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Lapse August 1994 Information
Another month has passed, and Lapse is chugging along at a respectable pace.
As always, a few members have been gained and lost. We were sorry to see
Hellspawn and his expert ansi-drawing skills leave us he is now a member of
Tribe. Good Luck, Hellspawn!
One of the members we acquired this month is T/E, and hell be helping us out
in the ansi department. As you will notice, he is very productive, and has
improved drastically just in the past month. You should expect great things
from him in the future.
The viewer is faster and smoother than ever this month. The Red Flame
implemented hardware scrolling into it, and also added virus protection.
As before, LapseView views ANSI in all screen modes up to 1024x768 with VESA,
and also views AGSE, The Red Flames own graphic standard. AGSE emulates
real graphics with binary codes, much like ANSI, providing for extremely fast,
hi-resolution terminal emulation. Unfortunately, our VGA department was weak
this month, and you wont get to see much AGSE. Look out for it in the
Any way, there is some quality artwork in the pack from our artists, and
Insanitor continues to pump out nice tunes in .S3M format. Word has it that
The Red Flames next big addition to LapseView will be music-playing
capabilities, but until then, I recommend PSIs Scream Tracker 3.01 to
listen to Insanitors and Games music.
One thing that needs to be clarified: Lapse is NOT accepting any more sites
inside the continental-USA. Until further notice, well be sticking with
the sites and HQs we have now. We ARE, however, looking for talented,
productive artists and musicians, so feel free to apply via our application
Things to look for in the near future of Lapse: First, a literature
department. We will probably be releasing separate bi-monthly lit packs
hopefully starting with September. Also, we have considered creating a
small group of coders who will be coding PPEs for PCBoard BBS Software.
Expect the final word on that next month. Ansis using ExtendedColor a.k.a
iCEColor will most likely be in the next pack..
Until next month...
Delirium Tremens
Lapse Founder/Ansi Art Coordinator
Well, as Delirium Tremens said.. were sorry to see HellSpawn leave.. even
for Tribe.. heh.. Anyway, we picked up T/E and DeathWish.. both very
talented artists.. this month Phaser-X actually did something.. heh.. two
logos is all.. but still..
Also, since Im mostly in charge of sites.. Id like to re-emphasize that
we are *not* taking anymore sites in the Continental US.. Meaning, if youre
not in another country.. or in Hawaii or Alaska.. dont fucking bother.. heh.
Not to mention, we hardly have any couriers.. one.. and thats all so, most
of the distribution will be done through internet.. which is ten thousands
times more effective in my opinion..
Anyway, its just been another one of those hectic months.. I did weed out
the site list to all of my ability.. if you were taken from the site list the
reasons are either..
a Youre position/hq was not needed.. and only cluttered up the site lists
b I have not heard from you for quite some time
If youve got a problem, or need to contact me.. Im usually on irc in ansi
or lapse.. or you can mail me at tkiller@xmission.com or even call my board
Deadly Intoxication 801553-8644..
This pack, I included the slime-net pack Lapses official net so that
anyone who wishes to apply can fill out the application generator.. any
questions, comments, or requests can be sent to the address above..
Time Killer
Lapse Relations/Organization Coordinator
Well, we continue to go at it.. This month, weve improved the viewer,
or more precisely, The Red Flame has improved the viewer.. We have a lot of
new ANSIs, and a few new tunes.. Unfortunatly, our VGA department was weak
this month, but youve already heard all that.. g
Since Im mainly involved with the music, Ill concentrate on that.
Insanitor takes the work prize this month.. He has been working his butt off
composing, and is improving with every song. The Red Flame has shown us
that hes multi-talented with coming up with a great .s3m for the pack.
DOOM.S3M... Check it out, its really good. And I managed to scrounge up
one .s3m... I was really rushed with work this month, so I was unable to
do too much... My .s3m is kind of a departure from the stuff I usually
do. But anyways. Id really like to thank DT, TRF and TK for keeping up
coordination effort with the pack. And Tae, for giving us a boost in the
ANSI department.. As far as other groups go, and the only greet I make this
month, is to Wapatti.. One of the coolest guys in the scene.. I hope you
make Trip big.
Anyways, Im going to really try and get our music department
the best in the scene.. If it isnt already. Hopefully, sometime next
month, Ill be putting together a music disk. So look for it, under the
Lapse label. Until next month...
