this image contains text
:// / / : / nine
// / : / : / / // // four
tz! /
- Title kts!askii pack seven!! Date may 5th, nine-four -.
- Artist tinyz Company katharsis!ascii -:
- Rating some of my best work!!! Packager tinyz -
. Graphics !a!s!c!i!i! Sound no, no, no, no, no, no .
notes - lo boys and girls... welcome to another fine katharsis!ascii pack
by yours trully, tinyz... anyway, some misc. shit... ive noticed
that these packs are falling into a cycle... first i released the
first pack which was ok, then the second sucked... the new stuff
in the third pack was cool, but the fourth pack bit... the fifth
was quite cool, but the six suxed... so its like, every other pack
is good... time for a good one, which i think this pack is... it is
probably the best work that i have done yet, and somewhere around
the 10th pack ill compile my work into a big pack, and spread
it around... anyway, almost all the asciis you see before you were
done in 7 hours... enjoy em anyway... as always if you want an asc
or some shit, then mail me, or any kts member, wherever you find us!
oh yeah, i also have a guest in this pack, unreal, who ive had
some contact with lately, and pulled some of his better asciis, so
theyre here as well... latez homiez...
: falling back on that ass... - snoop doggy dogg
Are You Sure? whq ToconT +48-2-669-4oo4 19.2 zyx
Ministry ushq rocky moto +1-2o3-446-2642 14.4 v32b
New Hope 22-8 member Tracker +48-2-614-7374 14.4 v32b
Falling Down dist Mr.Cadabra +1-41o-72o-53o5 16.8 ds
Mamba dist EaSy RiDeR +48-22-36-74-43 16.8 ds
symphony k!a dkhq motion man +45-5-362-5323 19.2 zyx
/ loadz of doodz u dont know
/ - ToconT - Barnasch - Kola - tinyz - Tracker -
/ WtP - Raf - Mace Tarnova - JaP - CSL
* if youre not on the fucking list, youre not in the group! *
* that means you Bolo, Artur, et. al *
Personal greets go out to the following:
Tracker, Imzadi, Sir Tenley, j-23, BoB-X, Entropy, ZD, warez
WiLD THiNG, Unreal, ToconT, Kola, Luke, EaSy RiDeR
Morbid anGel, Motion Man, Sonia, WtP
group greets
ACiD, iCE, EMPiRE, all ANSi/art groups, Kiwi Birds, HDB, RiSC, AFL,
CoRP, all warez and trainers groups, substance, Q-Tip
personal and group fuck yous
ZWK, Bolo Yeung die bitch, KRRiTV, Yoshi, Lik langfod@csos.orst.edu
-/- If you are interested in joining Polands premier PC group, --
-/- leave mail to one of us on any of the aforementioned boards --
- !!! BEWAREOFLik langfod@csos - HEHASBUSTEDMEANDNOW !!! -
/*- if you use this pack, buy me a cow! -*
its 187 on an undercover cop - snoop -tz!
:// / / : / nine
// / : / : / / // // four
tz! /
- Title kts!askii pack seven!! Date may 5th, nine-four -.
- Artist tinyz Company katharsis!ascii -:
- Rating some of my best work!!! Packager tinyz -
. Graphics !a!s!c!i!i! Sound no, no, no, no, no, no .
notes - lo boys and girls... welcome to another fine katharsis!ascii pack
by yours trully, tinyz... anyway, some misc. shit... ive noticed
that these packs are falling into a cycle... first i released the
first pack which was ok, then the second sucked... the new stuff
in the third pack was cool, but the fourth pack bit... the fifth
was quite cool, but the six suxed... so its like, every other pack
is good... time for a good one, which i think this pack is... it is
probably the best work that i have done yet, and somewhere around
the 10th pack ill compile my work into a big pack, and spread
it around... anyway, almost all the asciis you see before you were
done in 7 hours... enjoy em anyway... as always if you want an asc
or some shit, then mail me, or any kts member, wherever you find us!
oh yeah, i also have a guest in this pack, unreal, who ive had
some contact with lately, and pulled some of his better asciis, so
theyre here as well... latez homiez...
: falling back on that ass... - snoop doggy dogg
Are You Sure? whq ToconT +48-2-669-4oo4 19.2 zyx
Ministry ushq rocky moto +1-2o3-446-2642 14.4 v32b
New Hope 22-8 member Tracker +48-2-614-7374 14.4 v32b
Falling Down dist Mr.Cadabra +1-41o-72o-53o5 16.8 ds
Mamba dist EaSy RiDeR +48-22-36-74-43 16.8 ds
symphony k!a dkhq motion man +45-5-362-5323 19.2 zyx
/ loadz of doodz u dont know
/ - ToconT - Barnasch - Kola - tinyz - Tracker -
/ WtP - Raf - Mace Tarnova - JaP - CSL
* if youre not on the fucking list, youre not in the group! *
* that means you Bolo, Artur, et. al *
Personal greets go out to the following:
Tracker, Imzadi, Sir Tenley, j-23, BoB-X, Entropy, ZD, warez
WiLD THiNG, Unreal, ToconT, Kola, Luke, EaSy RiDeR
Morbid anGel, Motion Man, Sonia, WtP
group greets
ACiD, iCE, EMPiRE, all ANSi/art groups, Kiwi Birds, HDB, RiSC, AFL,
CoRP, all warez and trainers groups, substance, Q-Tip
personal and group fuck yous
ZWK, Bolo Yeung die bitch, KRRiTV, Yoshi, Lik langfod@csos.orst.edu
-/- If you are interested in joining Polands premier PC group, --
-/- leave mail to one of us on any of the aforementioned boards --
- !!! BEWAREOFLik langfod@csos - HEHASBUSTEDMEANDNOW !!! -
/*- if you use this pack, buy me a cow! -*
its 187 on an undercover cop - snoop -tz!
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