Zeitgeist.
Until next time my
friends. Same bat channel
...... etc.
a F1RE
Since Ive not released an an
si dedicated to a girl
yet, please allow me the time to do so
. Im
dedicating this ansi to Sha
, a person who
became very special to me
over spring
break. I
say I miss you, and I damn
Nebraska -- all in one
This ansi was
done for Div personally
if you go to paris
often you will
surely fin
d me there again. Seeing
as how I am in no group t
o release
under, I
consider a personal ansi some-
thing special.. .
.. . D . i .
g . i . t . a
. l . .. . X
. a . n . a . d
. u . ..
X A N A D U ------
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