this image contains text
t h e pyyyyyyyq
l o 0 p
., ., yyy Heres one of the two logos made for
: ? thelo0ps forthcoming artpack. Hope,
l l:.ss, ,, you enjoy this one too.
dl :?dl
l pyy .g
?ll is. ..
: s. d , l: .dP?b.
.,,.bx, :l .ss.P ?ggg
.ss., P?P ?ls.
:, l l: :P?,
,, lb,.,dl ll l
.SS. ,s, ::?P:?b. .db,.,d
, ?P
,Ts. :l
,gp, , l: fyd!
:::. ,Y,? Contact me at this e-mail:
:: ,,, floydvi@egon.gyaloglo.hu
l o 0 p
., ., yyy Heres one of the two logos made for
: ? thelo0ps forthcoming artpack. Hope,
l l:.ss, ,, you enjoy this one too.
dl :?dl
l pyy .g
?ll is. ..
: s. d , l: .dP?b.
.,,.bx, :l .ss.P ?ggg
.ss., P?P ?ls.
:, l l: :P?,
,, lb,.,dl ll l
.SS. ,s, ::?P:?b. .db,.,d
, ?P
,Ts. :l
,gp, , l: fyd!
:::. ,Y,? Contact me at this e-mail:
:: ,,, floydvi@egon.gyaloglo.hu
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