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Welcome to LTDs first /NSi Pack of 1993, The October Batch..
As many of you may or may not know, LTD was an ANSi group quite a while ago,
and no longer exists today. We have always held the highest respect for the
old group, and we now represent the new generation of LTD. You may have seen
some of our work in the past and wondered when we were going to make our 1st
appearance in the ANSi scene.. Well, here it is. A bit late, and a bit hasty
but still I think youll like what you see for the most part.
Please note, a lot of these ANSis were made a few months ago, and we
are just getting around to releasing them. As is obvious, A LOT of these are
by me, because when the group started, I was doing 99 of the requests. This
will *NOT* be the case in the future, you may see only 1 or 2 screens in the
future packs, as Im putting all my efforts into college now and not drawing
much anymore. As I establish better communication with the other members of
the group, you will see more of their work. It is unfortunate that you cant
see much of their work in this pack, but sit tight and youll see some soon.
We are looking for sites of all kinds on the West Coast, so fill out
the application if you are interested. We are also looking for more artists
ASAP as we lost a bunch of the good ones to college.. We do requests for
boards at a very reasonable rate, if you are interested in getting a request
filled, contact an LTD member for more information. I can be reached on all
of the LTD sites in New Jersey, as well as through Ultra Tech, DragNet, TSAN,
or directly via the InterNet sujpatel@clam.rutgers.edu. For fastest reply,
contact me either by InterNet, or on Digital Reality.
Lesse, thats about it. I honestly dont have the time to make a
nifty list of all the ANSis in the pack and who did what, but the filenames
should indicate who did what, and what ansi is what. There are a handful of
VGA screens also, mostly done by Boardmaster, our VGA President. All of his
works are in 640x480x256, are presented in raw GIF format for your viewing
pleasure, as are all of our VGA screens. We have just begun exploring the
RipScrip Graphics, and we will have more screens in the future. You can view
the RIP screen enclosed with ShowRip, a public domain command-line viewer if
you have EGA/VGA. We have also enclosed the first in a series of MOD music
files. This MOD, a remix of a horrible MOD originally composed, is pretty
cool in my opinion. You can listen to the MOD with a variety of different
players, and a SoundBlaster or better is recommended to get the full effect.
Shit, I tend to write books when I intend to write 10 lines.. :
Here comes the legal bullshit so I dont have to listen to every whining dude
that has a problem with something in this pack. Everything in this pack is
100 original. Any similarities are purely coincidental. All imitations
ex. Pitt, etc are copyrighted to their rightful creators. Any works can
be altered slightly to fit your needs if you get the approval of the author
first. Your checkout period is 24 hours.. :- Whatever, just dont give
me any grief.
One last note. There will be no November Batch. The next pack will
be in December, and from then on, the packs will be released on a monthly
basis. Reason for this is really simple. I have finals towards the end of
November and beginning of December, and alot of the artists have midterms
shit to do as well. Rather than let work Both school art suffer, there
will just be a delay. No biggie to me, hope its not a problem for you..
Quote for the Month: Shut up you stupid Mick!
Greets: Boardmaster, Forlorn Extender, Captain Tom, Wharf Rat, Raistlin,
Feyd-Rautha, Eternal Darkness, Hawk, T.N.T., Cool T, Iridium Staff,
Ultra Tech/TSAN Guys, /CiD, iCE, all the other ANSi groups out
there, and anyone else who I might have forgotten.
-No C/rrier LTD/Iridium
eo -10-12-93-
Welcome to LTDs first /NSi Pack of 1993, The October Batch..
As many of you may or may not know, LTD was an ANSi group quite a while ago,
and no longer exists today. We have always held the highest respect for the
old group, and we now represent the new generation of LTD. You may have seen
some of our work in the past and wondered when we were going to make our 1st
appearance in the ANSi scene.. Well, here it is. A bit late, and a bit hasty
but still I think youll like what you see for the most part.
Please note, a lot of these ANSis were made a few months ago, and we
are just getting around to releasing them. As is obvious, A LOT of these are
by me, because when the group started, I was doing 99 of the requests. This
will *NOT* be the case in the future, you may see only 1 or 2 screens in the
future packs, as Im putting all my efforts into college now and not drawing
much anymore. As I establish better communication with the other members of
the group, you will see more of their work. It is unfortunate that you cant
see much of their work in this pack, but sit tight and youll see some soon.
We are looking for sites of all kinds on the West Coast, so fill out
the application if you are interested. We are also looking for more artists
ASAP as we lost a bunch of the good ones to college.. We do requests for
boards at a very reasonable rate, if you are interested in getting a request
filled, contact an LTD member for more information. I can be reached on all
of the LTD sites in New Jersey, as well as through Ultra Tech, DragNet, TSAN,
or directly via the InterNet sujpatel@clam.rutgers.edu. For fastest reply,
contact me either by InterNet, or on Digital Reality.
Lesse, thats about it. I honestly dont have the time to make a
nifty list of all the ANSis in the pack and who did what, but the filenames
should indicate who did what, and what ansi is what. There are a handful of
VGA screens also, mostly done by Boardmaster, our VGA President. All of his
works are in 640x480x256, are presented in raw GIF format for your viewing
pleasure, as are all of our VGA screens. We have just begun exploring the
RipScrip Graphics, and we will have more screens in the future. You can view
the RIP screen enclosed with ShowRip, a public domain command-line viewer if
you have EGA/VGA. We have also enclosed the first in a series of MOD music
files. This MOD, a remix of a horrible MOD originally composed, is pretty
cool in my opinion. You can listen to the MOD with a variety of different
players, and a SoundBlaster or better is recommended to get the full effect.
Shit, I tend to write books when I intend to write 10 lines.. :
Here comes the legal bullshit so I dont have to listen to every whining dude
that has a problem with something in this pack. Everything in this pack is
100 original. Any similarities are purely coincidental. All imitations
ex. Pitt, etc are copyrighted to their rightful creators. Any works can
be altered slightly to fit your needs if you get the approval of the author
first. Your checkout period is 24 hours.. :- Whatever, just dont give
me any grief.
One last note. There will be no November Batch. The next pack will
be in December, and from then on, the packs will be released on a monthly
basis. Reason for this is really simple. I have finals towards the end of
November and beginning of December, and alot of the artists have midterms
shit to do as well. Rather than let work Both school art suffer, there
will just be a delay. No biggie to me, hope its not a problem for you..
Quote for the Month: Shut up you stupid Mick!
Greets: Boardmaster, Forlorn Extender, Captain Tom, Wharf Rat, Raistlin,
Feyd-Rautha, Eternal Darkness, Hawk, T.N.T., Cool T, Iridium Staff,
Ultra Tech/TSAN Guys, /CiD, iCE, all the other ANSi groups out
there, and anyone else who I might have forgotten.
-No C/rrier LTD/Iridium
eo -10-12-93-
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