this image contains text
- katharsis -
. title kts!ass-key pack 16 polands premier pc group
- artists da kts!ask pound tocont barnasch kola tinyz
- rating really doe tracker wtp jap mace taranova
- graphics cool ascii gfx gulash
- date 10:31:94 holloween -/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--
- company kts!ass-key aSSKEY katharsis ASSKEy
- packager tINYZ sS tinyz sparr SS
. sound err... uh... no iNET eerie k-spiff INEt
+ -- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- -- iNET mass delusion nightrain INEt
another month, another pack... iNET poskgubbe redd saro INEt
another pack, another nfo... iNTL motion man shock-g INTl
just glance this coolio thing so i
dont get 69,000 questions on irc about kts!ass-key sHIT
1 first off: the name. me and sparr wanted to change the name of the
group from kts!ass-key to pMp not an acronym... i was about to do
it, then posk started bitching, md said he liked kts, nt said NO!
so i put it to a vote. i recived 7 ballots: 5 against - 1 for - 1
member abstained me so there you have it...
2 ive released all the katharsis!ascii work from packs 1-12 as a
mEGAcOLLY, which means all the asciis are in one big fucking textfile
which you can prolly find on ummm deadbaby, or your local dist site
the colly includes EVERY SINGLE WORK i did during my solo career,
its about 350k of ascii, about 230-240 asciis...
3 some of rEDDs shit in the last pack was double released... it
doesnt really matter, because nobody noticed, but some of the asciis
from the pack can also be found in rEDDs Subliminal pack, which was
released onto the amiga scene...
4 sliver cut went to the army for three years urgh
5 rEDDs modem blew up so im not sure of his status right now...
6 kts!ass-key now has a senior staff... its made up of uhh... me and
sparr! sparr was selected because of his work with recruting members
spreading packs, etc etc etc etc etc etc
7 gnu members this month include k-spiff of union ansi fame... mah
nikka mD mass delusion formerly of alIve and now of uNION...
poskgubbe, da dope ass finnish iCE coder living in beverly hills
is wit us ... motion man dom from denmark hooks up wit us for some
more euro-flava... eerie comes in from da killer relic side of the
scene to drop some high ascii...
8 MUCHO IMPORTANT! Dist Site sysops, you MUST get in touch with me via
the internet/a member to tell me that youre alive and to give me
your internet e-mail address! im working on a whole new way of
setting up a courier network so GET IN TOUCH WITH ME!
9 this pack has one hundered individual pieces of work! so i do hope
that every ascii fan can find something for him/herself in here...
enjoy the pack everyone... and happy holloween
0 dist site changes - there were a lot of these, so just compare this
with the sitelist from the 15th pack... pthht...
---// tINYZ //--// katharsis!ass-key cOMMANDER+iN+cHIEF //---
--- this is the present. enjoy it while it lasts ---
+ Brian 603 - nice piece of code! and the hidden Greets +
: Asaf +972 - where the fuck is my toonsi? :
+ Juho +358 - were still be pimp man... dont be bitter +
: Josh 616 - is PPiC still around fool? :
+ Rob 703 - i never call you cuz i never have cards! +
: Matt 817 - so whens the wedding??? carolyn invited me D :
+ Jay 413 - gangs suck call irc sometime man... +
: Matt 704 - jihad is holy war in arabic you fool :
+ G 305 - join us fool +
: Brian 408 - booyeah... and all dat too :
+ Our Fans - thanks for all your support +
: Eric 713 - Mike 413 - Cameron 408 - Aaron 512 - Dan 606 :
katharsis e-mail address :: tocont@maloka.waw.pl
are you sure? +48-2-669-4oo4 tocont whq
new hope 22-8 +48-2-614-7374 tracker member
kts!ass-key e-mail address :: zynit@maloka.waw.pl
approach to danger +48-soonup-mofo tinyz k!A whq!
