this image contains text
Within this package lies
the fate of the free
/ world.
Men upon the streets,
women with their children,
kings in their palaces -
all unkowingly rely upon
its safe delivery.
The man who bears it to its destination, this man, has
been entrusted with the
lives of two billion.
attn: kibosh art Hes also an idiot.
go top secret!!@!!
.sR! . .
a a
. aa. . s s s
hELLo, and take off your dirty shoes before entering
KiBoSh aRt 3! yes its tr00! our summer issue is
right here and waiting for you to view it.im afraid
textmode art does not enclose all of our lives, re-
sulting in us wasting our time lying in the sun or
hiding for the sun in some exceptional swedish cases
and having phun!@ anyway, we managed to dig up some
ansi, err, and ascii, that we hereby present to you!
we hope that our little pack will satisfy your need for
art, and answer those questions that were always on your
mind, but you were afraid to ask! like, who is the myste-
rious coder of the infofile? what would life be like without
shoelaces? and is it just the sunglasses, or does len really
resemble monster magnets bass player? i strongly advise you
to read on..
21:20 *** Dyingsoul one@du51-6.ppp.algonet.se has joined unf
21:20 Dyingsoul uNF!@
21:20 *** Dyingsoul one@du51-6.ppp.algonet.se has left unf
so while we were lazying around, nothing much
happened in our precious little art section.
except!@ inclusive joining nostyle, and giving
his new group priority. a little less art from
his side, but hell stick around. good luck at
nostyle man! furthermore, our beloved but kind of busy member zippy left us, because we were go just one group too many. y0 zip, good luck to you, too! as third and last newsphlash i want to announce that ansichrist is somewhat lost.. that is why he didnt contribute to this pack. p h e a r t h e k 19:19 cyberphrk dyingsoul, dont you speak to me anymore ? 19:19 DyingSoul cyberphrk, no, I dont speak to you!@ 19:19 * DyingSoul slaps cyberphreak with something hard 19:19 cyberphrk dyingsoul, then, FUCK YOU
19:20 DyingSoul yea, why not?
19:20 cyberphrk your homosexuality sickens me, pig
19:20 DyingSoul I bet it does.
19:21 DyingSoul youre a waste of flesh. 19:21 crayOFF shut the fuck up, both of you erm. the above happened a long time ago, must be, since cyberphreak is close to ircless at the moment, due to huge phone bills. just wanted to let him know that we miss him alot and if he doesnt return i.. hand- writing becomes unreadable ugh.. maybe this would be the right moment to pass the pen to my man goatboy. umpf but ive got just one more thing to say. i l o v e d the project VI : kay goat, bring it on! butterbrainkap00sjh! goatboy continues: Woo, kibosh is releasing again. Good. Ive not got TOO much stuff in the pack three releases but Id like you all to know Ive been very, VERY busy. VERY busy. You see, Ive fallen in love with a web cartoon character. Big deal, you say? Fell in love with Lara Croft myself, you say? No, its not like that. Not at ALL. Its not so simple. Shes a skunk. A VERY attractive skunk. She has a friend too, whos a squirrel. And another whos a chinchilla. Now, dont get me wrong here. I am not the type to go for tiny little animals. Why, just last week... but thats another story. No, no, shes drawn in the most unimaginable sexiness. Tall, sleek, long legs and a great figure Her name is Sabrina. Im not the only one to feel this way. I KNOW there are other Sabrina admirers, hiding, unsure of their feelings. This is my message to them: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I share your love! All those hours, wondering if I was some kind of freak! Its time to break free of these chains, and allow our love to flower in the open, where all can view its splendor! Still, in these open days, I meet those who have never heard of Sabrina and her web-comic Sabrina Online. Please, visit her archived page at http://www.compsoc.net/ericschwartz/sabrina/ . You wont be sorry. - goatboy doodleboy@tdh.com
18:39 *** Now talking in kibosh
18:39 *** Topic is K i B o S h n i n e t e e n n n e t y - n
1 n e - new musician: PHACE
18:39 *** Set by butter on Wed Sep 01 17:07:40
butter heyhey
18:39 Dyingsoul hELL sHALT nOT lONGER wAIT
18:39 Dyingsoul eh
18:39 Dyingsoul wrong window. :
and a final word from dyingsoul. tell them, mate.
Oh, you fools, you thought you all were divine and holy
Now you know that youre nothing to us.
oh well.
you made it through :
21:25 ElGoat Im off, Im going to go draw!@
21:25 ElGoat I have to do this!@!
the fate of the free
/ world.
