this image contains text
afs.com sucks my nuts...
. / / // // /tn .
l k a r m a l//
l// l
a s c i i
presents a little ascii sub/not-quite-there-yet/colly from tzeentch
with no title.
argus - for my brothers FreeBSD box
l l
. l / /
. / a r g u s
: l//,. .
l .
: welcome to argus.dorm.utexas.edu :.. //tn.
owned and operated by the locnar l
. running FreeBSD 2.2.6 :
hazard - some gay-ass courier group that ripped me off.
l l
tn/ / / // / /
i i
l l
h a z a r d c o u r i e r s
sorry there isnt much in this one... government and economics in summer
sucks pretty bad and I dont have much time to do stuff, let alone ascii .
mad greets to : mankind, sam, konami, neil, armen, shelley, nathan, brad
all of noname and all of karma.
as usual, this little release is dedicated to lauren... she can actually
draw stuff... unlike myself.
l l//
l// l
i i
/ //---- / /+tn/
l /
i :
// l a u r e n .
i // shes more goth than you.
tn signing out - tzeentch@pdq.net /
. / / // // /tn .
l k a r m a l//
l// l
a s c i i
presents a little ascii sub/not-quite-there-yet/colly from tzeentch
with no title.
argus - for my brothers FreeBSD box
l l
. l / /
. / a r g u s
: l//,. .
l .
: welcome to argus.dorm.utexas.edu :.. //tn.
owned and operated by the locnar l
. running FreeBSD 2.2.6 :
hazard - some gay-ass courier group that ripped me off.
l l
tn/ / / // / /
i i
l l
h a z a r d c o u r i e r s
sorry there isnt much in this one... government and economics in summer
sucks pretty bad and I dont have much time to do stuff, let alone ascii .
mad greets to : mankind, sam, konami, neil, armen, shelley, nathan, brad
all of noname and all of karma.
as usual, this little release is dedicated to lauren... she can actually
draw stuff... unlike myself.
l l//
l// l
i i
/ //---- / /+tn/
l /
i :
// l a u r e n .
i // shes more goth than you.
tn signing out - tzeentch@pdq.net /
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