this image contains text
ewp! an
ansi fro
m the
the original piccy is
from one of my techno
cds a
nd was in
black white
my excuse for
that way,
the wacky
not just
lotsa black
space because
in this ansi.. im
The cd is called Technos Greatest
Hits Volume 1: Sub Base for
Your Face and it was surp-
risingly good despite the
fact it had a lame name
like that...
just like sdelic!
It had toonz by Sonz
of a Loop da Loop Era,
Timebase, Run Tings,
Austin, DCruze, Kromo-
zone, Phuture Assassins,
and Smart Es. Okay.
Maybe they were lame
tunes. I still liked
it. Every song cant
be by Orb.
My homepage
will prolly go
up in the next
month or so if I
put some time into
People always make the mistake of th
inking art is created for them. But
really, art is a private language for sphi
sticates to congratulate themselves
on their superiority to the rest of the world. As my artists sta
explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full
of deep
significance. - Calvin and Hobbes,
July 15th, 1995
sdelic emag - ansi by neurotic/le
gend - font by hannibalector/something
ewp! an
ansi fro
m the
the original piccy is
from one of my techno
cds a
nd was in
black white
my excuse for
that way,
the wacky
not just
lotsa black
space because
in this ansi.. im
The cd is called Technos Greatest
Hits Volume 1: Sub Base for
Your Face and it was surp-
risingly good despite the
fact it had a lame name
like that...
just like sdelic!
It had toonz by Sonz
of a Loop da Loop Era,
Timebase, Run Tings,
Austin, DCruze, Kromo-
zone, Phuture Assassins,
and Smart Es. Okay.
Maybe they were lame
tunes. I still liked
it. Every song cant
be by Orb.
My homepage
will prolly go
up in the next
month or so if I
put some time into
People always make the mistake of th
inking art is created for them. But
really, art is a private language for sphi
sticates to congratulate themselves
on their superiority to the rest of the world. As my artists sta
explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full
of deep
significance. - Calvin and Hobbes,
July 15th, 1995
sdelic emag - ansi by neurotic/le
gend - font by hannibalector/something
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