this image contains text
: : :/ the +
loOp /:. .:::: : : ..:
+ / sim::::one: /:.:.:
+ : : : 2oo8 :..
: .the.loOp..presents. : / .
.:. ...: ascii.pack.number.24 :..../ /....:.
: . released.on.13.June.2oo8 :
: Hello dudes. Its been a quite loooong time since :
: our last release. We know it better than you . :
: There are some stories behind this number -24- pack. :
: Let me write some of them... So... :
: This one was to be released on July/August, 2oo4 but :
: SimonKing partially left the scene for the sake of :
: family and, as for me, I had a high school diploma :
: to finnish. But that wasnt all, as some of you could :
: guess. My hard disc crash took virtually everything :
: I have collected and done @*! but fortunately, :
: and thanks goodness, I had sent a part of my contri- :
: bution to SimonKing before it all happend. Never the :
: less few nice works were and are completely lost. :
: And later.. Well, real life and other obligations :
: took us so the things faded slowly away... :
: Now we are in Fabruary 2oo7. After some internal :
: talks we decided to release it instead of leaving it :
: lying somewhere in our drawers since 2oo4. The pack :
: was initially supposed to be out on May/June 2oo7. :
: After additional mobilisation of -The Corporation-, :
: everything was ready at the beginning of August 2k7. :
: But... Once again unfriendly forces have stroke at :
: us me. When I came back from vacation in middle :
: August 2007, I found my appartament completely plun- :
: dered with almost all the things upside-down. And yep:
: t was not easy. As for the scene work, fortunately :
: those kids were blind enough or what? and have not :
: noticed my USB half-opened back-up harddrive laying :
: just by the laptop. It was an old backup but -hey!-, :
: I had something saved on it! o/ :
: You probably know how does that feel, hem? :
: So finally we are in 2oo8, on June and here it is. :
: Finally... :
: Our work included in this pack is perhaps not a brand :
: new but 90 of them were completely unreleased. :
: Before reading these words, you have probably seen :
: already a BONUS directory containing some additional :
: material. I decided to include it spontaneously. :
: The graffiti pieces, as well as logo sketches, were :
: done a couple o years ago by me. A couple...? Gosh! :
: t was over a decade ago.../.. Time passes by very :
: fast... :
: Last words. :
: We really hope you like our work or at least a part :
: of it. Have a good time dudes... Cheers! :
: . .SimOne . :
.:.../ /.....:. on behalf of .: ..:.
. / : The Loop Corporation :
: .ppl.behind.this.release. : .
: I would like to thank these dudes for : .
: their cooperation ...and patience. :
: .aSPhyX........asx. :
: .cLEaNER.......cl!. :
: .clEVER........clv. :
: .kAMi68k.......kmi. :
: .rAmbO........rmb!. :
: .sIMONkING.....sK!. :
: .wiLlY.........wLY. :
: .yEaHlOn.......yhl. :
: Dzieki Panowie. Thank you guys. :
: .greets.and.other.stuff. : . /
: the authors send their respect to. : / /
: Hmm, to my friends and collegues I spent some time :
: with in NO A-Z order: :
: Suspect, Joker Team, Mystic, Luzers, Zack Team, :
: Action Direct, Deform, Haze, Mad Elks, Alchemy, :
: WFMH, Katharsis, Real Destruction, Pride, TRSI, :
: Fatum, Chromance, Agony Design, Elysium, F4CG, :
: Ikari/+Talent, Futuris, AmiSO/BTTR, BitFellas... :
: FS, DOA, DSC, EWC, SCR, B3S, WC, SD, iMF, C29... :
: and to those I forgot at this moment... :
:.../ ...:. -s1. .:. ...:
: .how.to.contact.us. : .
:::: If you want to send us some nice words, .::::
: feel free. However, we do not promise we will :
: answer immediately. Seems life took us once :
: again... :
loOp /:. .:::: : : ..:
+ / sim::::one: /:.:.:
+ : : : 2oo8 :..
: .the.loOp..presents. : / .
.:. ...: ascii.pack.number.24 :..../ /....:.
: . released.on.13.June.2oo8 :
: Hello dudes. Its been a quite loooong time since :
: our last release. We know it better than you . :
: There are some stories behind this number -24- pack. :
: Let me write some of them... So... :
: This one was to be released on July/August, 2oo4 but :
: SimonKing partially left the scene for the sake of :
: family and, as for me, I had a high school diploma :
: to finnish. But that wasnt all, as some of you could :
: guess. My hard disc crash took virtually everything :
: I have collected and done @*! but fortunately, :
: and thanks goodness, I had sent a part of my contri- :
: bution to SimonKing before it all happend. Never the :
: less few nice works were and are completely lost. :
: And later.. Well, real life and other obligations :
: took us so the things faded slowly away... :
: Now we are in Fabruary 2oo7. After some internal :
: talks we decided to release it instead of leaving it :
: lying somewhere in our drawers since 2oo4. The pack :
: was initially supposed to be out on May/June 2oo7. :
: After additional mobilisation of -The Corporation-, :
: everything was ready at the beginning of August 2k7. :
: But... Once again unfriendly forces have stroke at :
: us me. When I came back from vacation in middle :
: August 2007, I found my appartament completely plun- :
: dered with almost all the things upside-down. And yep:
: t was not easy. As for the scene work, fortunately :
: those kids were blind enough or what? and have not :
: noticed my USB half-opened back-up harddrive laying :
: just by the laptop. It was an old backup but -hey!-, :
: I had something saved on it! o/ :
: You probably know how does that feel, hem? :
: So finally we are in 2oo8, on June and here it is. :
: Finally... :
: Our work included in this pack is perhaps not a brand :
: new but 90 of them were completely unreleased. :
: Before reading these words, you have probably seen :
: already a BONUS directory containing some additional :
: material. I decided to include it spontaneously. :
: The graffiti pieces, as well as logo sketches, were :
: done a couple o years ago by me. A couple...? Gosh! :
: t was over a decade ago.../.. Time passes by very :
: fast... :
: Last words. :
: We really hope you like our work or at least a part :
: of it. Have a good time dudes... Cheers! :
: . .SimOne . :
.:.../ /.....:. on behalf of .: ..:.
. / : The Loop Corporation :
: .ppl.behind.this.release. : .
: I would like to thank these dudes for : .
: their cooperation ...and patience. :
: .aSPhyX........asx. :
: .cLEaNER.......cl!. :
: .clEVER........clv. :
: .kAMi68k.......kmi. :
: .rAmbO........rmb!. :
: .sIMONkING.....sK!. :
: .wiLlY.........wLY. :
: .yEaHlOn.......yhl. :
: Dzieki Panowie. Thank you guys. :
: .greets.and.other.stuff. : . /
: the authors send their respect to. : / /
: Hmm, to my friends and collegues I spent some time :
: with in NO A-Z order: :
: Suspect, Joker Team, Mystic, Luzers, Zack Team, :
: Action Direct, Deform, Haze, Mad Elks, Alchemy, :
: WFMH, Katharsis, Real Destruction, Pride, TRSI, :
: Fatum, Chromance, Agony Design, Elysium, F4CG, :
: Ikari/+Talent, Futuris, AmiSO/BTTR, BitFellas... :
: FS, DOA, DSC, EWC, SCR, B3S, WC, SD, iMF, C29... :
: and to those I forgot at this moment... :
:.../ ...:. -s1. .:. ...:
: .how.to.contact.us. : .
:::: If you want to send us some nice words, .::::
: feel free. However, we do not promise we will :
: answer immediately. Seems life took us once :
: again... :
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