this image contains text
-*- P R O D U C T I O N S
1 9 9 4 -*-
Moon Knight is a registered tradem
ark of Marvel Comicstm
Produced by T/E cLapse Production
s 1994
Do us all a favor, dont rip this ANS
i and I wont have
to rip something of yours off!
If you would like an ANSi/Logo/ASCii,
You can contact me
on any of the following Boards:
The Lost Temple @ 801255-5251 L
apse WorldHQ
Ground Zero @ 801328-4236 Lapse Mou
Deadly Intoxication @ 801553-8644 L
apse Member
Network Contacts I can be reached at
are :
InfiNet, NokNet, FlameNet, SlimeNet,
DeadNet and CiDNet
- Vi0LT0R-X Vi0LT
0R-X Vi0LT0R-X Vi0LT0R-X -
- Yo! Stats here, Change to any col
or config. Change -
- anything within these 2 walls, L
eave all other -
- objects as-is. Saved in 70 Line
mode. If you -
- need me to add your stats, leave
me mail on my BBS -
- with what you want in them, and w
hat color scheme. -
- -- Delete these ugly hyphens! Sta
tsStatsStatsSta -- -
- -- Delete these ugly hyphens! Sta
tsStatsStatsSta -- -
- -- Delete these ugly hyphens! Sta
tsStatsStatsSta -- -
- -- Delete these ugly hyphens! Sta
tsStatsStatsSta -- -
-*- P R O D U C T I O N S
1 9 9 4 -*-
Moon Knight is a registered tradem
ark of Marvel Comicstm
Produced by T/E cLapse Production
s 1994
Do us all a favor, dont rip this ANS
i and I wont have
to rip something of yours off!
If you would like an ANSi/Logo/ASCii,
You can contact me
on any of the following Boards:
The Lost Temple @ 801255-5251 L
apse WorldHQ
Ground Zero @ 801328-4236 Lapse Mou
Deadly Intoxication @ 801553-8644 L
apse Member
Network Contacts I can be reached at
are :
InfiNet, NokNet, FlameNet, SlimeNet,
DeadNet and CiDNet
- Vi0LT0R-X Vi0LT
0R-X Vi0LT0R-X Vi0LT0R-X -
- Yo! Stats here, Change to any col
or config. Change -
- anything within these 2 walls, L
eave all other -
- objects as-is. Saved in 70 Line
mode. If you -
- need me to add your stats, leave
me mail on my BBS -
- with what you want in them, and w
hat color scheme. -
- -- Delete these ugly hyphens! Sta
tsStatsStatsSta -- -
- -- Delete these ugly hyphens! Sta
tsStatsStatsSta -- -
- -- Delete these ugly hyphens! Sta
tsStatsStatsSta -- -
- -- Delete these ugly hyphens! Sta
tsStatsStatsSta -- -
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