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This is a 100 original ansi by everlast of legend, love it, hate it, eat it.
-- Everlast - Legend 1995 presents --
pod: Greetz to U, just cuz I have to :
corwinOFamber: whatch dem hamstrIngs boy. and WR.
somms: I need some cataract lenses, hook me up!
iOdine: Legend till we die huh? : hehehehehe
sYsop: Defective Mind
----------- 100 Original ansi by everlast of legend 1995 ---------
If you want an ansi from me, I can be contacted on irc, in legendor you
can email me at bpenner@direct.ca, or just leave me a message on my voice
mailbox: 1-800-666-2741, press 2, box: 1863.
-- Everlast - Legend 1995 presents --
pod: Greetz to U, just cuz I have to :
corwinOFamber: whatch dem hamstrIngs boy. and WR.
somms: I need some cataract lenses, hook me up!
iOdine: Legend till we die huh? : hehehehehe
sYsop: Defective Mind
----------- 100 Original ansi by everlast of legend 1995 ---------
If you want an ansi from me, I can be contacted on irc, in legendor you
can email me at bpenner@direct.ca, or just leave me a message on my voice
mailbox: 1-800-666-2741, press 2, box: 1863.
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