this image contains text
institut fr die erforschung
der demo-szene
gallery -- a guide to the penata of the scene
doktorarbeit Dr. Nothdurft, Dr. Brandt
nachdruck der arbeit 43234PPF5.7 vom 5. April 1980
untergrund dokument
diese arbeit erregte bei ihrem erscheinen weltweites aufsehen
Ein mathematisches Studium der Form mu jenseits der Topologie liegen
Ein Mathematiker, der gefragt wird, welcher wohldefinierte Zweig der
Mathematik die Form untersucht, wird sicher die Topologie nennen.
Dieses Gebiet ist wichtig fr unsere Zwecke und wurde im voran-
gegangenen Abschnitt erwhnt. Aber der vorliegende Essay geht weiter
und vertritt den Anspruch, da der vage Begriff der Form noch andere
Aspekte als den topologischen besitzt.
- Dr. Nothdurft, Dr. Brandt
Fig. Ia
dr. nothdurft dr. brandt at
the nobelprice ceremony
Fig. Ib
dr. nothdurft dr. brandt
receiving the golden penis
1. introduction
The general believe is, that scene-penata are small. This is why their users
sit in front of the computer instead of fucking. Their penata are also rotten
rotten, since they never get used, and if then only to jerk off to porno-
porno-jpgs. Thats the reason why they smell like fish.
In order to check this general believe, we have therefore done the following
study of penata in the demo-scene. During our studies we have come across some surprising facts which might be disturbing or even shocking to some
5 5
Fig. 1 - rotten, small penis smelling like fish.
10 10 is it the standard penis of the scene?
object ref 1a-13-771
type human/rotten fish
2. The Penis Gallery - some examples of our investigation
10 10 Fig. 2 - DJ Jensen / fbk
20 20 this is a good example of
30 30 a usefull tool, which
40 40 cant be used due to extrem
50 50 body-building.
60 60
object ref 2a-13-771 type: xxl human
o Fig. 3 - Nexgen
some people may be shocked by this display of child-
1 1 pornography, but we had to include it for the sake of
being complete
object ref 3a-14-891
type: growing
---- phunky Teilrasur 100 100
1 1
150 150
2 2 200 200
250 250
3 3
object ref 5a-45-123
type: human/gothic
object ref 4a-44-124b
type: human/gothic
Fig. 4b - Tyger looking
Fig. 4a - Tyger / PAiN! at his penis in his
his shaved penis in close mirror. He is only wearing
view his phunkky Gruftie-mantel
Fig. 5 - SiPiYou future fbk?
5 5 his penis is wearing a turban and smoking
another wasserpfeife
10 10
15 15
20 20
object ref 5a-231-3151
type: human/iranic
Fig. 6 - Tobias Buster Rills penis
1 1 same size as his spine and brain
2 2
object ref 6a-133-891
type: subhuman
5 5 Fig. 7 - not really a penis, but still
interesting: In this picture you can see
15 15 two graphicians going for a walk
25 25
object ref 7a-2c5dr9-5s3ky1
type: human evolution process
Fig. 8 - NAiL / MS
5 5 looking at his penis we can finally tell
something about the origin of his pseudo 10 10
25 25
30 30
object ref 8a-1442-341
type: mutant human
Fig. 9 - Scamp / Vacuum aka. Siffmon Kiffel
5 5 his penis has transformed into a joint?
10 10
20 20
25 25
object ref 9a-2345-12
type: human
1 1 Fig. 10 - Michael Crest Menz
against any fashion Crest wears a
2 2 mustache on his penis
3 3
object ref 10a-2455-12
type: request only
1 1 Fig. 11 - Ralf Kraus
wearing a pretty Bayern-collar on his penis
2 2
3 3
4 4
object ref 11a-41445-12
type: human/inkompetenz
Fig. 12a - CiRi0N / MS
2 2 sometimes lifestyle influences penis-shapes
4 4
6 6
object ref 12a-33566-12b
type: nihilistic human
Fig. 12b - another
interesting fact:
55 CiRi0N at his
favourite activity -
10 10 sucking
object ref 13a-12553-b
type: human slave
3. a list of people who could not be included into the penis-gallery
because they have NO PENIS!
3.1. Malice / MS - maybe we can include her in a fotzen-gallery when
there are enough schlampen in the scene. until
then respect to the lady!
1 1
Fig. 15 - cunt as a symbol for timeportal.
will there be more women in the scene one day?
object ref 14a-234 /f
type: human?!
3.2. Lukas Grunwald - he shmashed the little penis he had in a book about
law. Here is a historic photo of his penis magnified
several hundred times:
1 1
object ref 15b Fig. 16 - paragraph-penis ?
type: human
3.3. Climax / Amable - We were looking for his penis, but when we found it,
we just ROTFLd into the room.