studio 69 +1-713-xxx-xxxx nightrain k!A member
da joint +358-31-653-815 shock-g! k!A member
deadbaby.res.wpi.edu +----+---+----+ sids k!A net.hq
anonymous psychosis +45-5-362-5323 motion man k!A dk.hq
wonderland +41-6-447-3o46 pfuusus k!A ch.hq
golden image zyx +49-6o3-946-124 brian k!A de.hq
v.FC +49-6o3-945-756 brian k!A de.hq
neo tokyo zyx +32-5o-62o-112 tasmaniac k!A be.hq
dual +32-5o-625-717 tasmaniac k!A be.hq
perpetual motion +1-416-267-6139 swindler k!A ca.hq
atari blues v.32x4 +972-9-919-84o cooly k!A il.hq
v.FCx2 +972-9-984-193 cooly k!A il.hq
soul asylum +358-o-5o5-5o41 fear k!A fi.hq
packaged rebellion +1-4o8-246-o281 mass delusion k!A us.hq
terra firma v.34 DS +1-714-963-4851 somms k!a us.whq
v.34 DS +1-714-963-4972 somms k!a us.whq
badlands +1-4o8-268-4251 soul taker k!A distro
reunion of souls +1-7o3-481-1881 widow maker k!A distro
seeds of destruction +1-413-743-9183 phaser-x k!A distro
deadly intoxication +1-8o1-553-8644 time killer k!A distro
the mourning after +1-817-561-539o neuropsychosis k!A distro
golgotha +1-616-285-8076 p. assassin k!A distro
hidden reality +1-5o3-968-1963 entity k!A distro
realm of insanity +1-2o3-568-15o2 godspeed k!A distro
meltdown +1-4o8-445-9323 bastardiser k!A distro
belfast +1-916-488-1048 choco-sex k!A distro
tramontane +1-813-653-1652 d. dream k!A distro
harvest moon +1-216-951-7069 quran k!A distro
katharsis would like to remind you to support your local ryhme syndicate
! stupid fuckers like you should ride the bus - mickey sPARR mouse - !
- katharsis -
. title kts!ass-key pack 16 polands premier pc group
- artists da kts!ask pound tocont barnasch kola tinyz
- rating really doe tracker wtp jap mace taranova
- graphics cool ascii gfx gulash
- date 10:31:94 holloween -/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--
- company kts!ass-key aSSKEY katharsis ASSKEy
- packager tINYZ sS tinyz sparr SS
. sound err... uh... no iNET eerie k-spiff INEt
+ -- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- -- iNET mass delusion nightrain INEt
another month, another pack... iNET poskgubbe redd saro INEt
another pack, another nfo... iNTL motion man shock-g INTl
just glance this coolio thing so i
dont get 69,000 questions on irc about kts!ass-key sHIT
1 first off: the name. me and sparr wanted to change the name of the
group from kts!ass-key to pMp not an acronym... i was about to do
it, then posk started bitching, md said he liked kts, nt said NO!
so i put it to a vote. i recived 7 ballots: 5 against - 1 for - 1
member abstained me so there you have it...
2 ive released all the katharsis!ascii work from packs 1-12 as a
mEGAcOLLY, which means all the asciis are in one big fucking textfile
which you can prolly find on ummm deadbaby, or your local dist site
the colly includes EVERY SINGLE WORK i did during my solo career,
its about 350k of ascii, about 230-240 asciis...
3 some of rEDDs shit in the last pack was double released... it
doesnt really matter, because nobody noticed, but some of the asciis
from the pack can also be found in rEDDs Subliminal pack, which was
released onto the amiga scene...
4 sliver cut went to the army for three years urgh
5 rEDDs modem blew up so im not sure of his status right now...
6 kts!ass-key now has a senior staff... its made up of uhh... me and
sparr! sparr was selected because of his work with recruting members
spreading packs, etc etc etc etc etc etc
7 gnu members this month include k-spiff of union ansi fame... mah
nikka mD mass delusion formerly of alIve and now of uNION...
poskgubbe, da dope ass finnish iCE coder living in beverly hills
is wit us ... motion man dom from denmark hooks up wit us for some
more euro-flava... eerie comes in from da killer relic side of the
scene to drop some high ascii...
