this image contains text
letters from the kWestside i.ii
, .,sS,dPYb.
,d .sPdP b
.,sS .,gS d. , dP b
,,gSS7.,gSS: -- ,b ----- dP ----- : ---------- l: ---
P.,s P,s :l ,. :: l l :l :l ssssg*
,sS: b.i ,, l:Y,7S :. Y P.,y
:l b,Y,l l.dP . , l Ss,.. Y,SP ,sSP
l l: b.Y, : db ,d: .dP Yb..,sSS.,gS
: :. Y. db l .P ,sSb, YPl .d
. l. l db :. ,b, Y. :
l :l l l::P :b.l ll lb Y. I
------- l: ------- :l. ---------- : b, --------------- l: ------
.l :: newsletter Ss,. . :l dy
Ss, ::: member list 7 Yb,..,dP I
Y and other stuff.. SS
Y : : l:
The name came about a few months ago. Kwestphunk was a specific style
used by myself and a few friends, it was like, our kwestphunk styled ascii was
our double edge sword, I mean we had many different styles, mostly internal
technique, copyrighted by the artist, one would use a different size, one would
use a neat swirl. It was all around a completely elegant style. So I just used
it synonymously and metaphorically, and mixed them together..I feel no one can
mess with our skills graphically, because our double edge sword is to large.
i hoped for it to be unmatchable, and invincible..and so, from the root idea of
Kwestphunk, I pulled kWEST!. I, Cain, am considered to be the founder.
oo ...............:.: .
/ / / --o-.
/ / / / oOooOo/ /
k / / // //
e /
/ : : w . t
/ : :: s !BM
Its like a family..
Its like a clan..
Its like a unit..
Its like were the ascii congress..
And its like Well delegate a lot of plans to show, and
prove to the nation, that were powerful with what were
dealing with..
And when you deal with 19 brothers, its like dealing with 19
planets, and at the same time This is our universe kid!,
and were gonna keep shining daily..
.dk. ,Ts,
cN!kW ,,4k.?P.,dPdb,. spinsane!rmrs
,d 7pS: ?S lk 4l .,,s@ST7py@k
p@TP,dP 1l. .Dk 49 d .dPlk.st
,sP .lk.sTkyq , .k. d,.sP
l, :P, k., sTkS@s,,. s l,
:T@s,,. 7 :SSk7 ,4l+STk. ? :,
l 4K:7 pyy* l: Ds@T7 jl:
l: ll,lk,dls,,sllstP,d.
:l ,dP,SSS7SSSPk,l .j7
,, ,S,,S,S,,,4ts5P
To trace the beginning of the group is actually hard...we always hung
around each other, but never really identified ourselves as kWEST!, we were
always split up in different groups..mainly remorse81 and noname!a, most of us
always drew together at one point, but didnt know each other to well. Some of
us live in the same country, thats about it. We were all connected one way or
another. Personally me, Cain, Im the common denominator to everybody in kWEST!
..you see they all definately knew me, if they didnt know each other, they
definately knew me.
Thats kind of how the idea came about, they all know me quite well..
so what could stop us from joining together as a group of friends, to release
quality ascii?..well, obviously nothing is in the way, we dont need to compete
with anyone, were not here for that..quality ascii is the idea, and thats how
itll be. KWEST IS HERE FOREVER, MOTHER FUCKER..not as competition, we dont
specifically care for it as others do, although..we stick up for our name, and
what were about..if it does come to crushing some poor box of cereal, we will.
I seem labelled as a mischievous little ascii buff, so wrong. I went
through that stage with noname, and kWEST! is higher form of life compared to
noname. I simply realized that competition is irrelevant and useless to how me
and my friends would do our thing. We dont need to prove a damn thing, but, as
I said before, we will if we feel threatened.
You can stereotype us as what you want. But, kWEST! is ascii. I said it
was a group of friends, and it is. I said it wasnt a group, but theoretically,
it is. It all comes down to how YOU look at us. So, in closing, take us for
what you want, we know exactly what we are, do you?
