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1 0 9 5
Silent Rain
To Be Announced!
c0de.ANSI MoshinRebel.PfR Soulfire
NightMare.ANSI RontheDon.MOD Pi
Timberwulf.MISC Glitch.VGA Neptho
Realm of Chaos SF 303/770.1470 LiGHT World HQ
Cyberrock BBS SR 303/xXx.XxxX LiGHT USA HQ
Wulfs Den TW 303/699.WULF LiGHT Network HQ
The Mosh Pit MR 303/N0LAMERS LiGHT Affiliate
Purgatory NM 303/742-0403 LiGHT Affiliate
Liquid Toxin CD 303/914-0957 LiGHT Affiliate
Distrobution Sites
Zeitgeist 303/ASK-MURC LiGHT Distro Site
: Heresy 303/499-1984 LiGHT Distro Site
Long time, no see! Over a year has passed and LiGHT is once
again making an appearance. With the passage of time however
there will always be changes, and this case is not different.
Whats changed? Take a look at the member listing for one!
we only have two returning LiGHT of 94 members on the list
as of now, myself and Pizza Dude. BTW! Maybe you remember
me as Fractal Illusion .
A lot has been going on in the 303 area code since the LiGHT
breakup way back when. A new ansi group consisting of
several ex-LiGHT members was formed and has been doing quite
well. Boards have been up and down more frequently than the
sun, and therefore there are many new faces in the crowd.
Why did LiGHT start back up? Most of those details can be
found in the LiGHT Manifesto included in this archive.
I suggest you browse through it to get the jest of what is
happening with the group.
The response to the group has been varied. Several people
were very interested when the group announced its arrival.
Others publically denounced and attacked the idea. That is
one of the main reasons that I am releasing this spectrum.
We dont have a lot of work to show you, but I believe that
what we do have is very good.
What is in this pack is only the beginning. We are just
releasing this pack now to get the word out: LiGHT is back!
You can expect many things from us in the future. Here is a
brief listing of what we are working on:
* LiGHT View - Full featured ansi/gif/etc viewer!
* A full scale LiGHT DEMO!@!!
* Many useful programs and utilities from the PfR crew!
* LiGHT Draw - Like TheDraw or AcidDraw but better!
* Much more kick ass art!
We are hoping that people will recognize what LiGHT has been
and what it is destined to be and will want to get involved!
If you want to join the LiGHT crew, and you think you have
what it takes, run the program lapp-10.exe and apply today!
If you want your board to be a LiGHT distro site, check out
this app as well! It has all the information you will need.
We will be awaiting your applications anxiously.
That is all for now, as I want to get the pack done and out
by the dead line. Be on the look out for LGHT9511.ZIP, which
will be a much more refined and established. For now, enjoy
what we have!
Silent Rain
President / LiGHT.PfR
1 0 9 5
Silent Rain
To Be Announced!
c0de.ANSI MoshinRebel.PfR Soulfire
NightMare.ANSI RontheDon.MOD Pi
Timberwulf.MISC Glitch.VGA Neptho
Realm of Chaos SF 303/770.1470 LiGHT World HQ
Cyberrock BBS SR 303/xXx.XxxX LiGHT USA HQ
Wulfs Den TW 303/699.WULF LiGHT Network HQ
The Mosh Pit MR 303/N0LAMERS LiGHT Affiliate
Purgatory NM 303/742-0403 LiGHT Affiliate
Liquid Toxin CD 303/914-0957 LiGHT Affiliate
Distrobution Sites
Zeitgeist 303/ASK-MURC LiGHT Distro Site
: Heresy 303/499-1984 LiGHT Distro Site
Long time, no see! Over a year has passed and LiGHT is once
again making an appearance. With the passage of time however
there will always be changes, and this case is not different.
Whats changed? Take a look at the member listing for one!
we only have two returning LiGHT of 94 members on the list
as of now, myself and Pizza Dude. BTW! Maybe you remember
me as Fractal Illusion .
A lot has been going on in the 303 area code since the LiGHT
breakup way back when. A new ansi group consisting of
several ex-LiGHT members was formed and has been doing quite
well. Boards have been up and down more frequently than the
sun, and therefore there are many new faces in the crowd.
Why did LiGHT start back up? Most of those details can be
found in the LiGHT Manifesto included in this archive.
I suggest you browse through it to get the jest of what is
happening with the group.
The response to the group has been varied. Several people
were very interested when the group announced its arrival.
Others publically denounced and attacked the idea. That is
one of the main reasons that I am releasing this spectrum.
We dont have a lot of work to show you, but I believe that
what we do have is very good.
What is in this pack is only the beginning. We are just
releasing this pack now to get the word out: LiGHT is back!
You can expect many things from us in the future. Here is a
brief listing of what we are working on:
* LiGHT View - Full featured ansi/gif/etc viewer!
* A full scale LiGHT DEMO!@!!
* Many useful programs and utilities from the PfR crew!
* LiGHT Draw - Like TheDraw or AcidDraw but better!
* Much more kick ass art!
We are hoping that people will recognize what LiGHT has been
and what it is destined to be and will want to get involved!
If you want to join the LiGHT crew, and you think you have
what it takes, run the program lapp-10.exe and apply today!
If you want your board to be a LiGHT distro site, check out
this app as well! It has all the information you will need.
We will be awaiting your applications anxiously.
That is all for now, as I want to get the pack done and out
by the dead line. Be on the look out for LGHT9511.ZIP, which
will be a much more refined and established. For now, enjoy
what we have!
Silent Rain
President / LiGHT.PfR
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