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100 pure shit font! my fonts might suck, but dammit theyre original! :
wanna know how shitty my day was? i bought the new bouncing souls cd, and i
come home really stoked to jam to it, sos i pop it in my cd player, and the
damn thing didnt work? so i had to get all hot tempered s u r r e a l seestem oporateer : tainteed
and broke the dam im sure theres affils, and
thing, and my cd- if you wanna know what they are
rom drive doesnt your gonna haveta call. and
fucking work, so if you want the number ask
i got my discman tainted, cuase he didnt give
and found my me one.
headphones, and tried to listen to it, and my fucking headphones didnt work!@@@so i smashed em!!!@@ and i didnt even get to listen to the fucking cd!@!@shit my fonts suck!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx note this can be seen on kitanas ansi too, itll be the one thats really
awesome looking then sucks all to hell when you get to the font. filhouse.
wanna know how shitty my day was? i bought the new bouncing souls cd, and i
come home really stoked to jam to it, sos i pop it in my cd player, and the
damn thing didnt work? so i had to get all hot tempered s u r r e a l seestem oporateer : tainteed
and broke the dam im sure theres affils, and
thing, and my cd- if you wanna know what they are
rom drive doesnt your gonna haveta call. and
fucking work, so if you want the number ask
i got my discman tainted, cuase he didnt give
and found my me one.
headphones, and tried to listen to it, and my fucking headphones didnt work!@@@so i smashed em!!!@@ and i didnt even get to listen to the fucking cd!@!@shit my fonts suck!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx note this can be seen on kitanas ansi too, itll be the one thats really
awesome looking then sucks all to hell when you get to the font. filhouse.
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