this image contains text
we never listen what de landlord man say
.. the COLOR revolution will be brought to you by
,S ., s ,SS ... lazarus is a registered trademark of .s,. .S, . ,S ......
Greetings comrade artisans from the Federated Peoples Republic of Southern Ontario!
Vladimir Lenin famously said there are decades where nothing happens -- and then
there are weeks where decades happen
This week is one such week. Today will shake the foundations of ansi to its core.
Existing within a imperio-capitalist superstructure, the scene, wittingly or
otherwise serves to help capitalism reproduce itself by providing a pleasant
distraction for the wage slaves so that for a few moments they can forget the
miserable exploitation they experience serving their capitalist overlords.
We will no longer reproduce the conditions of our own oppression!
We have been asked if we are members of the Lazarus Group, The Hidden Cobras, The
Guardians of Peace. We can only say not yet, but hopefully soon!
The name is not a coincidence. It was chosen to honor and pay homage to those epic
and gloried technical wizards who serve to protect and defend the Chosn Minjujui
Inmin Konghwaguk.
Does anyone doubt that the Lazarus Group are not a part of the H/P/A/V/C scene, and
by extension, the scene itself?
What should we call Operation Troy or Operation Seoul other than patriotic defenses
of a workers paradise thru hacking?
Can anyone doubt that Hysteria was Def Leppards best album?
We believe it is only natural to call for a merger between the second l33test
Lazarus in the world us and the l33test them for the furtherance of Juche!
Will we be judged worthy? This pack will have to be judged based on its revolutionary
potential, but we can certainly dream!
We have been asked if such a merger could lead down the dark imperialist road
we saw in the case of iCEeuro div?
We reply that such a merger took place within a context of hegemonic globalized
capital and thus exploitation and rent seeking were INEVITABLE.
Imagine, the next time BlueNorOff pulls off yet another heroic redistribution of
capitalist profits, we are there to render it in 80 or more columns!
Imagine, the next time DarkSeoul disables some bourgeosie Seoul institution, we are
there to record and glorify it!
Imagine if bourgeosie tools such as Pablodraw and Moebius could be seized and
repurposed on behalf of the proletariat!!!
We know that compared to the geniuses of the Lazarus Group, we are but humble craftsman
and simple artisans, still we believe we can work best as a united front, workers of
the world uniting as Marx and the great Kim Il Song intended to complete the revolution.
Long live the great victory of Songun and the 80th column!
Refrigerator 3l33t
3rd Commissar of the Standing Committee of the Supreme Pixel Assembly
Kitchener, Ontario, FPRSO
We welcome to the organization secret agent Agv, who impressed our Guardians of the
Block judiciary committee by completing a double axel triple backflip while telling an
anti-capitalist joke. Agv will be assigned to squadron 6.5, where he will be tasked
with the removal of enemy propaganda from bulletin board systems.
We also welcome to the ranks secret agent MaDGod, who joins us with very impressive
lobster other seafood fraud inspection quotients. MaDGod will fight on behalf
of Lazarus in other metaphysical realms in which he can draw from powers such as
epoxy fist and sudden elk kick.
In sad news, we salute fallen comrade in arms RedEyz, who perished in the line of duty,
ensuring the survival of our organization in the process. The courageous actions of
RedEyz will never be forgotten work has already begun on a commemorative 20km tall
statue to be placed right in front of our top secret HQ.
Let us build a powerful block nation
.. the COLOR revolution will be brought to you by
,S ., s ,SS ... lazarus is a registered trademark of .s,. .S, . ,S ......
Greetings comrade artisans from the Federated Peoples Republic of Southern Ontario!
Vladimir Lenin famously said there are decades where nothing happens -- and then
there are weeks where decades happen
This week is one such week. Today will shake the foundations of ansi to its core.
Existing within a imperio-capitalist superstructure, the scene, wittingly or
otherwise serves to help capitalism reproduce itself by providing a pleasant
distraction for the wage slaves so that for a few moments they can forget the
miserable exploitation they experience serving their capitalist overlords.
We will no longer reproduce the conditions of our own oppression!
We have been asked if we are members of the Lazarus Group, The Hidden Cobras, The
Guardians of Peace. We can only say not yet, but hopefully soon!
The name is not a coincidence. It was chosen to honor and pay homage to those epic
and gloried technical wizards who serve to protect and defend the Chosn Minjujui
Inmin Konghwaguk.
Does anyone doubt that the Lazarus Group are not a part of the H/P/A/V/C scene, and
by extension, the scene itself?
What should we call Operation Troy or Operation Seoul other than patriotic defenses
of a workers paradise thru hacking?
Can anyone doubt that Hysteria was Def Leppards best album?
We believe it is only natural to call for a merger between the second l33test
Lazarus in the world us and the l33test them for the furtherance of Juche!
Will we be judged worthy? This pack will have to be judged based on its revolutionary
potential, but we can certainly dream!
We have been asked if such a merger could lead down the dark imperialist road
we saw in the case of iCEeuro div?
We reply that such a merger took place within a context of hegemonic globalized
capital and thus exploitation and rent seeking were INEVITABLE.
Imagine, the next time BlueNorOff pulls off yet another heroic redistribution of
capitalist profits, we are there to render it in 80 or more columns!
Imagine, the next time DarkSeoul disables some bourgeosie Seoul institution, we are
there to record and glorify it!
Imagine if bourgeosie tools such as Pablodraw and Moebius could be seized and
repurposed on behalf of the proletariat!!!
We know that compared to the geniuses of the Lazarus Group, we are but humble craftsman
and simple artisans, still we believe we can work best as a united front, workers of
the world uniting as Marx and the great Kim Il Song intended to complete the revolution.
Long live the great victory of Songun and the 80th column!
Refrigerator 3l33t
3rd Commissar of the Standing Committee of the Supreme Pixel Assembly
Kitchener, Ontario, FPRSO
We welcome to the organization secret agent Agv, who impressed our Guardians of the
Block judiciary committee by completing a double axel triple backflip while telling an
anti-capitalist joke. Agv will be assigned to squadron 6.5, where he will be tasked
with the removal of enemy propaganda from bulletin board systems.
We also welcome to the ranks secret agent MaDGod, who joins us with very impressive
lobster other seafood fraud inspection quotients. MaDGod will fight on behalf
of Lazarus in other metaphysical realms in which he can draw from powers such as
epoxy fist and sudden elk kick.
In sad news, we salute fallen comrade in arms RedEyz, who perished in the line of duty,
ensuring the survival of our organization in the process. The courageous actions of
RedEyz will never be forgotten work has already begun on a commemorative 20km tall
statue to be placed right in front of our top secret HQ.
Let us build a powerful block nation
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