this image contains text
:// / / / // / nine
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: o tz! : /
T. title kts!ascii pack 13 -- katharsis -- T
- artists katharsis!ascii crew polands premier pc group
- rating one-oh outta one-oh - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- graphics cool ascii gfx tocont barnasch kola tinyz
- date not today tracker wtp raf mace taranova
- company katharsis!ascii jap csl
- packager tinyz
. sound err... uh... no -/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--
+ -- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- -- + katharsis!ascii members
hi kids... welcome to another .: tinyz :.
thrilling katharsis!ascii funpack .x: NighTrain :x.
a lot of stuff has happened since .xX: Ryunosuke :Xx.
the release of the last pack... warez courier !art! utils
katharsis!ascii has gainned 4 sites
2 members and some recognition... this pack, like the last one, is almost
all requests at least from my end so thats pretty cool... hmm... if you
want to be a site/hq then just holler, the only limitation is that you must
be able to get the packs off the internet or supply me with att/sprint
cards... also, if you are interested in joining the first and only ascii
group on the scene, write me mail, or contact me through one of our members
a lot of people have said to me tinyz, doin asciis is HARD. why are your
asciis so phly which intrigues me... for me, asciis are easy to do... the
only hard part is to be original, which i keep trying to be, and not do the
same shit over and over... sure, ascii is hard in that you have a limited
amount of chars, but ANSi is even hard because of the great choice of chars
and colors and shit... uhhh... but enough about that...
the katharsis!ascii oscars will be put off till like the 15th pack because
of a shitty virus which had its way with my hd, read PPL3FAKE.TXT kids...
if ryunosuke gets this, then mail me at rudy@maloka.waw.pl because my other
acct is temp. down, but will be back up by weeks end... uhhh....
quote of the month: Id never blow an ACiD guy - Winter Rose
i joined alive, so like long live alive
spread katharsis warez world wide... hehe...
uhhhhhh... errr... ummm... thats about it... enjoy the pack, and if you
have any comments suggestions then you can find me on irc 12.ooam-6.ooam
central european time +1 or on any of the european hqs... latez all
tinyz katharsis!ascii supreme being -+- katharsis leech -+- alive artist
are you sure? +48-2-669-4oo4 tocont whq
new hope 22-8 +48-2-614-7374 tracker member
the well of souls +1-9o4-you-wish skull twister ushq
black sunday +48-uhhhhh...no tinyz k!a whq!
enigma +1-4o8-484-2o58 ryunosuke k!a member
anonymous psychosis +45-5-362-5323 motion man k!a dk.hq
wonderland +41-6-447-3o46 pfuusus k!a ch.hq
golden image +49-6o3-946-124 brian k!a de.hq
neo tokyo zyx 19.2 +32-5o-62o-112 tasmaniac k!a be.hq
usr 16.8 +32-5o-625-717 tasmaniac k!a be.hq
the house of pain +1-413-tmp-down mazter k!a us.hq
packaged rebellion +1-916-243-7165 mass delusion k!a us.whq
megazone +1-713-37o-9688 lupin k!a us.shq
perpetual motion +1-416-267-6139 swindler k!a ca.hq
reunion of souls +1-703-481-1881 widow maker k!a dist
hi hos go out to: Insidious.Widow Maker *- groups dat get greets
Pizza.Sparr.bRIAN.Pfuusus.Morbid Angel *-
kts!crew.Winter Rose.Kimble.Motion Man *-corp vor alive iceupa
irc crew.Mass Dellusion.and ever1 else *- acid hdb s!pbvn
---------tinyz@maloka.waw.pl---------- *- fukz
and we down for whatever - ice cube *- yoshi qba bolo yeung
katharsis would like to remind you to support your local ryhme syndicate
! stupid fuckers like you should ride the bus - mickey sparr mouse - !
// / o / : / / // . // four
/: o o / / ./ /
: o tz! : /
T. title kts!ascii pack 13 -- katharsis -- T
- artists katharsis!ascii crew polands premier pc group
- rating one-oh outta one-oh - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- graphics cool ascii gfx tocont barnasch kola tinyz
- date not today tracker wtp raf mace taranova
- company katharsis!ascii jap csl
- packager tinyz
. sound err... uh... no -/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--
+ -- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- -- + katharsis!ascii members
hi kids... welcome to another .: tinyz :.
thrilling katharsis!ascii funpack .x: NighTrain :x.
a lot of stuff has happened since .xX: Ryunosuke :Xx.
the release of the last pack... warez courier !art! utils
katharsis!ascii has gainned 4 sites
2 members and some recognition... this pack, like the last one, is almost
all requests at least from my end so thats pretty cool... hmm... if you
want to be a site/hq then just holler, the only limitation is that you must
be able to get the packs off the internet or supply me with att/sprint
cards... also, if you are interested in joining the first and only ascii
group on the scene, write me mail, or contact me through one of our members
a lot of people have said to me tinyz, doin asciis is HARD. why are your
asciis so phly which intrigues me... for me, asciis are easy to do... the
only hard part is to be original, which i keep trying to be, and not do the
same shit over and over... sure, ascii is hard in that you have a limited
amount of chars, but ANSi is even hard because of the great choice of chars
and colors and shit... uhhh... but enough about that...
the katharsis!ascii oscars will be put off till like the 15th pack because
of a shitty virus which had its way with my hd, read PPL3FAKE.TXT kids...
if ryunosuke gets this, then mail me at rudy@maloka.waw.pl because my other
acct is temp. down, but will be back up by weeks end... uhhh....
quote of the month: Id never blow an ACiD guy - Winter Rose
i joined alive, so like long live alive
spread katharsis warez world wide... hehe...
uhhhhhh... errr... ummm... thats about it... enjoy the pack, and if you
have any comments suggestions then you can find me on irc 12.ooam-6.ooam
central european time +1 or on any of the european hqs... latez all
tinyz katharsis!ascii supreme being -+- katharsis leech -+- alive artist
are you sure? +48-2-669-4oo4 tocont whq
new hope 22-8 +48-2-614-7374 tracker member
the well of souls +1-9o4-you-wish skull twister ushq
black sunday +48-uhhhhh...no tinyz k!a whq!
enigma +1-4o8-484-2o58 ryunosuke k!a member
anonymous psychosis +45-5-362-5323 motion man k!a dk.hq
wonderland +41-6-447-3o46 pfuusus k!a ch.hq
golden image +49-6o3-946-124 brian k!a de.hq
neo tokyo zyx 19.2 +32-5o-62o-112 tasmaniac k!a be.hq
usr 16.8 +32-5o-625-717 tasmaniac k!a be.hq
the house of pain +1-413-tmp-down mazter k!a us.hq
packaged rebellion +1-916-243-7165 mass delusion k!a us.whq
megazone +1-713-37o-9688 lupin k!a us.shq
perpetual motion +1-416-267-6139 swindler k!a ca.hq
reunion of souls +1-703-481-1881 widow maker k!a dist
hi hos go out to: Insidious.Widow Maker *- groups dat get greets
Pizza.Sparr.bRIAN.Pfuusus.Morbid Angel *-
kts!crew.Winter Rose.Kimble.Motion Man *-corp vor alive iceupa
irc crew.Mass Dellusion.and ever1 else *- acid hdb s!pbvn
---------tinyz@maloka.waw.pl---------- *- fukz
and we down for whatever - ice cube *- yoshi qba bolo yeung
katharsis would like to remind you to support your local ryhme syndicate
! stupid fuckers like you should ride the bus - mickey sparr mouse - !
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