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The Top 10 Rejected Names For Maiten1
-And The Reasons For Their Rejection-
10. Murc and Tangs Whore House
-Tang quit. Otherwise...
9. SQWID or Screw Quiet Weather InDoors
-Despite the interesting logo ideas that could have s
prung from
the letters S,Q,W,I and D, Silent Rain was opposed to
the name.
Hmmph, weirdo.
8. Aeon Flux n Stuff
-Gambit finally got a different idea.
7. Icy, Acidic, Firey Ansi!!!
-Too original. Even for us!
6. Born Again Bed Wetters
-The truth hurt too much.
5. AAAWNQ or Adamant Ansi Artists Whove Never Quit
-Well Gambit was/is in the group.
And it had the name Adam Ant hidden in it. Ick.
4. Micky And Minnies Long Lost Retarded Nephew - Mait
en Mouse!
-Didnt want to be confused with Power Rangers, Ninja
or any other long-named, over-marketed, child-targe
ted idea.
Or that Mighty Mouse fellow for that matter.
3. Iron Maiten
-Didnt want to give Judas any ideas to leave and for
m Judas
Priests and it made Bug have bad highschool flashba
2. Maiten87
-Most of the members dont appreciate realism.
1. Mate In One
-Why sp3ll right wh3n w3 can pr3t3nd to b3 3L33T!
-And The Reasons For Their Rejection-
10. Murc and Tangs Whore House
-Tang quit. Otherwise...
9. SQWID or Screw Quiet Weather InDoors
-Despite the interesting logo ideas that could have s
prung from
the letters S,Q,W,I and D, Silent Rain was opposed to
the name.
Hmmph, weirdo.
8. Aeon Flux n Stuff
-Gambit finally got a different idea.
7. Icy, Acidic, Firey Ansi!!!
-Too original. Even for us!
6. Born Again Bed Wetters
-The truth hurt too much.
5. AAAWNQ or Adamant Ansi Artists Whove Never Quit
-Well Gambit was/is in the group.
And it had the name Adam Ant hidden in it. Ick.
4. Micky And Minnies Long Lost Retarded Nephew - Mait
en Mouse!
-Didnt want to be confused with Power Rangers, Ninja
or any other long-named, over-marketed, child-targe
ted idea.
Or that Mighty Mouse fellow for that matter.
3. Iron Maiten
-Didnt want to give Judas any ideas to leave and for
m Judas
Priests and it made Bug have bad highschool flashba
2. Maiten87
-Most of the members dont appreciate realism.
1. Mate In One
-Why sp3ll right wh3n w3 can pr3t3nd to b3 3L33T!
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