Music Coordinator
Another month has passed, and Lapse is chugging along at a respectable pace.
As always, a few members have been gained and lost. We were sorry to see
Hellspawn and his expert ansi-drawing skills leave us he is now a member of
Tribe. Good Luck, Hellspawn!
One of the members we acquired this month is T/E, and hell be helping us out
in the ansi department. As you will notice, he is very productive, and has
improved drastically just in the past month. You should expect great things
from him in the future.
The viewer is faster and smoother than ever this month. The Red Flame
implemented hardware scrolling into it, and also added virus protection.
As before, LapseView views ANSI in all screen modes up to 1024x768 with VESA,
and also views AGSE, The Red Flames own graphic standard. AGSE emulates
real graphics with binary codes, much like ANSI, providing for extremely fast,
hi-resolution terminal emulation. Unfortunately, our VGA department was weak
this month, and you wont get to see much AGSE. Look out for it in the
Any way, there is some quality artwork in the pack from our artists, and
Insanitor continues to pump out nice tunes in .S3M format. Word has it that
The Red Flames next big addition to LapseView will be music-playing
capabilities, but until then, I recommend PSIs Scream Tracker 3.01 to
listen to Insanitors and Games music.
One thing that needs to be clarified: Lapse is NOT accepting any more sites
inside the continental-USA. Until further notice, well be sticking with
the sites and HQs we have now. We ARE, however, looking for talented,
productive artists and musicians, so feel free to apply via our application
Things to look for in the near future of Lapse: First, a literature
department. We will probably be releasing separate bi-monthly lit packs
hopefully starting with September. Also, we have considered creating a
small group of coders who will be coding PPEs for PCBoard BBS Software.
Expect the final word on that next month. Ansis using ExtendedColor a.k.a
iCEColor will most likely be in the next pack..
Until next month...
Delirium Tremens
Lapse Founder/Ansi Art Coordinator
Well, as Delirium Tremens said.. were sorry to see HellSpawn leave.. even
for Tribe.. heh.. Anyway, we picked up T/E and DeathWish.. both very
talented artists.. this month Phaser-X actually did something.. heh.. two
logos is all.. but still..
Also, since Im mostly in charge of sites.. Id like to re-emphasize that
we are *not* taking anymore sites in the Continental US.. Meaning, if youre
not in another country.. or in Hawaii or Alaska.. dont fucking bother.. heh.
Not to mention, we hardly have any couriers.. one.. and thats all so, most
of the distribution will be done through internet.. which is ten thousands
times more effective in my opinion..
Anyway, its just been another one of those hectic months.. I did weed out
the site list to all of my ability.. if you were taken from the site list the
reasons are either..
a Youre position/hq was not needed.. and only cluttered up the site lists
b I have not heard from you for quite some time
If youve got a problem, or need to contact me.. Im usually on irc in ansi
or lapse.. or you can mail me at tkiller@xmission.com or even call my board
Deadly Intoxication 801553-8644..
This pack, I included the slime-net pack Lapses official net so that
anyone who wishes to apply can fill out the application generator.. any
questions, comments, or requests can be sent to the address above..
Time Killer
Lapse Relations/Organization Coordinator
Well, we continue to go at it.. This month, weve improved the viewer,
or more precisely, The Red Flame has improved the viewer.. We have a lot of
new ANSIs, and a few new tunes.. Unfortunatly, our VGA department was weak
this month, but youve already heard all that.. g
Since Im mainly involved with the music, Ill concentrate on that.
Insanitor takes the work prize this month.. He has been working his butt off
composing, and is improving with every song. The Red Flame has shown us
that hes multi-talented with coming up with a great .s3m for the pack.
DOOM.S3M... Check it out, its really good. And I managed to scrounge up
one .s3m... I was really rushed with work this month, so I was unable to
do too much... My .s3m is kind of a departure from the stuff I usually
do. But anyways. Id really like to thank DT, TRF and TK for keeping up
coordination effort with the pack. And Tae, for giving us a boost in the
ANSI department.. As far as other groups go, and the only greet I make this
month, is to Wapatti.. One of the coolest guys in the scene.. I hope you
make Trip big.
Anyways, Im going to really try and get our music department
the best in the scene.. If it isnt already. Hopefully, sometime next
month, Ill be putting together a music disk. So look for it, under the
Lapse label. Until next month...
Music Coordinator
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