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1tang: tang n ME, of Scand origin akin to ON
tangi point of land, tang 1: a projecting shank,
812 prong, fang, or tongueas on a knife, file, or
sword to connect with the handle 2 a: a
sharp distictive often lingering flavor
b: a pungent odor c: something have-
ing the effect of a tangas in stimu-
lation of the senses treated
murder as a joke with a to it
--Graham Greene 3 a: a faint sug-
tg gestion: TRACE b: a distinguishing
tang characteristic that sets apart or
gives a special individuality
-- tanged: tangd adj
Author: Headline:
i i
o.p .. m x ..e
. o. d .
Author: Headline:
Author: Headline: :
. tg
d r a s n i a d r a s n i a
. tg
tangi point of land, tang 1: a projecting shank,
812 prong, fang, or tongueas on a knife, file, or
sword to connect with the handle 2 a: a
sharp distictive often lingering flavor
b: a pungent odor c: something have-
ing the effect of a tangas in stimu-
lation of the senses treated
murder as a joke with a to it
--Graham Greene 3 a: a faint sug-
tg gestion: TRACE b: a distinguishing
tang characteristic that sets apart or
gives a special individuality
-- tanged: tangd adj
Author: Headline:
i i
o.p .. m x ..e
. o. d .
Author: Headline:
Author: Headline: :
. tg
d r a s n i a d r a s n i a
. tg
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