this image contains text
rippas joint ............ / ............................
bezzerks joint .
// // / // /i /
/ e c / / s / t a z a
ecs7azia ****** conference . ----- :
wastes joint
wa/p!: - ---- -- / -
E C S T A Z I A M A I N M E N U --
menu command menu command menu command :
: big bird big bird big bird .
. elmo elmo elmo
oscar oscar oscar .
. cookie monster cookie monster cookie monster
tulley tulley tulley
: snuffalupagus snuffalupagus snuffalupagus -
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no time for reviews.
greets out to rippa.waste.nightwolf.rzicus.trippah.stimpy.cope.polygon
bezzerks joint .
// // / // /i /
/ e c / / s / t a z a
ecs7azia ****** conference . ----- :
wastes joint
wa/p!: - ---- -- / -
E C S T A Z I A M A I N M E N U --
menu command menu command menu command :
: big bird big bird big bird .
. elmo elmo elmo
oscar oscar oscar .
. cookie monster cookie monster cookie monster
tulley tulley tulley
: snuffalupagus snuffalupagus snuffalupagus -
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no time for reviews.
greets out to rippa.waste.nightwolf.rzicus.trippah.stimpy.cope.polygon
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