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this ware passed through
By unarchIvIng tHiz fIle, y0u agree t0 abIde by c0pyrIghT lawz 0f
tHe UnITed zTaTez az f0und In U.z.C.A., and zpEcIfIcally th0ze zecTI0nz
regardIng n0n-pr0fIT lIbrary check-0uT 0f z0fTware. 0nce y0ur check0uT
perI0d Iz 0ver y0u muzT reTurn 0r deleTe theze fIlez. If y0u d0 n0T d0 z0
Y0U wIll be In vI0laTI0n 0f Federal law. If y0u have any quezTI0nz regardIng
y0ur legal lIabIlITy pleaze c0nzulT U.z.C.A. 0r y0ur l0cal aTt0rney. MakIng
c0pIez 0r dIzTrIbuTI0n 0f tHiZ fIle iZ exprezzly f0rbIdden by Federal law.
Y0ur check0uT perI0d Iz 24 h0urz. AfTer The 24 h0ur check0uT perI0d y0u MUzT
deleTe The check0uT c0py y0u are uzIng and purchaze a legal c0py fr0m a l0cal
reTaIler. thIz bUlleTIn B0ard zyzTem iZ iN n0 way adv0caTiNg thE uze 0f
illeGal z0fTware, and requezTz y0u t0 d0 tHe zame Uze ThIz n0n-pr0fIT BBz T0
y0ur advanTage and pleaze 0bey tHe law.
public service distribution
By unarchIvIng tHiz fIle, y0u agree t0 abIde by c0pyrIghT lawz 0f
tHe UnITed zTaTez az f0und In U.z.C.A., and zpEcIfIcally th0ze zecTI0nz
regardIng n0n-pr0fIT lIbrary check-0uT 0f z0fTware. 0nce y0ur check0uT
perI0d Iz 0ver y0u muzT reTurn 0r deleTe theze fIlez. If y0u d0 n0T d0 z0
Y0U wIll be In vI0laTI0n 0f Federal law. If y0u have any quezTI0nz regardIng
y0ur legal lIabIlITy pleaze c0nzulT U.z.C.A. 0r y0ur l0cal aTt0rney. MakIng
c0pIez 0r dIzTrIbuTI0n 0f tHiZ fIle iZ exprezzly f0rbIdden by Federal law.
Y0ur check0uT perI0d Iz 24 h0urz. AfTer The 24 h0ur check0uT perI0d y0u MUzT
deleTe The check0uT c0py y0u are uzIng and purchaze a legal c0py fr0m a l0cal
reTaIler. thIz bUlleTIn B0ard zyzTem iZ iN n0 way adv0caTiNg thE uze 0f
illeGal z0fTware, and requezTz y0u t0 d0 tHe zame Uze ThIz n0n-pr0fIT BBz T0
y0ur advanTage and pleaze 0bey tHe law.
public service distribution
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