this image contains text
-------the platinum eagles asce collie---
,sn.,ns.. s, ,
SssSSssSSS ,Sbssd
SssssS SssssS ,sSSs.,stPe!ls
t r e p y d a tion
,,sSSs StPe!Ss.Ss.SssssSs
,sS ,Asssss Ss.
l a i r Ss
s a t a n s l a i r
0p Urklore
Co0p tpe
----------satans lair------------
-welp, thats my ascee colly for the month. not much of a colli w/ only 3 ascees
but its still a colly : my bbs had a name change i need ansis/asciis! if you
get a chance its called Chuch Of Valhalla, 908-685-8091..i will trade if they
are good : people greets go out to prime, darkness, acid reflux, urklore, ram
telekom, bruce lee, cyberpunk, poison, phorce phed, red
and anyone else i forgot : group greets to cae, pierce, phylth, and taura.
lamer greets go2 Reefer aka Suicide..lamer lamer.. :
lastly if you want to request an ascee from me my email address is:
platinum@jmac.weschke.com ...
,sn.,ns.. s, ,
SssSSssSSS ,Sbssd
SssssS SssssS ,sSSs.,stPe!ls
t r e p y d a tion
,,sSSs StPe!Ss.Ss.SssssSs
,sS ,Asssss Ss.
l a i r Ss
s a t a n s l a i r
0p Urklore
Co0p tpe
----------satans lair------------
-welp, thats my ascee colly for the month. not much of a colli w/ only 3 ascees
but its still a colly : my bbs had a name change i need ansis/asciis! if you
get a chance its called Chuch Of Valhalla, 908-685-8091..i will trade if they
are good : people greets go out to prime, darkness, acid reflux, urklore, ram
telekom, bruce lee, cyberpunk, poison, phorce phed, red
and anyone else i forgot : group greets to cae, pierce, phylth, and taura.
lamer greets go2 Reefer aka Suicide..lamer lamer.. :
lastly if you want to request an ascee from me my email address is:
platinum@jmac.weschke.com ...
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