this image contains text
Shinor presents his first colly entitled...
// sH! /
...Mind ascii
/ 01 download 07... 13... /
/ 02 the loop 08... 14... /
03 anothershittyascii 09... 15... /
04 blue waves 10... 16... /
05 edit.com 11... 17...
06 ... 12... 18...
.- sh! / / /
. /----Sh! /
// sH! /
.// // sH!//
// sH! /
...Mind ascii
/ 01 download 07... 13... /
/ 02 the loop 08... 14... /
03 anothershittyascii 09... 15... /
04 blue waves 10... 16... /
05 edit.com 11... 17...
06 ... 12... 18...
.- sh! / / /
. /----Sh! /
// sH! /
.// // sH!//
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