4. summary
The penata of the scene people seem to be just as disturbing as the people
themselves. Although we were shocked by this fact, we will continue our studies
on the nature of the scene.
end of shortend version
Dr. Nothdurft, Dr. Brandt
this document should be available on all underground science servers over the
world. req: 23/f-b abstracts: penis studies scene sexuality
der demo-szene
gallery -- a guide to the penata of the scene
doktorarbeit Dr. Nothdurft, Dr. Brandt
nachdruck der arbeit 43234PPF5.7 vom 5. April 1980
untergrund dokument
diese arbeit erregte bei ihrem erscheinen weltweites aufsehen
Ein mathematisches Studium der Form mu jenseits der Topologie liegen
Ein Mathematiker, der gefragt wird, welcher wohldefinierte Zweig der
Mathematik die Form untersucht, wird sicher die Topologie nennen.
Dieses Gebiet ist wichtig fr unsere Zwecke und wurde im voran-
gegangenen Abschnitt erwhnt. Aber der vorliegende Essay geht weiter
und vertritt den Anspruch, da der vage Begriff der Form noch andere
Aspekte als den topologischen besitzt.
- Dr. Nothdurft, Dr. Brandt
Fig. Ia
dr. nothdurft dr. brandt at
the nobelprice ceremony
Fig. Ib
dr. nothdurft dr. brandt
receiving the golden penis
1. introduction
The general believe is, that scene-penata are small. This is why their users
sit in front of the computer instead of fucking. Their penata are also rotten
rotten, since they never get used, and if then only to jerk off to porno-
porno-jpgs. Thats the reason why they smell like fish.
In order to check this general believe, we have therefore done the following
study of penata in the demo-scene. During our studies we have come across some surprising facts which might be disturbing or even shocking to some
5 5
Fig. 1 - rotten, small penis smelling like fish.
10 10 is it the standard penis of the scene?
object ref 1a-13-771
type human/rotten fish
2. The Penis Gallery - some examples of our investigation
10 10 Fig. 2 - DJ Jensen / fbk
20 20 this is a good example of
30 30 a usefull tool, which
40 40 cant be used due to extrem
50 50 body-building.
60 60
object ref 2a-13-771 type: xxl human
o Fig. 3 - Nexgen
some people may be shocked by this display of child-
1 1 pornography, but we had to include it for the sake of
being complete
object ref 3a-14-891
type: growing
---- phunky Teilrasur 100 100
1 1
150 150
2 2 200 200
250 250
3 3
object ref 5a-45-123
type: human/gothic
object ref 4a-44-124b
type: human/gothic
Fig. 4b - Tyger looking
Fig. 4a - Tyger / PAiN! at his penis in his
his shaved penis in close mirror. He is only wearing
view his phunkky Gruftie-mantel
Fig. 5 - SiPiYou future fbk?
5 5 his penis is wearing a turban and smoking
another wasserpfeife
10 10
15 15
20 20
object ref 5a-231-3151
type: human/iranic
Fig. 6 - Tobias Buster Rills penis
1 1 same size as his spine and brain
2 2
object ref 6a-133-891
type: subhuman
5 5 Fig. 7 - not really a penis, but still
interesting: In this picture you can see
15 15 two graphicians going for a walk
25 25
object ref 7a-2c5dr9-5s3ky1
type: human evolution process
Fig. 8 - NAiL / MS
5 5 looking at his penis we can finally tell
something about the origin of his pseudo 10 10
25 25
30 30
object ref 8a-1442-341
type: mutant human
Fig. 9 - Scamp / Vacuum aka. Siffmon Kiffel
5 5 his penis has transformed into a joint?
10 10
20 20
25 25
object ref 9a-2345-12
type: human
1 1 Fig. 10 - Michael Crest Menz
against any fashion Crest wears a
2 2 mustache on his penis
3 3
object ref 10a-2455-12
type: request only
1 1 Fig. 11 - Ralf Kraus
wearing a pretty Bayern-collar on his penis
2 2
3 3
4 4
object ref 11a-41445-12
type: human/inkompetenz
Fig. 12a - CiRi0N / MS
2 2 sometimes lifestyle influences penis-shapes
4 4
6 6
object ref 12a-33566-12b
type: nihilistic human
Fig. 12b - another
interesting fact:
55 CiRi0N at his
favourite activity -
10 10 sucking
object ref 13a-12553-b
type: human slave
3. a list of people who could not be included into the penis-gallery
because they have NO PENIS!
3.1. Malice / MS - maybe we can include her in a fotzen-gallery when
there are enough schlampen in the scene. until
then respect to the lady!
1 1
Fig. 15 - cunt as a symbol for timeportal.
will there be more women in the scene one day?
object ref 14a-234 /f
type: human?!
3.2. Lukas Grunwald - he shmashed the little penis he had in a book about
law. Here is a historic photo of his penis magnified
several hundred times:
1 1
object ref 15b Fig. 16 - paragraph-penis ?
type: human
3.3. Climax / Amable - We were looking for his penis, but when we found it,
we just ROTFLd into the room.
4. summary
The penata of the scene people seem to be just as disturbing as the people
themselves. Although we were shocked by this fact, we will continue our studies
on the nature of the scene.
end of shortend version
Dr. Nothdurft, Dr. Brandt
this document should be available on all underground science servers over the
world. req: 23/f-b abstracts: penis studies scene sexuality
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