this image contains text
august 2
8th, 1995
menu set no.5
Im going to make this quick since most of you
know the deal, here
is my 5th obv/twoo menu set, use it as you wish, all i
ask is that you
keep my name in tact. Feel free to change the colors,
and use the blank
menu to make your own customized set. Ugh...thats abo
ut it, call huma
if you have questions or comments at 619-485-6741!
o b l i v i o n / t w o o * m
e n u b y l o r d j a z z , b l e a c h .
august 2
8th, 1995
menu set no.5
Im going to make this quick since most of you
know the deal, here
is my 5th obv/twoo menu set, use it as you wish, all i
ask is that you
keep my name in tact. Feel free to change the colors,
and use the blank
menu to make your own customized set. Ugh...thats abo
ut it, call huma
if you have questions or comments at 619-485-6741!
o b l i v i o n / t w o o * m
e n u b y l o r d j a z z , b l e a c h .
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