this image contains text
-l-- / / / lo!/b2b!
l / / --i-
/ l
l :
.-- yeah.. gunman and me released --.
-- trates fileid.diz collection .. busters not-working shit-tag- i
. ger just for your amusement.. l
hey, that file is part of the
l phunky fbkblood-war, so grab
b!tagger.zip at your local art
v1.0 board!
coded by busterblood - -
for his own board only... .
...and now also for yours l
packaged by gunman and trate
. l
i - .-
the fileid.diz for our first i
but not only music-sublabel t
called soundtracks zum unter- r
this moment we already relea- soUNDTRACKS zUM
sed part 1 and 2 .. 3 and uNTERGANG
4 are coming soon! look out XXNAMEXX
for szu*.* bUMPcORE! bY kRAUT
--:----------- ------------- -nO sURRENdER-
i .
i antisaka, minderwertigkeitskomplex and -
gunman talked bout doing a joint-prod ..
maybe its coming one day, dunno..
i however, i was forced to paint a fileid
l fbk and dhk in that wellkown dhk-hardcore-style.
rather long one, huh?
. // /*fbk1996* / / / / / / // present a joint prod /:: / / / / //. called: halber penis :: . / / / / /:: ..--- und ganzes bier - / / / / /::: . / tr/ / / /. ::./ / //:. / /:: . . / / / the fileid for our famous :::/. . / . / 32kgAME: / / mekka-32k-game-contribution, /. / / scheispiel/ / . the scheispiel 4th place /.mEKKA96 / / by trate! / / which was coded in basic by /./ -------------- / me.. : 31.o3.1996 /
there are already two remakes
by other groups like schmutz
and phn.. .----- ---
maybe a version 2.o will be
out one day.. l
. . fbk at mekka 96 - our contribution
: to the multichannel compo:
the fileid for dj jensens l FEELiN BLUE by dj jensen and mezzo
mekka-multichannel-contri- as guest artist / for idea support
bution called feelin blue
which made it up to place 7 . MDL format - tnx to the n-F posse for
of 30. their great help!
standard - at least better l
then gfc-dizs. ,
----------- import-diz for gunmans board ----. l anschlagdynamik. project on ice, maul. :. . - the font had to fit in 40xXX, l l so i had to crunch it a lil bit.. tr youll find the original ver- sion of the font in my ascee cluster. ------------ ---------- --- PiCTURE JPG : CRUSADERVOSPHN -------------------------------------- SYSOP OF THE VELOCiTY AND MEMBER . OF THE HAMBURGiAN SCENE! : -+49-1234-567891-----------17/o5/96- for our uC2e-releases.. looks quite well, nor? leech fbk-uc2e.zip! .-------------------------------- i l . . these dizs were requested i---- tr ------i -- by codey for the megasphere l l
ppe sesction. fbk at uC2e
shit muzzak
multeechannel with live support
l multeechannel stdio l
tr i i
-- megasphere ppe section --
fruchtchanger v1.0 :
allows users to change pHUC: bLOOD!
their frucht via lightbares
codey15:07:1996 t
.------------------------------ -- -- megasphere ppe section -- -- -----
l pHUCK bLOOD! fruchtchanger v1.03c1
allows users to change
their frucht via lightbares
covering direct/x support
fourier filtering...
codey 15/03/1995 23:18
the end
l / / --i-
/ l
l :
.-- yeah.. gunman and me released --.
-- trates fileid.diz collection .. busters not-working shit-tag- i
. ger just for your amusement.. l
hey, that file is part of the
l phunky fbkblood-war, so grab
b!tagger.zip at your local art
v1.0 board!
coded by busterblood - -
for his own board only... .
...and now also for yours l
packaged by gunman and trate
. l
i - .-
the fileid.diz for our first i
but not only music-sublabel t
called soundtracks zum unter- r
this moment we already relea- soUNDTRACKS zUM
sed part 1 and 2 .. 3 and uNTERGANG
4 are coming soon! look out XXNAMEXX
for szu*.* bUMPcORE! bY kRAUT
--:----------- ------------- -nO sURRENdER-
i .
i antisaka, minderwertigkeitskomplex and -
gunman talked bout doing a joint-prod ..
maybe its coming one day, dunno..
i however, i was forced to paint a fileid
l fbk and dhk in that wellkown dhk-hardcore-style.
rather long one, huh?
. // /*fbk1996* / / / / / / // present a joint prod /:: / / / / //. called: halber penis :: . / / / / /:: ..--- und ganzes bier - / / / / /::: . / tr/ / / /. ::./ / //:. / /:: . . / / / the fileid for our famous :::/. . / . / 32kgAME: / / mekka-32k-game-contribution, /. / / scheispiel/ / . the scheispiel 4th place /.mEKKA96 / / by trate! / / which was coded in basic by /./ -------------- / me.. : 31.o3.1996 /
there are already two remakes
by other groups like schmutz
and phn.. .----- ---
maybe a version 2.o will be
out one day.. l
. . fbk at mekka 96 - our contribution
: to the multichannel compo:
the fileid for dj jensens l FEELiN BLUE by dj jensen and mezzo
mekka-multichannel-contri- as guest artist / for idea support
bution called feelin blue
which made it up to place 7 . MDL format - tnx to the n-F posse for
of 30. their great help!
standard - at least better l
then gfc-dizs. ,
----------- import-diz for gunmans board ----. l anschlagdynamik. project on ice, maul. :. . - the font had to fit in 40xXX, l l so i had to crunch it a lil bit.. tr youll find the original ver- sion of the font in my ascee cluster. ------------ ---------- --- PiCTURE JPG : CRUSADERVOSPHN -------------------------------------- SYSOP OF THE VELOCiTY AND MEMBER . OF THE HAMBURGiAN SCENE! : -+49-1234-567891-----------17/o5/96- for our uC2e-releases.. looks quite well, nor? leech fbk-uc2e.zip! .-------------------------------- i l . . these dizs were requested i---- tr ------i -- by codey for the megasphere l l
ppe sesction. fbk at uC2e
shit muzzak
multeechannel with live support
l multeechannel stdio l
tr i i
-- megasphere ppe section --
fruchtchanger v1.0 :
allows users to change pHUC: bLOOD!
their frucht via lightbares
codey15:07:1996 t
.------------------------------ -- -- megasphere ppe section -- -- -----
l pHUCK bLOOD! fruchtchanger v1.03c1
allows users to change
their frucht via lightbares
covering direct/x support
fourier filtering...
codey 15/03/1995 23:18
the end
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