this image contains text
nM /.
. /. . . / . . sub
Invincible and strongest of them all,
with the help from those above us.
He was living mystery and the myth.
The legend says that he was the ...
sub----- ------
some asciis in this colly were made
long time ago, but i never released
them. asciis at end are more recent.
Index -- - . .
- -------------- name --------------- for -
Part one
01 ............ gloom .............. astrocree
02 ............ creed ............... serial2n
03 ............ design ............... creator
04 ............ crooklyn ......... speed freak
05 ............ eldorado .............. infect
06 ............ aftermath ........... subsonic
07 ............ planet hemp ........... merlin
08 ............ tarango .................. 9mm
09 ............ mjay .................... mjay
10 ............ eclipse ............... vade79
11 ............ cain .................... cain
12 ............ gradius ............... konami
13 ............ squish ................ squish
14 ............ toil ................ serial2n
15 ............ the savage lands ......... 9mm
16 ............ merlin ................ merlin
17 ............ soe ............... revolution
18 ............ tyrone ................. empty
19 ............ remorse .......... necromancer
20 ............ ruckus ................ kayozz
21 ............ circe ............... arlequin
22 ............ degeneration 65 ......... martz
23 ............ kwest ................... cain
24 ............ mjay .................... mjay
25 ............ phunk ............... volatile
26 ............ blue oyster bar ......... brane
27 ............ arlequin ............. arlequin
28 ............ ebola .................. stain
29 ............ heroin ................ beyond
30 ............ offbeat .............. fobeeuh
31 ............ roots ................. merlin
32 ............ sick ................. revolve
33 ............ inbloom ................ nahal
34 ............ skills ................. bugsy
btw, i also changed my tag from s1 to sub. enough.
01 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: astrocree ascii: gloom
.. .. sub
02 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: serial2n ascii: creed
C-R-E-E-D v1.x
/ / sub
by black jack and serial toon.
03 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: creator ascii: design
-- / sub
design.tcsourceone.com -- +o creator ---- -
04 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: speed freak ascii: crooklyn
. .. .. sub .
+o speedy g0nzales
05 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: infect ascii: eldorado
. sub . . .
+o infect
06 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: me ascii: aftermath
// A-F-T-E-R-M-A-T-H
+o subsonic / .---.. /
07 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: merlin ascii: planet hemp
. P-L-A-N-E-T
H-E-M-P / / sub
+o merlin monroe
08 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: 9mm ascii: tarango
T-A-R-A-N-G-O . sub ..
09 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: mjay ascii: mjay
. - the midnight judge - .
. sub . .
10 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: vade97 ascii: eclipse
sub . E-C-L-I-P-S-E
-- eclipse v1.666 by vade79 /
11 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: cain ascii: cain
/ sub
12 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: konami ascii: gradius
konamis . . sub
/ G-R-A-D-I-U-S
13 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: squish ascii: squish
sub .
14 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: serial2n ascii: toil
serial toons sub
15 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: 9mm ascii: the savage l.
9mms .
T-H-E . sub
S-A-V-A-G-E . //
L-A-N-D-S ---/ / ---/
16 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: merlin ascii: merlin
mary lynn.
/ / ---/ / sub
17 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: revolution ascii: soe
// sub
revolutionary state of nervousness
18 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: empty ascii: tyrone
sub .. tyre the one.
19 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: necrom ascii: remorse
remorse81 sub
20 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: kayozz ascii: ruckus
. R-U-C-K-U-S . sub
21 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: arlequin ascii: circe
. .. . . . sub
22 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: martz ascii: deg65
:::::.::::: :::::.::::: sub
D-E-G-E-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N 6-5
23 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: cain ascii: kwest
. .. sub
24 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: mjay ascii: mjay
. / .--- . . . sub
the midnight judge - -- -------------------------------------
25 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: volatile ascii: phunk
. . ---/. . /. sub
phunk skunk style.
26 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: brane ascii: bob
. : sub . the
. blue .
. . . oyster
+o brane /
bar /
27 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: arlequin ascii: arlequin
. sub
28 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: stain ascii: ebola
-- E B O L A .
. . . ---/. . sub
29 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: beyond ascii: heroin
. /. /. /. /. /. sub
/ heroin e-mag by beyond
30 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: fobeeuh ascii: offbeat
.. sub .
/ offbeat 1.0 by fobeeuh // //
31 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: merlin ascii: roots
. . . . sub
32 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: revolve ascii: sick
. .. . / sub
revolves sick emag /
33 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: nahal ascii: inbloom
i n b l o o m /
// . sub / /
-- smooth operator is nahal
34 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: bugsy ascii: skills
/ // // // // // / sub
skills public release 6 -- coming with a bong in the ass.
well, i should write greets now, but im sure i would miss someone and this
seems to be good apology. thank you for spending your time seeing this colly.
if you want to contact me for any reason, write to subsonic@radiolink.net
i also have to thank mankind for releasing this colly and to necromancer for
that rocking subsonic header.
- -- whee, line 1006.
