warning: explicit content
this image contains text
., . Seattle - Horror erupted in Toronto today, as
.dyL as 12 year old Jeffrey Fourrier turned on
HA HA HA - j his computer, a routine habit for him, and
**88 was looking through some of his ascii computer
jSS@@yy. art files that he had created. To his
dismay, he found something unprecented in
:l ascii history. a MONSTROUS 150 line penis
l: invading a picture he drew of spawn! Quickly
l: he called the APD ascii police department
chief, Megga W. Hertz, whose only response
to this was:
So the whole of the ascii scene is left in
l: a state of panic today, not knowing when
.gGGg.:l -- the diabolical fiend that calls himself
jl / killer penis man will invade again.
---------o - help!
.dyL as 12 year old Jeffrey Fourrier turned on
HA HA HA - j his computer, a routine habit for him, and
**88 was looking through some of his ascii computer
jSS@@yy. art files that he had created. To his
dismay, he found something unprecented in
:l ascii history. a MONSTROUS 150 line penis
l: invading a picture he drew of spawn! Quickly
l: he called the APD ascii police department
chief, Megga W. Hertz, whose only response
to this was:
So the whole of the ascii scene is left in
l: a state of panic today, not knowing when
.gGGg.:l -- the diabolical fiend that calls himself
jl / killer penis man will invade again.
---------o - help!
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