this image contains text
Start of infwork buffer: Tue Sep 14 23:59:29 1999
Session Ident: infwork 2222@Dial031-76.externet.hu
infwork hi
infwork gimme an ascii psyonic
sIMONkING no problem
infwork :
sIMONkING you need ascii with logo psyonic ?
infwork thx pal
infwork ah
sIMONkING pls fill it
infwork sorry
infwork psytech
sIMONkING and fast reply to me
infwork psytech
infwork thx!!!
sIMONkING when is deadline?
infwork hehe
infwork u dont have to hurry
infwork do it in ur freetime ok?
sIMONkING what is psytech?
infwork a new group
infwork did u saw origin by astroidea?
sIMONkING nope
sIMONkING send me
infwork download it pliz
infwork it was done by me with arcon and reptile / ai
infwork but we discovered that we work fine pretty good
infwork so we created a new team
sIMONkING ok, are you coder?
infwork no
infwork gfx
sIMONkING vga?
infwork yeps
sIMONkING send me your works, pls
infwork mmmm
infwork could u w8 a few days?
infwork then my online galery will be up
infwork at inferno.planet-d.net
sIMONkING oh, ok
sIMONkING i looking for vga-gfxman
infwork for what team?
sIMONkING thelo0p
sIMONkING do you have any our pack?
infwork ahh
infwork i know that
infwork yeah
infwork i likeem
infwork i saw ur asciis
sIMONkING and, do you want join us?
infwork well
infwork u know im a bit overworked :
infwork but sometimes i could help u out
sIMONkING nice!
infwork when u need somethig and i got time
sIMONkING can you draw for thelo0p any logo or cover?
infwork mm
infwork yeah
infwork what kind
infwork and what res should i use?
sIMONkING 320x200
End of infwork buffer Tue Sep 14 23:59:29 1999
/ / / -+ informations +-
: / . about
. :sK!l0p
sK! -+ psytech +-
: new hungarian group!
...... we come from elite ......
/ // . / /-+ introduction +-
. :sK!l0p : history
. . / -+ memberstatus +-
/ sK! / /
-+ releases +- /
//------------- sK!l0p //
sK!l0p : : -+ contact +- :
. sK!l0
-+ greets +- :
if your dreams need our demos...
. sK!l0p
p s y t e c h
all asciis by simonking/thelo0p free/pay request: zuegrab@by.onet.pl
greetings for inferno/psytech
Session Ident: infwork 2222@Dial031-76.externet.hu
infwork hi
infwork gimme an ascii psyonic
sIMONkING no problem
infwork :
sIMONkING you need ascii with logo psyonic ?
infwork thx pal
infwork ah
sIMONkING pls fill it
infwork sorry
infwork psytech
sIMONkING and fast reply to me
infwork psytech
infwork thx!!!
sIMONkING when is deadline?
infwork hehe
infwork u dont have to hurry
infwork do it in ur freetime ok?
sIMONkING what is psytech?
infwork a new group
infwork did u saw origin by astroidea?
sIMONkING nope
sIMONkING send me
infwork download it pliz
infwork it was done by me with arcon and reptile / ai
infwork but we discovered that we work fine pretty good
infwork so we created a new team
sIMONkING ok, are you coder?
infwork no
infwork gfx
sIMONkING vga?
infwork yeps
sIMONkING send me your works, pls
infwork mmmm
infwork could u w8 a few days?
infwork then my online galery will be up
infwork at inferno.planet-d.net
sIMONkING oh, ok
sIMONkING i looking for vga-gfxman
infwork for what team?
sIMONkING thelo0p
sIMONkING do you have any our pack?
infwork ahh
infwork i know that
infwork yeah
infwork i likeem
infwork i saw ur asciis
sIMONkING and, do you want join us?
infwork well
infwork u know im a bit overworked :
infwork but sometimes i could help u out
sIMONkING nice!
infwork when u need somethig and i got time
sIMONkING can you draw for thelo0p any logo or cover?
infwork mm
infwork yeah
infwork what kind
infwork and what res should i use?
sIMONkING 320x200
End of infwork buffer Tue Sep 14 23:59:29 1999
/ / / -+ informations +-
: / . about
. :sK!l0p
sK! -+ psytech +-
: new hungarian group!
...... we come from elite ......
/ // . / /-+ introduction +-
. :sK!l0p : history
. . / -+ memberstatus +-
/ sK! / /
-+ releases +- /
//------------- sK!l0p //
sK!l0p : : -+ contact +- :
. sK!l0
-+ greets +- :
if your dreams need our demos...
. sK!l0p
p s y t e c h
all asciis by simonking/thelo0p free/pay request: zuegrab@by.onet.pl
greetings for inferno/psytech
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