this image contains text
yyy. .,,,.
,y, b.,y. mp. , b, . b./P . . b,. .,yd ,,,,.., ,db/ ?? *,., ,dSSb,,yy, ,yy,. ? P l i S S U E
/ /?P* ***, P ,
y R O N E
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
this is a header I did for tyrone... you may have never seen the full color
version, but it is as thus.
,y, b.,y. mp. , b, . b./P . . b,. .,yd ,,,,.., ,db/ ?? *,., ,dSSb,,yy, ,yy,. ? P l i S S U E
/ /?P* ***, P ,
y R O N E
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
this is a header I did for tyrone... you may have never seen the full color
version, but it is as thus.
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