this image contains text
0298 memberlist
cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
happyfish abbey@netcom.ca
quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
the extremist text@geocities.com
quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
the extremist text@geocities.com
da drug k9mm@hotmail.com
etana atcooper@sfu.ca
fatal creamix@geocities.com
haquisaq haquisaq@tjm.canbbs.net
happyfish abbey@netcom.ca
mosen mosen@tig.com.au
mr. wrong mr.wrong@tjm.canbbs.net
pure voltage purevoltage@hotmail.com
fire fromheaven firefromheaven@usa.net
rash rash@tjm.canbbs.net
sarcasm sarcasm@tjm.canbbs.net
tricolore umeatoug@cc.umanitoba.ca
weird fungj@luther.cbbs.org
bifteq bifteq@usa.net
beepy the donut beepythedonut@tjm.canbbs.net
dead soul dsoul@remorse.org
mosen mosen@tig.com.au
muton muton@tjm.canbbs.net
pangloss iconmist@hotmail.com
pubilus enigma gmccartn@cln.etc.bc.ca
silent knight nihil@bc.rogers.wave.ca
thanatos rsboswell@kih.net
evil ernie nick@dvsproductions.com
ewerx lod@technologist.com
fire from heaven firefromheaven@usa.net
infinite madness infinite@0wnz-u.org
rage rage@geocities.com
syncr0w situ@bconnex.net
dracomage pyriot@gte.net
toto man grinch@zipcon.net
vanon netlord@inter.net.il
haquisaq haquisaq@tjm.canbbs.net
cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
da drug k9mm@hotmail.com
dracomage pyriot@gte.net
fritz cdheim0@service1.uky.edu
hacker joe hackerjoe@tjm.canbbs.net
melodia ua770@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
onyx onyx@tjm.canbbs.net
quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
sylphid madama@sfu.ca
totoman grinch@zipcon.net
cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
agnostic agnostic@tjm.canbbs.net
basic unknown
cyradis unknown
dracomage pyriot@gte.net
lady blue ldyblu@aol.com
the laughing fool fool@norad.xtatix.com
silver angel unknown
skrubly skrubly@rad.edu
zinnia kray janderse@max-net.com
sylphid madama@sfu.ca
eto eto@globalserve.net
mavrik kithe@geocities.com
platinum platz@geocities.com
questor cchanb@sfu.ca
flibbles flib@vcn.bc.ca
crowkeeper crowkeep@imag.net
dr. cpu drcpu@vcn.bc.ca
mavrik kithe@geocities.com
questor cchanb@sfu.ca
spectral knight unknown
sylphid madama@sfu.ca
coor d i n a t o r s
ansi head - quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
ascii head - weird fungj@luther.cbbs.org
highrez heads - thanatos rsboswell@kih.net
silent knight knight@intergate.bc.ca
lit heads - cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
music head - haquisaq haquisaq@tjm.canbbs.net
coding head - sylphid sylphid@infomatch.com
internet head - flibblesah, what the hell.flib@vcn.bc.ca
Webpage -- http://www.geocities.com/athens/1758/mist.html
The Jade Monkey 604 730-2467 Happyfish / Cthulu WHQ / Net
C1ty iz Burning 418 841-3410 The Extremist CHQ / Net
The Regency 412 687-3066 Halaster USHQ
Infinite Darkness 954 797-0666 Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
+- 6 node ringdown Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
Neosporin 604 942-9772 Rage Music HQ / Net
Harvest Moon 216 951-7059 QurAn Twingle HQ / Net
Euphoric Dreamspace 604 - The Iconoclast Old Warez HQ
StupidMop 604 929-8034 Geekboy North Shore HQ/Net
The Dark Domains 604 469-5851 Raven Member
The Undiscovered Point 604 PRI-VATE Dr. CPU Member / Net
Dreams of Dark, Enchanted
Lizards 604 525-6844 Etana Member / Net
Entrance to Obscurity 604 pri-vate Eto Member / Net
Paradoxius 604 931-6984 Pure Voltage Member / Net
Crimson Helm 604 465-4247 Onyx Member / Net
Sneakers 604 501-2395 Crystal Meth Member
Superfiend 604 522-9797 Infinite Madness Member / Net
or superfiend.dyn.ml.org when he is connected
Revival +46- 63-35644 Gasol Site
Biproducts 408 372-7712 neoNEGRO Site
Power Station 353 041-32568 Madmax Site
Out of Order 510 796-5780 risu Site
Caffeine. 360 336-5976 Prong Site
Blue Moon +618 8332-3403 Pulse Site
pseudo-elite memberlist created by haquisaq
