this image contains text
stats for laz03feb.zip the febr
uary 1997 pack compiled by warpus
artists joining 0
were just taking a break
members leaving 0
arent we great?
members in group 9
see memberlist
members participating
8 everyone except wyvern
participation 88.9
rock on, lazarus
files in pack
total logos in pack
grind king 2 6.9
grind king 3
2 6.9
1 2.8
hachi 2
hachi 2
1 3.5
3 8.3
1 3.5
9 25.0
the silent killer 8
27.6 the silent kill
er 8 22.2
transient 5 17
.2 transient
3 8.3
warpus 4 13.8
warpus 3 8.3
joints 4 13.8
joints 4
total 29 100.0
36 100.0
total pics in pack
lines of ansi in the pack
grind king 2 15.4
grind king 219 17.9
hennifer 1
7.7 hennifer
125 10.2
hachi 1
7.7 hachi
61 5.0
iceage 0
0.0 iceage
58 4.7
neophyte 0
0.0 neophyte
241 19.7
the silent killer 0 0
.0 the silent killer
91 7.4
transient 5 38.5
194 15.9
warpus 2 15.4
97 7.9
joints 2 15.4
137 11.2
total 13 100.0
1223 100.0
lines that made up logos
lines that made up pics
grind king 35 5.6
grind king 184 30.9
hennifer 21 3
.4 hennifer
104 17.5
hachi 29 4.6
32 5.4
iceage 58 9
.3 iceage
0 0.0
neophyte 241 3
8.4 neophyte
0 0.0
the silent killer 91 14.5
the silent killer
0 0.0
transient 45 7.2
transient 149
warpus 49 7.8
warpus 48
joints 58 9.3
joints 79
total 627 100.0
596 100.0
other info
artist logo lines
pic lines
grind king 35 16.0
184 84.0
hennifer 21 1
6.8 104 83.2
hachi 29 47.
5 32 52.5
iceage 58 1
00.0 0 0.0
neophyte 241
100.0 0
the silent killer 91 100.0
0 0.0
transient 45 23.2
149 76.8
warpus 49 50.5
48 49.5
joints 58 42.3
79 57.7
total 627 51.3
596 48.7
artists participating in joints
in lazarus not in lazarus
joints produced
grind king 3 samurai
1 samurai + grind kin
hennifer 1 watOr
1 watOr + grind king
iceage 1
warpus + hennifer
warpus 1 iceage +
important things to remember
the fileid.diz, the
info file, the memberlist and
other misc files are not
taken under consideration. not ever.
the files in pack section deals wit
h ALL files but the misc files. this
includes asciis, rips, tu
torials, etc, but doesnt include the file
the memberlist and the info f
the other sections deal strictly wi
th art files in which i can coun
t the
number of lines. for example, rips woul
d not be included.
all percentages are rounded off to
one decimal place
itd be pretty hard to figure out w
hich artist did what in a joint, so that
why joints appear as an artist in some
you might have noticed the arrows
. if the artist in question has
produced more logos this month than last
for example, the arrow beside
his name under the logos section would be point
ing up. if there isnt
an arrow then there have been no changes, or the ar
tist didnt release
with lazarus last month.
down with apple juice.
uary 1997 pack compiled by warpus
artists joining 0
were just taking a break
members leaving 0
arent we great?
members in group 9
see memberlist
members participating
8 everyone except wyvern
participation 88.9
rock on, lazarus
files in pack
total logos in pack
grind king 2 6.9
grind king 3
2 6.9
1 2.8
hachi 2
hachi 2
1 3.5
3 8.3
1 3.5
9 25.0
the silent killer 8
27.6 the silent kill
er 8 22.2
transient 5 17
.2 transient
3 8.3
warpus 4 13.8
warpus 3 8.3
joints 4 13.8
joints 4
total 29 100.0
36 100.0
total pics in pack
lines of ansi in the pack
grind king 2 15.4
grind king 219 17.9
hennifer 1
7.7 hennifer
125 10.2
hachi 1
7.7 hachi
61 5.0
iceage 0
0.0 iceage
58 4.7
neophyte 0
0.0 neophyte
241 19.7
the silent killer 0 0
.0 the silent killer
91 7.4
transient 5 38.5
194 15.9
warpus 2 15.4
97 7.9
joints 2 15.4
137 11.2
total 13 100.0
1223 100.0
lines that made up logos
lines that made up pics
grind king 35 5.6
grind king 184 30.9
hennifer 21 3
.4 hennifer
104 17.5
hachi 29 4.6
32 5.4
iceage 58 9
.3 iceage
0 0.0
neophyte 241 3
8.4 neophyte
0 0.0
the silent killer 91 14.5
the silent killer
0 0.0
transient 45 7.2
transient 149
warpus 49 7.8
warpus 48
joints 58 9.3
joints 79
total 627 100.0
596 100.0
other info
artist logo lines
pic lines
grind king 35 16.0
184 84.0
hennifer 21 1
6.8 104 83.2
hachi 29 47.
5 32 52.5
iceage 58 1
00.0 0 0.0
neophyte 241
100.0 0
the silent killer 91 100.0
0 0.0
transient 45 23.2
149 76.8
warpus 49 50.5
48 49.5
joints 58 42.3
79 57.7
total 627 51.3
596 48.7
artists participating in joints
in lazarus not in lazarus
joints produced
grind king 3 samurai
1 samurai + grind kin
hennifer 1 watOr
1 watOr + grind king
iceage 1
warpus + hennifer
warpus 1 iceage +
important things to remember
the fileid.diz, the
info file, the memberlist and
other misc files are not
taken under consideration. not ever.
the files in pack section deals wit
h ALL files but the misc files. this
includes asciis, rips, tu
torials, etc, but doesnt include the file
the memberlist and the info f
the other sections deal strictly wi
th art files in which i can coun
t the
number of lines. for example, rips woul
d not be included.
all percentages are rounded off to
one decimal place
itd be pretty hard to figure out w
hich artist did what in a joint, so that
why joints appear as an artist in some
you might have noticed the arrows
. if the artist in question has
produced more logos this month than last
for example, the arrow beside
his name under the logos section would be point
ing up. if there isnt
an arrow then there have been no changes, or the ar
tist didnt release
with lazarus last month.
down with apple juice.
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