this image contains text
tHE loOP / / . . /
tHE loOP pack 17 released: 20/11/2002.
. hello!
Feel welcome to the newest the lo0p pack!
Were thelo0p nothing more and nothing less. A group of individuals
creating art, graphic other amazing productions! We invite you to
visit our new site! We are what we release so get on to the gallery
section download if you really wanna know who we are! :
best regards,
the leader
. we came from unknown... to rule the scene...
we control your mind... we cannot be seen... .
were gonna rule here... in a month or two...
./ but for that we need members... yes, we want YOU!...
- fitzroy/ex.thelo0p
m e m b e r s o f h o n o u r
. cEELOW........cw..../ansi/...ceelow@knology.net :
: cHOIZE........chz...ascii//...choize@gmx.de
gOSSAMER aXE..ga....ascii/ansi/...gsmraxe@gypsy.dyns.cx
j o i n u s!
. It all started back in august 1998 and after the group started it .
: just got bigger, better, more handsome, more intelligent and everything :
else a selected group of elites can be!
Soo what do we do best?
We do textmode graphics like ansi and ascii. Its a great artform to
: work with and it looks cool on the screen! Unfortunately many ppl
. forgot about textmode graphic :
: We also are producers of www. With a new member named yarx
we are going to concure the www industri with thelo0p www.
Join us! :
If you think you can make our group better, dont hesitate to join our .
forces. Just send an apply zip with your best art/www to
simonking@poczta.onet.pl and we will consider letting you in.
sac sense revival mimic impure1940 remorse1980 :
moonflow plf secular kore. plf deeznnuts cro
: galm galza mjd ice warlock maxxtro and you! .
s-nail mail:
simonking/thelo0p n.o.t.e.
: szymon grabinski
gdanska 13
89410 wiecbork :
: poland
e-mail: simonking@poczta.onet.pl
- nfo by don rapello / sac -
tHE loOP pack 17 released: 20/11/2002.
. hello!
Feel welcome to the newest the lo0p pack!
Were thelo0p nothing more and nothing less. A group of individuals
creating art, graphic other amazing productions! We invite you to
visit our new site! We are what we release so get on to the gallery
section download if you really wanna know who we are! :
best regards,
the leader
. we came from unknown... to rule the scene...
we control your mind... we cannot be seen... .
were gonna rule here... in a month or two...
./ but for that we need members... yes, we want YOU!...
- fitzroy/ex.thelo0p
m e m b e r s o f h o n o u r
. cEELOW........cw..../ansi/...ceelow@knology.net :
: cHOIZE........chz...ascii//...choize@gmx.de
gOSSAMER aXE..ga....ascii/ansi/...gsmraxe@gypsy.dyns.cx
j o i n u s!
. It all started back in august 1998 and after the group started it .
: just got bigger, better, more handsome, more intelligent and everything :
else a selected group of elites can be!
Soo what do we do best?
We do textmode graphics like ansi and ascii. Its a great artform to
: work with and it looks cool on the screen! Unfortunately many ppl
. forgot about textmode graphic :
: We also are producers of www. With a new member named yarx
we are going to concure the www industri with thelo0p www.
Join us! :
If you think you can make our group better, dont hesitate to join our .
forces. Just send an apply zip with your best art/www to
simonking@poczta.onet.pl and we will consider letting you in.
sac sense revival mimic impure1940 remorse1980 :
moonflow plf secular kore. plf deeznnuts cro
: galm galza mjd ice warlock maxxtro and you! .
s-nail mail:
simonking/thelo0p n.o.t.e.
: szymon grabinski
gdanska 13
89410 wiecbork :
: poland
e-mail: simonking@poczta.onet.pl
- nfo by don rapello / sac -
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