......... : : ........ dp : : ...........
: : : oOo 0o oOo : :
: / / / //o . :
There are few ascii groups in the scene today, that actually deserve
the respect they get. Why do these groups get kWESTs props? ..simply because
they were always a little better then the rest, they influenced me, or in this
case, US at one point or another. And, as I said, the amount of influence, can
greatly involve the scene around them..in the group at hand. Consider that
when you read the following greets, and the reasons:
- First, and foremost..pMk, for PC ascii as we know it today.
- The kTS!A crew, without you, acsii wouldnt be what it is today, and
a large strings of groups would have never been formed.
- The original Remorse ascii crew, for their influence on the PC ascii
scene, you spawned a lot of funkyass shit, thanks.
- The infamous Trank Ascii, for some of the most amazing ascii EVER
released..and for flexxing the rule of survival of the fittest.
- Asciid, what can I say? some of the best, all clumped up together in
weird style of release..original, fat, with a p!
- s0ap asCii, for the most revolutionary new school ever to be released,
no one did it quite like us, and we can hold tREW tO dAT.
- The Remorse 1981 clique! for keeping it real, dont go anywhere, the
establishment is one of the best, if not the best.
- Noname Ascii, not to be cocky and arrogant, but it meant a lot to me,
and a lot to everyone else who viewed.
- Sargon, dont get me wrong. I respect Serial..except it has yet to
influence me, let alone shock me. Hang tough, bitch.
- Blindman, I loved Basic like my brother, except the above applies
here to. The shit will come together, I know that.
MQQl :gg,, gg ...:gg
ll l l:.gggQQQl
:gggQQQ: lQQ :.:pm l: KWest ,gQl
,g: Qg. :.ggl mgg,:l .. l
l l: .QlggQQ Qp,ggQQl l
l :l :b.7 ..gg.4 ll ll l
l g lb..dQQb, ,d , .gQQ
l 7 4QQl l ll,dQQ777
4QQQ 4b,...ggQ77
Kwest is a redefining group of ascii artists. It features the best from
both schools of ascii. When I say the best, I mean it! so I think its vital
that the scene recognizes who this tribe called kwest is:
- When you see Acid Jack, courtesy of 1981, throw up a K!
- When you see Baltazar, throw up a K!
- When you see Black Knight, throw up a K!
- When you see Blindman, throw up a K!
- When you see Cain, throw up a K!
- When you see Discyple, throw up a K!
- When you see Discofunk, throw up a K!
- When you see Endless Nameless, throw up a K!
- When you see Haji, throw up a K!
- When you see Mass Murderer, throw up a K!
- When you see Necromancer, courtesy of 1981, throw up a K!
- When you see OmicroN, courtesy of 1981, throw up a K!
- When you see Pariah, courtesy of 1981?, throw up a K!
- When you see Polypropz/morph, throw up a K, and kick him in the ass
- When you see theProdigy, throw up a K!
- When you see Purify, throw up a K!
- When you see Seraphim, throw up a K, and wish him goodbye.
- When you see The Masked Marauder, throw up a K!
So, in closing, Id like to thank all of you for viewing kwest 2, the
legacy does continue. Id like to thank all the guests in the pack aXB, aCk,
a few others, whoever they are . And well, well see you in kwest three.
KwestWard Ho! they said.
.P .sSSs.
Ss. b. . . ,
b. d. . , *.,
lb. d. b. b,.Ss,. :l
.sSl .d,P dT,,s7 TSy.l:
,sPsSb. d. T,d.SS..,T.
------- lSb.d.. T...S TSg. --------
:l,sS :.. Tl.T.. :l ,.TS
l llT.b.YSg.Y.. l: l.d
l::P..Ss,TSs. . :l ..d
:l .,b,dSs.TSb l:
--------- ---------------------------------- Pl ------------------
dyKWEST l:
the legacy continues. the genuine players advancing into the nine seven.
