this image contains text
vade79 is a turd... if you see this chris, its cuase your one of thecoolest artists there ever was, and all you do is sit on irc all day, when you could be drawing those awesome ansis. if any of you remembersamsara, me him n eerie did a joint, and he did filth of the legion massacrethis awesome shade job that made me wanna squirt tippergore@hotmail.commilk out of my nipples, and it put my shitty outlinesto shame. hell it even put eeries awesome font to shame.so dammit chris79, if you see this, DRAW MORE ANSI DAMMIT!! dont turn into one of those stupid, pimple popping, no girl, penis stroking, fat little kiddies that hang out in ansi all the timecomplaining about how dead the scene is. cuase dammit, these littleturds have no clue what ing about, so fuck em. your muchbetter than them you turd a shame to see you get sucked down.-cheap attempt for a background. filtho
i really fucked up
his foot. oh well
the shitty shade job
should cover it up. : im almost postive i seen this drawn before, but uh, oh well :
legion rules
f u e l
so maybe i was never in fuel, and i didnt know many of the fuel
guys. but dammit, it was an awesome group. and with such cool
cats such as aoh, the knight, and thrasher, running the place,
it was doper than dope. sticky baboon was elite, but i didnt
really know the lad. anyway i know this isnt the coolest ansi,
infact its probably the lamest tribute ansi, but i dont give...
woops, i did write all this jazz about how elite fuel was, and
how grooovy i thought it was. until one night on irc i was
chatting with my good irc buds. oh wait i dont have any, actually
i was getting picked on when burps came in. i forget how it
bubbled up, but someone said something about how fuel died. well
i was 100 certin it died, call me crazy, but tk-leg.ans where
the knight presumed fuel dead sort of made me think so. well
brups rambled on and on about how super he was, and how hes
just so elite and that i was some sort of lying asshole saying
fuel was dead. aaannywho, so i dont look more like a jackass
im not gonna make this a sniff we love you fuel *cry* ansi.
cause according to hasbe- oops i mean burps its not dead.
oh well.
greets to : exploited, fuckface, johnny x, vindictive, and deathblazer.
i made these greets up cause no one has cool nicks in the scene anymore..
outlines, shading, font, text, black on black, sauce, editing, saving,
couring, greeting, and credits all by filth the destroyer of that truly elite
group legion niney ninedy ate.
i really fucked up
his foot. oh well
the shitty shade job
should cover it up. : im almost postive i seen this drawn before, but uh, oh well :
legion rules
f u e l
so maybe i was never in fuel, and i didnt know many of the fuel
guys. but dammit, it was an awesome group. and with such cool
cats such as aoh, the knight, and thrasher, running the place,
it was doper than dope. sticky baboon was elite, but i didnt
really know the lad. anyway i know this isnt the coolest ansi,
infact its probably the lamest tribute ansi, but i dont give...
woops, i did write all this jazz about how elite fuel was, and
how grooovy i thought it was. until one night on irc i was
chatting with my good irc buds. oh wait i dont have any, actually
i was getting picked on when burps came in. i forget how it
bubbled up, but someone said something about how fuel died. well
i was 100 certin it died, call me crazy, but tk-leg.ans where
the knight presumed fuel dead sort of made me think so. well
brups rambled on and on about how super he was, and how hes
just so elite and that i was some sort of lying asshole saying
fuel was dead. aaannywho, so i dont look more like a jackass
im not gonna make this a sniff we love you fuel *cry* ansi.
cause according to hasbe- oops i mean burps its not dead.
oh well.
greets to : exploited, fuckface, johnny x, vindictive, and deathblazer.
i made these greets up cause no one has cool nicks in the scene anymore..
outlines, shading, font, text, black on black, sauce, editing, saving,
couring, greeting, and credits all by filth the destroyer of that truly elite
group legion niney ninedy ate.
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