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8*.d**8: l8*8.,yP,dP.@. j l: .y@SSSS. lb,! j88*l :T@yL : S@. : lb4: l.T: l: l L S@ ,. l:b.:l :! , lb. **88l :S@,. 8*.dl :8**.GSyy,. : l: l m ,88.L l :yy,,j: .,y@S!: :yL !P :, 4 .db,..,SPj ,8**PjP.dP.@@.b.4! j 4: l, !P.d L !l : : , ,.4L ! ! jl :L , !b,4: l*.d L b,4l :.@: lL : lL ! @Sl :L l :y, : l8* L ! jS@l .y@ST: lL : lP.d PS l L .l :P.dP8*. .,b,b, lL y: l ! jb, ., :8* b. :, *8l :P j b,T 8*.,y@Sb.G,.. ..GL !b,d: y@S: lL !88** :l :L !, ,yy@@SS L !, !: l: l! j, !l :l :**! j, !8* l8*8*..,, , j! j, .y@@SSl .y@SP.@S: j! j! .d PS! j*8l :L ! .,b, , Ty,.* L !l :@l :8* l :b,TS@y: .*8L !: l8 .,y@S: lb,Tl :S@y,.4L !l :.,y@S b,T .,T ! j b,T@S! j! j L *b,TP.d! jL P4b,. .d! jb. **8888** .GSS@@, y, .y@SL !S@yy,,,,,,yy@! , :b,Tb.48888****L4! j: lb,TL * ....,,,,P.d b,T Gg.4yy@@SST: ll :b,T! jL !yy@l :: lb P.d @S 88** ! j! j88**: .. ,yy@@SS *.d,yy :@SS: lL ,@S b, T: ll :L !4Pl : l .gb, l ! jP,,,,,...b. :l :! jGg,4b.: l! jL ! ! j l :! j! j*8: lL P jS@y, *8b,.*8l8 .dl :S@y,.G@y,...@: lSS@@@@@@ l :Pj: l:Pj P.dy*8l lb,T88****88: ,.: :!! j.,y@SSSS@.4 8**8! ! jL !l :l : llTP.gGGg.4! j ! j: l 4: l: l :: ,T! jL j: l! jl :! jL 4 y,. b. !! ,l :! j P j88b,l :! j: l :b. *88*.d ! j: l .yy@@@, 8P jl : lP.dSyyS: jly@S! jg,. .g b.Tl j: :.djl l : : :: :: :l ll ll l
D e d i L e v i
,,, .......... ...........,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! l : . :: :: j l: :l j : : j:l l: jl lljl l : :: :88****88: : --- ...... -----*****888888888**
With Night Daemons passing, Ive had some strange reactions. Its as if I wish
I could have had one last chance just to chat with him. The chance to bring
closure to a friendship that ended abruptly and unforewarned. I keep thinking
Ill have the chance, as strange as this must seem, to talk to him about his
suicide, and about his own death. I dont know why, but I cant get it out of
my head.
Im not going to be fashionably sensitive here, and throw up a big sob story.
Im not in tears. It wont affect my life. But, it did shock me and upset me
to an extent. Someone who shared a hobby of mine, computers, and the scene
in general, took his own life today.
Ive never understood suicide, but obviously only desperate times could
lead to those ends. Youre happier where you are now.
By the way. I recall some israeli people like volatile and metal militia
talking shit about night daemon. How fat he was, or how ugly, or some shit.
I dont remember the exact words, but I remember the point that was made.
I ask you, where was this respect for him that you have now, when you faggots
shamelessly bashed him?
D e d i L e v i
,,, .......... ...........,,,,,,,,,,,,: ! l : . :: :: j l: :l j : : j:l l: jl lljl l : :: :88****88: : --- ...... -----*****888888888**
With Night Daemons passing, Ive had some strange reactions. Its as if I wish
I could have had one last chance just to chat with him. The chance to bring
closure to a friendship that ended abruptly and unforewarned. I keep thinking
Ill have the chance, as strange as this must seem, to talk to him about his
suicide, and about his own death. I dont know why, but I cant get it out of
my head.
Im not going to be fashionably sensitive here, and throw up a big sob story.
Im not in tears. It wont affect my life. But, it did shock me and upset me
to an extent. Someone who shared a hobby of mine, computers, and the scene
in general, took his own life today.
Ive never understood suicide, but obviously only desperate times could
lead to those ends. Youre happier where you are now.
By the way. I recall some israeli people like volatile and metal militia
talking shit about night daemon. How fat he was, or how ugly, or some shit.
I dont remember the exact words, but I remember the point that was made.
I ask you, where was this respect for him that you have now, when you faggots
shamelessly bashed him?
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