. /. . . / . . sub
Invincible and strongest of them all,
with the help from those above us.
He was living mystery and the myth.
The legend says that he was the ...
sub----- ------
some asciis in this colly were made
long time ago, but i never released
them. asciis at end are more recent.
Index -- - . .
- -------------- name --------------- for -
Part one
01 ............ gloom .............. astrocree
02 ............ creed ............... serial2n
03 ............ design ............... creator
04 ............ crooklyn ......... speed freak
05 ............ eldorado .............. infect
06 ............ aftermath ........... subsonic
07 ............ planet hemp ........... merlin
08 ............ tarango .................. 9mm
09 ............ mjay .................... mjay
10 ............ eclipse ............... vade79
11 ............ cain .................... cain
12 ............ gradius ............... konami
13 ............ squish ................ squish
14 ............ toil ................ serial2n
15 ............ the savage lands ......... 9mm
16 ............ merlin ................ merlin
17 ............ soe ............... revolution
18 ............ tyrone ................. empty
19 ............ remorse .......... necromancer
20 ............ ruckus ................ kayozz
21 ............ circe ............... arlequin
22 ............ degeneration 65 ......... martz
23 ............ kwest ................... cain
24 ............ mjay .................... mjay
25 ............ phunk ............... volatile
26 ............ blue oyster bar ......... brane
27 ............ arlequin ............. arlequin
28 ............ ebola .................. stain
29 ............ heroin ................ beyond
30 ............ offbeat .............. fobeeuh
31 ............ roots ................. merlin
32 ............ sick ................. revolve
33 ............ inbloom ................ nahal
34 ............ skills ................. bugsy
btw, i also changed my tag from s1 to sub. enough.
01 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: astrocree ascii: gloom
.. .. sub
02 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: serial2n ascii: creed
C-R-E-E-D v1.x
/ / sub
by black jack and serial toon.
03 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: creator ascii: design
-- / sub
design.tcsourceone.com -- +o creator ---- -
04 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: speed freak ascii: crooklyn
. .. .. sub .
+o speedy g0nzales
05 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: infect ascii: eldorado
. sub . . .
+o infect
06 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: me ascii: aftermath
// A-F-T-E-R-M-A-T-H
+o subsonic / .---.. /
07 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: merlin ascii: planet hemp
. P-L-A-N-E-T
H-E-M-P / / sub
+o merlin monroe
08 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: 9mm ascii: tarango
T-A-R-A-N-G-O . sub ..
09 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: mjay ascii: mjay
. - the midnight judge - .
. sub . .
10 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: vade97 ascii: eclipse
sub . E-C-L-I-P-S-E
-- eclipse v1.666 by vade79 /
11 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: cain ascii: cain
/ sub
12 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: konami ascii: gradius
konamis . . sub
/ G-R-A-D-I-U-S
13 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: squish ascii: squish
sub .
14 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: serial2n ascii: toil
serial toons sub
15 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: 9mm ascii: the savage l.
9mms .
T-H-E . sub
S-A-V-A-G-E . //
L-A-N-D-S ---/ / ---/
16 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: merlin ascii: merlin
mary lynn.
/ / ---/ / sub
17 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: revolution ascii: soe
// sub
revolutionary state of nervousness
18 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: empty ascii: tyrone
sub .. tyre the one.
19 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: necrom ascii: remorse
remorse81 sub
20 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: kayozz ascii: ruckus
. R-U-C-K-U-S . sub
21 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: arlequin ascii: circe
. .. . . . sub
22 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: martz ascii: deg65
:::::.::::: :::::.::::: sub
D-E-G-E-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N 6-5
23 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: cain ascii: kwest
. .. sub
24 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: mjay ascii: mjay
. / .--- . . . sub
the midnight judge - -- -------------------------------------
25 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: volatile ascii: phunk
. . ---/. . /. sub
phunk skunk style.
26 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: brane ascii: bob
. : sub . the
. blue .
. . . oyster
+o brane /
bar /
27 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: arlequin ascii: arlequin
. sub
28 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: stain ascii: ebola
-- E B O L A .
. . . ---/. . sub
29 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: beyond ascii: heroin
. /. /. /. /. /. sub
/ heroin e-mag by beyond
30 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: fobeeuh ascii: offbeat
.. sub .
/ offbeat 1.0 by fobeeuh // //
31 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: merlin ascii: roots
. . . . sub
32 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: revolve ascii: sick
. .. . / sub
revolves sick emag /
33 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: nahal ascii: inbloom
i n b l o o m /
// . sub / /
-- smooth operator is nahal
34 .----. / legend says he was the chosen one.
for: bugsy ascii: skills
/ // // // // // / sub
skills public release 6 -- coming with a bong in the ass.
well, i should write greets now, but im sure i would miss someone and this
seems to be good apology. thank you for spending your time seeing this colly.
if you want to contact me for any reason, write to subsonic@radiolink.net
i also have to thank mankind for releasing this colly and to necromancer for
that rocking subsonic header.
- -- whee, line 1006.
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