this image contains text
epe ociet
pack x - september 1995
ahh, not a good two months for leper society. due to communication and
lazyness problems, this is one of the smallest pack ever released by ls.
but just in case you were getting some strange ideas into your head about us
dying or something, just take a look at the member list. we still have
plenty of vitality in our ranks! just not a lot of spare time
important thing to note: dont try to mail me at aol any more. i have
gotten rid of that account in favor of a better one. please direct all
inquisitions/mail to me/comments/etc. to:
no, that didnt deserve a whole line for itself...deal with it
leper society now has a bot up full time! we ditched the ftp site
well, the computer we were running it on died of humidity and got
an account with some spectacular sysadmins who dont care WHAT we do with
it! muhahaha! so we set up a bot on irc with all the ls packs...
the bot is called leperxdcc and its on the leper channel.
we have gained a couple of distro sites, look at the site list if you want
to see what boards they are, im to lazy to crossreference them here.
oh, and we have regained our australian hq.
a note to sysops: if i didnt include your board on the list of
distribution points, please mail me to correct this! i am not the most
organized person in the world...
well, that about wraps it up for this dinky pack, hope to have lots more
stuff next month especially from cyberknight, who has his stuff but
cant seem to get it to me...grrrr oh, and check out the new pic on the
viewer! while i did the intro screen, psichosonic did a varry naice
menu/logo thingy.
phorce phed
pack x - september 1995
ahh, not a good two months for leper society. due to communication and
lazyness problems, this is one of the smallest pack ever released by ls.
but just in case you were getting some strange ideas into your head about us
dying or something, just take a look at the member list. we still have
plenty of vitality in our ranks! just not a lot of spare time
important thing to note: dont try to mail me at aol any more. i have
gotten rid of that account in favor of a better one. please direct all
inquisitions/mail to me/comments/etc. to:
no, that didnt deserve a whole line for itself...deal with it
leper society now has a bot up full time! we ditched the ftp site
well, the computer we were running it on died of humidity and got
an account with some spectacular sysadmins who dont care WHAT we do with
it! muhahaha! so we set up a bot on irc with all the ls packs...
the bot is called leperxdcc and its on the leper channel.
we have gained a couple of distro sites, look at the site list if you want
to see what boards they are, im to lazy to crossreference them here.
oh, and we have regained our australian hq.
a note to sysops: if i didnt include your board on the list of
distribution points, please mail me to correct this! i am not the most
organized person in the world...
well, that about wraps it up for this dinky pack, hope to have lots more
stuff next month especially from cyberknight, who has his stuff but
cant seem to get it to me...grrrr oh, and check out the new pic on the
viewer! while i did the intro screen, psichosonic did a varry naice
menu/logo thingy.
phorce phed
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