this image contains text
80x50 please
feral /
: m i st / :
: member li st :
senior st aff:
Cthulu valentine@infomatch.com
Happyfish abbey@netcom.ca
department he ads:
ansi - Rash rash@tjm.canbbs.net
ascii - Dead Soul dsoul1@hotmail.com
- Weird high5@odelay.dyn.ml.org
hirez - Dominion dominion@mindspring.com
- Dracomage pyriot@gte.net
lit - Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
ripscrip - Lady Blue ldyblu@aol.com
music - Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
coding - Sylphid sylphid@infomatch.com
internet - Phenom phenom@chat.net
ansi department:
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
Mr. Wrong mr.wrong@tjm.canbbs.net
Pure Voltage pv@4u.net
Quip neophyte@geocities.com
Spear hempfarm@yahoo.com
ascii department:
Muton muton@tjm.canbbs.net
Ruinw genocide@intergate.bc.ca
Sauron sauron15@hotmail.com
Spear hempfarm@yahoo.com
Talonswift talonswift@tjm.canbbs.net
Wishbringer terryt@direct.ca
vga department:
Dragolisk dragolisk@usa.net
Enelf Daragard goslach@globetrotter.com
Ewerx ewerx@technologist.com
Inferno ?
toto man grinch@zipcon.net
Onyx onyx@tjm.canbbs.net
Pure Voltage pv@4u.net
Rage rage@geocities.com
Random ?
Rzee doOdleboy@doglover.com
Syncr0w situ@bconnex.net
Thanatos rsboswell@kih.net
Weird high5@odelay.dyn.ml.org
lit department:
Basic ?
Corinthian ?
Crowe crowe@darkspiral.com
David X davieboy@vcn.bc.ca
Draco pyriot@gte.net
Lady Blue ldyblu@aol.com
Rorshach v. 2.0 ?
Schtroumpf schtroumpf@ultranet.ca
Skrubly skrubly@rad.edu
Spectral Knight spec@obscurity.org
Zinnia Kray zinnia.kray@tjm.canbbs.net
music department:
Cthulu valentine@infomatch.com
Da Drug ?
Draco pyriot@gte.net
Fritz cdheim0@service1.uky.edu
Hacker Joe hacker.joe@tjm.canbbs.net
Toto Man grinch@zipcon.net
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
Melodia ua770@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
Quip neophyte@geocities.com
coding department:
Deridder ?
The Director thedirector@technologist.com
Dragolisk dragolisk@usa.net
Eto e1140166@vm.bcit.bc.ca
Morale morale@mailcity.com
Slash-X slash-x@dec.canbbs.net
Sylphid sylphid@infomatch.com
internet department:
Dominion dominion@mindspring.com
Geekboy flib@infomatch.com
Praxus praxus2@geocities.com
Spectral Knight spec@obscurity.org
Sylphid sylphid@infomatch.com
Atom squee66@hotmail.com
Happyfish abbey@netcom.ca
Kyo kyo@lava.net
Kitiara ?
Rzee doOdleboy@doglover.com
what the hell, lets do the site list too.
: m i st / :
: site li st :
The Jade Monkey 604 730-2467 Happyfish / Cthulu WHQ / Net
C1ty iZ Burning 418 841-3410 The Extremist CHQ / Net
The Regency insert phone @ here Halaster USHQ
Infinite Darkness 954 797-0666 Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
6 node ringdown
Neosporin 604 942-9772 Rage Music HQ / Net
Nexus Deadpool Corp. 604 948-3252 Spectral Knight Member
The Black Rose Tavern 770 222-9012 Dominion Member / Net
Dreams of Dark, Enchanted
Lizards 604 525-6844 Etana Net
Biproducts 408 372-7712 neoNEGRO Site
Power Station 353 041-32568 Madmax Site
Out of Order 510 796-5780 risu Site
Kongo! 714 693-0511 Cheeze Monkey Site
Caffeine. 360 336-5976 Prong Site
Blue Moon +618 8332-3403 Pulse Site
uSELESS +358-9-25864082 Lda4x Site
looks like my f3-log.asc or something huh? er.
