___________                ____\---------/
 _______           ___  _________/          /_______________/     \       /
 \   __/__________\\__)_\       /__        /       _______ /      _      /
  \___________           \       \/_______/__        |___//-------\\____/
      /---/___)___________\_______\         /-----/______/.tSd!      .
   |                            .....                                |
   |  ..sIMON..kING..           ::..:   of tHElo0p and iMPURE1940    |
   |           ______. /-------.......                               |
   |.         \\     |/        :     :  _____\----------/__________  |
   \---------- \              /:     : /      \        /     _____/---.
                \_   \    ___/ :     :/       _       /\     \__\     /
                 |---/\     \__:     :--------\\_____/  \_           /
                       \______|:     :                   |----------'
                               produly presents

                       an small ascii collection called

                           "#ascii request list!"

  hello dudes!

  i've got this ascii request list from blackjack/mimic. i did an request
  ascii, when i had all i started think about an ascii collections...
  my new ascii colly i dedicated for the founder/ex.u-race. stay cool dude!  

  szymon grabinski

  let's draw for...

Black Thursday, for skatter (skatter@EFNET)
telnet:// - currently online

                                \__|             \\ |__/
             ______     ____       :   ____  ____ \ |  .__. _
            /   /_/____/   /___________\_  \/  _/______|  |//______
           /    \      \ _/      /      /   \  \|      \          /
             b . l . a . c . k .    t . h . u . r . s . d . a . y .
      ____  ____      ___.________________         ____      ________  ____
     /   /_/   /_____/   !    /      /  _/_________\   \_____\_  \   \/   /
    /    _/         /    :   /   /__/_____   /     /    \     /   \__ \  /
    \____\\___|\____\________\___\ .     /___\__________/_________/ /___/
                                   :                :         sK!imp1940

Biohazard, for empty (empty@EFNET)
currently offline
                                                |                    |
                                                |  /                 |
   ._____       Õ-------¸                       | //                 | ___
   |  _  \  ___ |       | ___        ___    ___ :      ___  ___________\  \
  _| |_ _/__\_/_:       |/  /________\_ \___\_ \_______\_ \/      /   __   \
  \  |/     /   |       :   _   /  ._   /    __/  /  ._   /  /___/    |/   /_
  /________/|___|       .__|/__/\__|/___\____\|___\__|/___\__\   \__________/
  - -- -[sK!]-- |       | ------------ -- -   ____Õ b i o h a z a r d ¸____
                Ô-------¾                    //_/____//_______________.//_//

deadlock, for Black Jack (blk_jack@EFNET)
telnet:// - currently offline

                                            ...........       ...........
80x50                                       :   ......:.......:......   :
                                            :   :     :       :     :   :
                                            :...:.....:       :.....:...:
       __  __              __        __    __   :   _____    ___    :__.sK!l0p
  _____\ \/_/______   _____\_\  _____\ \  / /______/     \  /  /____|  | ___
_/__      \\|      \_/__    / \/__      \/ /      /__     \/__/     /  |/ _/___
\ \|       \        / \|       \\|       \ \     / \|      \\|      \    /    /
 \_________/_______/ \_________/_________/_______\_________/________/__|_____/
      d        e         a         d        l   .    o        c     :   k
                                            ....:......       ......:....
                                            :   :     :       :     :   :
                                            :   :.....:.......:.....:   :
                                            :.........:       :.........:

peepz, for Spinsane (spnSLEIGH)
currently offline

                                            |                |
                                            |  /             |
                                            | //             |
                   ____________________________________    ____
                  /        /        /        /        /____\_  \
         _ ___ __/ -      /  _     /  _   __/ -      /     ____/_ __ _
       (\\_\__\\, /______/ /______/  _____\, /______/\     \   ,/__/_//)
       - sK!  - |___| -- \___\ -- \___\ -- |___| ---- \________| -     -
                                            |                |
                                            | .o0 peepz 0o.  |

melt, for chaos (ch\ or ch^@EFNET)
currently offline

    _____________          ._______        ____     ____  sK!  _____________
 _ __ ___________\  ______ |      /_______/   /    /   /__    /___________ __ _
       _ _________\ \     \|     /   _   /   /____/   ___/_  /_________ _
    _ _____________\ \          /   /___/  _/    /  _/    / /_____________ _
           _ ______/ /____\  /__\\_____\\________\\_______\ \______ _
                     ------  --- -  --    - + m e l t + - --

Retina Pleasure, for Fatal Sacrilege (sarilege@EFNET) - currently online

                                ^rETINA pLEASURE^
               _________  ____       ____  __   ________     ____
    ___ __    _\        \/ __/______/   /__\/___\      /_____\_  \     __ ___
    \__\\_\\  \   |)   _/ _/       /   __/    /  /    /      |/   \  //_//__/
.________  ____\__|\____\_________/\____\_____\__\____\___________/_  ____
_\       \/   /____/ __/___________\_  \/   _/________|    \        \/ __/_____
\   /____/   /    / _/       /     |/   \____    /    |    _\ |)   _/ _/      /
 \___|   \________\_________/\__________/__|/___/\_________\__|\____\________/

seek, for cubeblue (
currently offline

                                       \|   |     |   |/
                                        |   |     |   |
                                        :   |     :   |
                    ____      ____      ____:     ____| sK!l0p
                   /  _/_____/  _/_____/  _/_____/   /____
           ______  \_       /  _/     /  _/     /       _/_  ______
          <______/ /_______/_________/_________/____/_____/ /______>
                                        |             |
       - ------------------------------ |   s e e k   | ------------- -
                                        |_  _______  _|
                                         /__\     /__\
                                            |     |
                                            :     :
                                            .     .


  greetings fly to my friends in: thelo0p. impure. mimic. remorse. the usual
  suspect. secular. dimentri. bafh. the crew and rest group of pc ascii scene.