8 MUCHO IMPORTANT! Dist Site sysops, you MUST get in touch with me via
the internet/a member to tell me that youre alive and to give me
your internet e-mail address! im working on a whole new way of
setting up a courier network so GET IN TOUCH WITH ME!
9 this pack has one hundered individual pieces of work! so i do hope
that every ascii fan can find something for him/herself in here...
enjoy the pack everyone... and happy holloween
0 dist site changes - there were a lot of these, so just compare this
with the sitelist from the 15th pack... pthht...
---// tINYZ //--// katharsis!ass-key cOMMANDER+iN+cHIEF //---
--- this is the present. enjoy it while it lasts ---
+ Brian 603 - nice piece of code! and the hidden Greets +
: Asaf +972 - where the fuck is my toonsi? :
+ Juho +358 - were still be pimp man... dont be bitter +
: Josh 616 - is PPiC still around fool? :
+ Rob 703 - i never call you cuz i never have cards! +
: Matt 817 - so whens the wedding??? carolyn invited me D :
+ Jay 413 - gangs suck call irc sometime man... +
: Matt 704 - jihad is holy war in arabic you fool :
+ G 305 - join us fool +
: Brian 408 - booyeah... and all dat too :
+ Our Fans - thanks for all your support +
: Eric 713 - Mike 413 - Cameron 408 - Aaron 512 - Dan 606 :
katharsis e-mail address :: tocont@maloka.waw.pl
are you sure? +48-2-669-4oo4 tocont whq
new hope 22-8 +48-2-614-7374 tracker member
kts!ass-key e-mail address :: zynit@maloka.waw.pl
approach to danger +48-soonup-mofo tinyz k!A whq!
studio 69 +1-713-xxx-xxxx nightrain k!A member
da joint +358-31-653-815 shock-g! k!A member
deadbaby.res.wpi.edu +----+---+----+ sids k!A net.hq
anonymous psychosis +45-5-362-5323 motion man k!A dk.hq
wonderland +41-6-447-3o46 pfuusus k!A ch.hq
golden image zyx +49-6o3-946-124 brian k!A de.hq
v.FC +49-6o3-945-756 brian k!A de.hq
neo tokyo zyx +32-5o-62o-112 tasmaniac k!A be.hq
dual +32-5o-625-717 tasmaniac k!A be.hq
perpetual motion +1-416-267-6139 swindler k!A ca.hq
atari blues v.32x4 +972-9-919-84o cooly k!A il.hq
v.FCx2 +972-9-984-193 cooly k!A il.hq
soul asylum +358-o-5o5-5o41 fear k!A fi.hq
packaged rebellion +1-4o8-246-o281 mass delusion k!A us.hq
terra firma v.34 DS +1-714-963-4851 somms k!a us.whq
v.34 DS +1-714-963-4972 somms k!a us.whq
badlands +1-4o8-268-4251 soul taker k!A distro
reunion of souls +1-7o3-481-1881 widow maker k!A distro
seeds of destruction +1-413-743-9183 phaser-x k!A distro
deadly intoxication +1-8o1-553-8644 time killer k!A distro
the mourning after +1-817-561-539o neuropsychosis k!A distro
golgotha +1-616-285-8076 p. assassin k!A distro
hidden reality +1-5o3-968-1963 entity k!A distro
realm of insanity +1-2o3-568-15o2 godspeed k!A distro
meltdown +1-4o8-445-9323 bastardiser k!A distro
belfast +1-916-488-1048 choco-sex k!A distro
tramontane +1-813-653-1652 d. dream k!A distro
harvest moon +1-216-951-7069 quran k!A distro
katharsis would like to remind you to support your local ryhme syndicate
! stupid fuckers like you should ride the bus - mickey sPARR mouse - !
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