dj yellowman line remix
feral /
: m i st / :
: member li st :
senior st aff:
Cthulu valentine@infomatch.com
Happyfish abbey@netcom.ca
department he ads:
ansi - Rash rash@tjm.canbbs.net
ascii - Dead Soul dsoul1@hotmail.com
- Weird high5@odelay.dyn.ml.org
hirez - Dominion dominion@mindspring.com
- Dracomage pyriot@gte.net
lit - Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
ripscrip - Lady Blue ldyblu@aol.com
music - Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
coding - Sylphid sylphid@infomatch.com
internet - Phenom phenom@chat.net
ansi department:
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
Mr. Wrong mr.wrong@tjm.canbbs.net
Pure Voltage pv@4u.net
Quip neophyte@geocities.com
Spear hempfarm@yahoo.com
ascii department:
Muton muton@tjm.canbbs.net
Ruinw genocide@intergate.bc.ca
Sauron sauron15@hotmail.com
Spear hempfarm@yahoo.com
Talonswift talonswift@tjm.canbbs.net
Wishbringer terryt@direct.ca
vga department:
Dragolisk dragolisk@usa.net
Enelf Daragard goslach@globetrotter.com
Ewerx ewerx@technologist.com
Inferno ?
toto man grinch@zipcon.net
Onyx onyx@tjm.canbbs.net
Pure Voltage pv@4u.net
Rage rage@geocities.com
Random ?
Rzee doOdleboy@doglover.com
Syncr0w situ@bconnex.net
Thanatos rsboswell@kih.net
Weird high5@odelay.dyn.ml.org
lit department:
Basic ?
Corinthian ?
Crowe crowe@darkspiral.com
David X davieboy@vcn.bc.ca
Draco pyriot@gte.net
Lady Blue ldyblu@aol.com
Rorshach v. 2.0 ?
Schtroumpf schtroumpf@ultranet.ca
Skrubly skrubly@rad.edu
Spectral Knight spec@obscurity.org
Zinnia Kray zinnia.kray@tjm.canbbs.net
music department:
Cthulu valentine@infomatch.com
Da Drug ?
Draco pyriot@gte.net
Fritz cdheim0@service1.uky.edu
Hacker Joe hacker.joe@tjm.canbbs.net
Toto Man grinch@zipcon.net
Haquisaq bryanchan@aol.com
Melodia ua770@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
Quip neophyte@geocities.com
coding department:
Deridder ?
The Director thedirector@technologist.com
Dragolisk dragolisk@usa.net
Eto e1140166@vm.bcit.bc.ca
Morale morale@mailcity.com
Slash-X slash-x@dec.canbbs.net
Sylphid sylphid@infomatch.com
internet department:
Dominion dominion@mindspring.com
Geekboy flib@infomatch.com
Praxus praxus2@geocities.com
Spectral Knight spec@obscurity.org
Sylphid sylphid@infomatch.com
Atom squee66@hotmail.com
Happyfish abbey@netcom.ca
Kyo kyo@lava.net
Kitiara ?
Rzee doOdleboy@doglover.com
what the hell, lets do the site list too.
: m i st / :
: site li st :
The Jade Monkey 604 730-2467 Happyfish / Cthulu WHQ / Net
C1ty iZ Burning 418 841-3410 The Extremist CHQ / Net
The Regency insert phone @ here Halaster USHQ
Infinite Darkness 954 797-0666 Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
6 node ringdown
Neosporin 604 942-9772 Rage Music HQ / Net
Nexus Deadpool Corp. 604 948-3252 Spectral Knight Member
The Black Rose Tavern 770 222-9012 Dominion Member / Net
Dreams of Dark, Enchanted
Lizards 604 525-6844 Etana Net
Biproducts 408 372-7712 neoNEGRO Site
Power Station 353 041-32568 Madmax Site
Out of Order 510 796-5780 risu Site
Kongo! 714 693-0511 Cheeze Monkey Site
Caffeine. 360 336-5976 Prong Site
Blue Moon +618 8332-3403 Pulse Site
uSELESS +358-9-25864082 Lda4x Site
looks like my f3-log.asc or something huh? er.
dj yellowman line remix
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