, .,sS,dPYb.
,d .sPdP b
.,sS .,gS d. , dP b
,,gSS7.,gSS: -- ,b ----- dP ----- : ---------- l: ---
P.,s P,s :l ,. :: l l :l :l ssssg*
,sS: b.i ,, l:Y,7S :. Y P.,y
:l b,Y,l l.dP . , l Ss,.. Y,SP ,sSP
l l: b.Y, : db ,d: .dP Yb..,sSS.,gS
: :. Y. db l .P ,sSb, YPl .d
. l. l db :. ,b, Y. :
l :l l l::P :b.l ll lb Y. I
------- l: ------- :l. ---------- : b, --------------- l: ------
.l :: newsletter Ss,. . :l dy
Ss, ::: member list 7 Yb,..,dP I
Y and other stuff.. SS
Y : : l:
The name came about a few months ago. Kwestphunk was a specific style
used by myself and a few friends, it was like, our kwestphunk styled ascii was
our double edge sword, I mean we had many different styles, mostly internal
technique, copyrighted by the artist, one would use a different size, one would
use a neat swirl. It was all around a completely elegant style. So I just used
it synonymously and metaphorically, and mixed them together..I feel no one can
mess with our skills graphically, because our double edge sword is to large.
i hoped for it to be unmatchable, and invincible..and so, from the root idea of
Kwestphunk, I pulled kWEST!. I, Cain, am considered to be the founder.
oo ...............:.: .
/ / / --o-.
/ / / / oOooOo/ /
k / / // //
e /
/ : : w . t
/ : :: s !BM
Its like a family..
Its like a clan..
Its like a unit..
Its like were the ascii congress..
And its like Well delegate a lot of plans to show, and
prove to the nation, that were powerful with what were
dealing with..
And when you deal with 19 brothers, its like dealing with 19
planets, and at the same time This is our universe kid!,
and were gonna keep shining daily..
.dk. ,Ts,
cN!kW ,,4k.?P.,dPdb,. spinsane!rmrs
,d 7pS: ?S lk 4l .,,s@ST7py@k
p@TP,dP 1l. .Dk 49 d .dPlk.st
,sP .lk.sTkyq , .k. d,.sP
l, :P, k., sTkS@s,,. s l,
:T@s,,. 7 :SSk7 ,4l+STk. ? :,
l 4K:7 pyy* l: Ds@T7 jl:
l: ll,lk,dls,,sllstP,d.
:l ,dP,SSS7SSSPk,l .j7
,, ,S,,S,S,,,4ts5P
To trace the beginning of the group is actually hard...we always hung
around each other, but never really identified ourselves as kWEST!, we were
always split up in different groups..mainly remorse81 and noname!a, most of us
always drew together at one point, but didnt know each other to well. Some of
us live in the same country, thats about it. We were all connected one way or
another. Personally me, Cain, Im the common denominator to everybody in kWEST!
..you see they all definately knew me, if they didnt know each other, they
definately knew me.
Thats kind of how the idea came about, they all know me quite well..
so what could stop us from joining together as a group of friends, to release
quality ascii?..well, obviously nothing is in the way, we dont need to compete
with anyone, were not here for that..quality ascii is the idea, and thats how
itll be. KWEST IS HERE FOREVER, MOTHER FUCKER..not as competition, we dont
specifically care for it as others do, although..we stick up for our name, and
what were about..if it does come to crushing some poor box of cereal, we will.
I seem labelled as a mischievous little ascii buff, so wrong. I went
through that stage with noname, and kWEST! is higher form of life compared to
noname. I simply realized that competition is irrelevant and useless to how me
and my friends would do our thing. We dont need to prove a damn thing, but, as
I said before, we will if we feel threatened.
You can stereotype us as what you want. But, kWEST! is ascii. I said it
was a group of friends, and it is. I said it wasnt a group, but theoretically,
it is. It all comes down to how YOU look at us. So, in closing, take us for
what you want, we know exactly what we are, do you?
