this image contains text
: ......:........... . . .. verse one. / //
: i n h a l e
p l a c e y o u r l i p s o n t h e b o n g .
v i s i o n s a n d r e f l e c t i o n s
: c a u s e y o u r t r i p h a s j u s t b e g o n
e c l i p s e :
// / 5f
s p e e d f r e a k
. / p r e s e n t s a / ...
// KARMA. : : :
/ / p r o d u c t i o n :
. o o throw yo sets in the air. ..: :
: speedo- /
/ 321127300098
lazyness + pot + exams + vacation short colly.
c:karmaeclipseintro ok, this is a VERY short collection of the oldschool i
did the past few months. as you might know by now, i change direction from
time to time. i can feel like drawing oldschool for hours, and a bit later i
want to experiment a bit with newschool. and the last few weeks i felt like
doing newschool. that, and ofcourse due to my exams i had a minimum of time to
draw. anyway, i passed hooray.
c:karmaeclipseindex dir . ..:....................:.. :
: 01 bedlam reanalizer :
: 02 abraxas bugsy :
: 03 mobb deep sig mobb deep :
: 04 acid acid krew :
lets go.
/ says bedlam for reanalizer
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
// / / Y
/ / . // 5f
-- b e d l a m : operated by reanalizer
terrorising the +32 area soon
cyber devine.
/ says !abraxas for bugsy/mhz
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
: : : ! a b r a x a s .................: : :
:....:....: +diabolic+ :..... :.........:
:..................................: +o: bugsyrmrs
/ says mobb deep sig for mobb deep
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
: : Y / :
5f :...............: .mobbdeep.
/ says acid for acid krew
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
/ says nothing for nobody
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
: ......:........... . . .. verse one. / //
: i n h a l e
p l a c e y o u r l i p s o n t h e b o n g .
v i s i o n s a n d r e f l e c t i o n s
: c a u s e y o u r t r i p h a s j u s t b e g o n
e c l i p s e :
// / 5f
s p e e d f r e a k
. / p r e s e n t s a / ...
// KARMA. : : :
/ / p r o d u c t i o n :
. o o throw yo sets in the air. ..: :
: speedo- /
/ 321127300098
lazyness + pot + exams + vacation short colly.
c:karmaeclipseintro ok, this is a VERY short collection of the oldschool i
did the past few months. as you might know by now, i change direction from
time to time. i can feel like drawing oldschool for hours, and a bit later i
want to experiment a bit with newschool. and the last few weeks i felt like
doing newschool. that, and ofcourse due to my exams i had a minimum of time to
draw. anyway, i passed hooray.
c:karmaeclipseindex dir . ..:....................:.. :
: 01 bedlam reanalizer :
: 02 abraxas bugsy :
: 03 mobb deep sig mobb deep :
: 04 acid acid krew :
lets go.
/ says bedlam for reanalizer
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
// / / Y
/ / . // 5f
-- b e d l a m : operated by reanalizer
terrorising the +32 area soon
cyber devine.
/ says !abraxas for bugsy/mhz
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
: : : ! a b r a x a s .................: : :
:....:....: +diabolic+ :..... :.........:
:..................................: +o: bugsyrmrs
/ says mobb deep sig for mobb deep
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
: : Y / :
5f :...............: .mobbdeep.
/ says acid for acid krew
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
/ says nothing for nobody
/ eclipse: produced.by.speed.freak.under.the.karma.label.nine.eight.bitchass
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