this image contains text
here you go mafesto. thanks for supplying me with
an essay of human
understanding book two, chapter twenty seven. i c
ant believe how
much my essay rules, it is the best thing i have ev
er writeen in my entire
if any of you are wondering why this font is for ne
on crayon when the c
is nowhere to be found, please note that this does
not really concern me.
the only thing i said that i was going to be doing
was drawing ansi, and
that is precisely what i have done today. i never
said i knew
the alphabet. i dont understand that thing at all
. its so long and
complicated, and that alphabet song really pisses m
e off.
warpus tbroniew@uwaterloo.ca
here you go mafesto. thanks for supplying me with
an essay of human
understanding book two, chapter twenty seven. i c
ant believe how
much my essay rules, it is the best thing i have ev
er writeen in my entire
if any of you are wondering why this font is for ne
on crayon when the c
is nowhere to be found, please note that this does
not really concern me.
the only thing i said that i was going to be doing
was drawing ansi, and
that is precisely what i have done today. i never
said i knew
the alphabet. i dont understand that thing at all
. its so long and
complicated, and that alphabet song really pisses m
e off.
warpus tbroniew@uwaterloo.ca
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