0298 memberlist
cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
happyfish abbey@netcom.ca
quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
the extremist text@geocities.com
quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
the extremist text@geocities.com
da drug k9mm@hotmail.com
etana atcooper@sfu.ca
fatal creamix@geocities.com
haquisaq haquisaq@tjm.canbbs.net
happyfish abbey@netcom.ca
mosen mosen@tig.com.au
mr. wrong mr.wrong@tjm.canbbs.net
pure voltage purevoltage@hotmail.com
fire fromheaven firefromheaven@usa.net
rash rash@tjm.canbbs.net
sarcasm sarcasm@tjm.canbbs.net
tricolore umeatoug@cc.umanitoba.ca
weird fungj@luther.cbbs.org
bifteq bifteq@usa.net
beepy the donut beepythedonut@tjm.canbbs.net
dead soul dsoul@remorse.org
mosen mosen@tig.com.au
muton muton@tjm.canbbs.net
pangloss iconmist@hotmail.com
pubilus enigma gmccartn@cln.etc.bc.ca
silent knight nihil@bc.rogers.wave.ca
thanatos rsboswell@kih.net
evil ernie nick@dvsproductions.com
ewerx lod@technologist.com
fire from heaven firefromheaven@usa.net
infinite madness infinite@0wnz-u.org
rage rage@geocities.com
syncr0w situ@bconnex.net
dracomage pyriot@gte.net
toto man grinch@zipcon.net
vanon netlord@inter.net.il
haquisaq haquisaq@tjm.canbbs.net
cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
da drug k9mm@hotmail.com
dracomage pyriot@gte.net
fritz cdheim0@service1.uky.edu
hacker joe hackerjoe@tjm.canbbs.net
melodia ua770@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
onyx onyx@tjm.canbbs.net
quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
sylphid madama@sfu.ca
totoman grinch@zipcon.net
cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
agnostic agnostic@tjm.canbbs.net
basic unknown
cyradis unknown
dracomage pyriot@gte.net
lady blue ldyblu@aol.com
the laughing fool fool@norad.xtatix.com
silver angel unknown
skrubly skrubly@rad.edu
zinnia kray janderse@max-net.com
sylphid madama@sfu.ca
eto eto@globalserve.net
mavrik kithe@geocities.com
platinum platz@geocities.com
questor cchanb@sfu.ca
flibbles flib@vcn.bc.ca
crowkeeper crowkeep@imag.net
dr. cpu drcpu@vcn.bc.ca
mavrik kithe@geocities.com
questor cchanb@sfu.ca
spectral knight unknown
sylphid madama@sfu.ca
coor d i n a t o r s
ansi head - quip jmalcolm@geocities.com
ascii head - weird fungj@luther.cbbs.org
highrez heads - thanatos rsboswell@kih.net
silent knight knight@intergate.bc.ca
lit heads - cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com
music head - haquisaq haquisaq@tjm.canbbs.net
coding head - sylphid sylphid@infomatch.com
internet head - flibblesah, what the hell.flib@vcn.bc.ca
Webpage -- http://www.geocities.com/athens/1758/mist.html
The Jade Monkey 604 730-2467 Happyfish / Cthulu WHQ / Net
C1ty iz Burning 418 841-3410 The Extremist CHQ / Net
The Regency 412 687-3066 Halaster USHQ
Infinite Darkness 954 797-0666 Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
+- 6 node ringdown Midnight Sorrow Southern HQ / Net
Neosporin 604 942-9772 Rage Music HQ / Net
Harvest Moon 216 951-7059 QurAn Twingle HQ / Net
Euphoric Dreamspace 604 - The Iconoclast Old Warez HQ
StupidMop 604 929-8034 Geekboy North Shore HQ/Net
The Dark Domains 604 469-5851 Raven Member
The Undiscovered Point 604 PRI-VATE Dr. CPU Member / Net
Dreams of Dark, Enchanted
Lizards 604 525-6844 Etana Member / Net
Entrance to Obscurity 604 pri-vate Eto Member / Net
Paradoxius 604 931-6984 Pure Voltage Member / Net
Crimson Helm 604 465-4247 Onyx Member / Net
Sneakers 604 501-2395 Crystal Meth Member
Superfiend 604 522-9797 Infinite Madness Member / Net
or superfiend.dyn.ml.org when he is connected
Revival +46- 63-35644 Gasol Site
Biproducts 408 372-7712 neoNEGRO Site
Power Station 353 041-32568 Madmax Site
Out of Order 510 796-5780 risu Site
Caffeine. 360 336-5976 Prong Site
Blue Moon +618 8332-3403 Pulse Site
pseudo-elite memberlist created by haquisaq
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