this image contains text
neophyte of
the original of this pic was in
blender 18
you want a free logo, be one of the
first FIVE people to em
ail me at
neophyte@taos.canbbs.net with the
word gimmeanansiyoustupidfuc
ker in the text
t h e e a r t h i s i n d e e p s h i t
this was my submissi
on to blender 18, and i finally got
around to finishing it. i know its
not very good, but i
kind of like it anyways.
word to warpus.
neophyte of
the original of this pic was in
blender 18
you want a free logo, be one of the
first FIVE people to em
ail me at
neophyte@taos.canbbs.net with the
word gimmeanansiyoustupidfuc
ker in the text
t h e e a r t h i s i n d e e p s h i t
this was my submissi
on to blender 18, and i finally got
around to finishing it. i know its
not very good, but i
kind of like it anyways.
word to warpus.
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