Men upon the streets,
women with their children,
kings in their palaces -
all unkowingly rely upon
its safe delivery.
The man who bears it to its destination, this man, has
been entrusted with the
lives of two billion.
attn: kibosh art Hes also an idiot.
go top secret!!@!!
.sR! . .
a a
. aa. . s s s
hELLo, and take off your dirty shoes before entering
KiBoSh aRt 3! yes its tr00! our summer issue is
right here and waiting for you to view it.im afraid
textmode art does not enclose all of our lives, re-
sulting in us wasting our time lying in the sun or
hiding for the sun in some exceptional swedish cases
and having phun!@ anyway, we managed to dig up some
ansi, err, and ascii, that we hereby present to you!
we hope that our little pack will satisfy your need for
art, and answer those questions that were always on your
mind, but you were afraid to ask! like, who is the myste-
rious coder of the infofile? what would life be like without
shoelaces? and is it just the sunglasses, or does len really
resemble monster magnets bass player? i strongly advise you
to read on..
21:20 *** Dyingsoul one@du51-6.ppp.algonet.se has joined unf
21:20 Dyingsoul uNF!@
21:20 *** Dyingsoul one@du51-6.ppp.algonet.se has left unf
so while we were lazying around, nothing much
happened in our precious little art section.
except!@ inclusive joining nostyle, and giving
his new group priority. a little less art from
his side, but hell stick around. good luck at
nostyle man! furthermore, our beloved but kind of busy member zippy left us, because we were go just one group too many. y0 zip, good luck to you, too! as third and last newsphlash i want to announce that ansichrist is somewhat lost.. that is why he didnt contribute to this pack. p h e a r t h e k 19:19 cyberphrk dyingsoul, dont you speak to me anymore ? 19:19 DyingSoul cyberphrk, no, I dont speak to you!@ 19:19 * DyingSoul slaps cyberphreak with something hard 19:19 cyberphrk dyingsoul, then, FUCK YOU
19:20 DyingSoul yea, why not?
19:20 cyberphrk your homosexuality sickens me, pig
19:20 DyingSoul I bet it does.
19:21 DyingSoul youre a waste of flesh. 19:21 crayOFF shut the fuck up, both of you erm. the above happened a long time ago, must be, since cyberphreak is close to ircless at the moment, due to huge phone bills. just wanted to let him know that we miss him alot and if he doesnt return i.. hand- writing becomes unreadable ugh.. maybe this would be the right moment to pass the pen to my man goatboy. umpf but ive got just one more thing to say. i l o v e d the project VI : kay goat, bring it on! butterbrainkap00sjh! goatboy continues: Woo, kibosh is releasing again. Good. Ive not got TOO much stuff in the pack three releases but Id like you all to know Ive been very, VERY busy. VERY busy. You see, Ive fallen in love with a web cartoon character. Big deal, you say? Fell in love with Lara Croft myself, you say? No, its not like that. Not at ALL. Its not so simple. Shes a skunk. A VERY attractive skunk. She has a friend too, whos a squirrel. And another whos a chinchilla. Now, dont get me wrong here. I am not the type to go for tiny little animals. Why, just last week... but thats another story. No, no, shes drawn in the most unimaginable sexiness. Tall, sleek, long legs and a great figure Her name is Sabrina. Im not the only one to feel this way. I KNOW there are other Sabrina admirers, hiding, unsure of their feelings. This is my message to them: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I share your love! All those hours, wondering if I was some kind of freak! Its time to break free of these chains, and allow our love to flower in the open, where all can view its splendor! Still, in these open days, I meet those who have never heard of Sabrina and her web-comic Sabrina Online. Please, visit her archived page at http://www.compsoc.net/ericschwartz/sabrina/ . You wont be sorry. - goatboy doodleboy@tdh.com
18:39 *** Now talking in kibosh
18:39 *** Topic is K i B o S h n i n e t e e n n n e t y - n
1 n e - new musician: PHACE
18:39 *** Set by butter on Wed Sep 01 17:07:40
butter heyhey
18:39 Dyingsoul hELL sHALT nOT lONGER wAIT
18:39 Dyingsoul eh
18:39 Dyingsoul wrong window. :
and a final word from dyingsoul. tell them, mate.
Oh, you fools, you thought you all were divine and holy
Now you know that youre nothing to us.
oh well.
you made it through :
21:25 ElGoat Im off, Im going to go draw!@
21:25 ElGoat I have to do this!@!
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