......... : : ........ dp : : ...........
: : : oOo 0o oOo : :
: / / / //o . :
There are few ascii groups in the scene today, that actually deserve
the respect they get. Why do these groups get kWESTs props? ..simply because
they were always a little better then the rest, they influenced me, or in this
case, US at one point or another. And, as I said, the amount of influence, can
greatly involve the scene around them..in the group at hand. Consider that
when you read the following greets, and the reasons:
- First, and foremost..pMk, for PC ascii as we know it today.
- The kTS!A crew, without you, acsii wouldnt be what it is today, and
a large strings of groups would have never been formed.
- The original Remorse ascii crew, for their influence on the PC ascii
scene, you spawned a lot of funkyass shit, thanks.
- The infamous Trank Ascii, for some of the most amazing ascii EVER
released..and for flexxing the rule of survival of the fittest.
- Asciid, what can I say? some of the best, all clumped up together in
weird style of release..original, fat, with a p!
- s0ap asCii, for the most revolutionary new school ever to be released,
no one did it quite like us, and we can hold tREW tO dAT.
- The Remorse 1981 clique! for keeping it real, dont go anywhere, the
establishment is one of the best, if not the best.
- Noname Ascii, not to be cocky and arrogant, but it meant a lot to me,
and a lot to everyone else who viewed.
- Sargon, dont get me wrong. I respect Serial..except it has yet to
influence me, let alone shock me. Hang tough, bitch.
- Blindman, I loved Basic like my brother, except the above applies
here to. The shit will come together, I know that.
MQQl :gg,, gg ...:gg
ll l l:.gggQQQl
:gggQQQ: lQQ :.:pm l: KWest ,gQl
,g: Qg. :.ggl mgg,:l .. l
l l: .QlggQQ Qp,ggQQl l
l :l :b.7 ..gg.4 ll ll l
l g lb..dQQb, ,d , .gQQ
l 7 4QQl l ll,dQQ777
4QQQ 4b,...ggQ77
Kwest is a redefining group of ascii artists. It features the best from
both schools of ascii. When I say the best, I mean it! so I think its vital
that the scene recognizes who this tribe called kwest is:
- When you see Acid Jack, courtesy of 1981, throw up a K!
- When you see Baltazar, throw up a K!
- When you see Black Knight, throw up a K!
- When you see Blindman, throw up a K!
- When you see Cain, throw up a K!
- When you see Discyple, throw up a K!
- When you see Discofunk, throw up a K!
- When you see Endless Nameless, throw up a K!
- When you see Haji, throw up a K!
- When you see Mass Murderer, throw up a K!
- When you see Necromancer, courtesy of 1981, throw up a K!
- When you see OmicroN, courtesy of 1981, throw up a K!
- When you see Pariah, courtesy of 1981?, throw up a K!
- When you see Polypropz/morph, throw up a K, and kick him in the ass
- When you see theProdigy, throw up a K!
- When you see Purify, throw up a K!
- When you see Seraphim, throw up a K, and wish him goodbye.
- When you see The Masked Marauder, throw up a K!
So, in closing, Id like to thank all of you for viewing kwest 2, the
legacy does continue. Id like to thank all the guests in the pack aXB, aCk,
a few others, whoever they are . And well, well see you in kwest three.
KwestWard Ho! they said.
.P .sSSs.
Ss. b. . . ,
b. d. . , *.,
lb. d. b. b,.Ss,. :l
.sSl .d,P dT,,s7 TSy.l:
,sPsSb. d. T,d.SS..,T.
------- lSb.d.. T...S TSg. --------
:l,sS :.. Tl.T.. :l ,.TS
l llT.b.YSg.Y.. l: l.d
l::P..Ss,TSs. . :l ..d
:l .,b,dSs.TSb l:
--------- ---------------------------------- Pl ------------------
dyKWEST l:
the legacy continues. the genuine players advancing into the nine seven.
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