this image contains text
errms, please notice that im not an asceepainter, im just a lil ansee-
duda who tries to make sum asceestuff - but anyway: i think ive improved
my style a lot since fbk-hefe.
. t h e n O r t h e r n t e r r i t O r y .
sysOp bladerunnerfbkobstsalat remOteOps leOnardon!c and sushifbklp
tha central art oriented board in tha north big ansee and ppe section
nOde1 49.40.down!: uSr cOurier 33k6 nO nUp/nUv/spW jUst apply nOw
x-posure whq neo!classic ghq fbk northern hq obstsalat memberbOard
black maiden dist phAt dist nOn culture dist lAmmingz prod. dist
dgu terror section dist
pcb underground net apply hq visionnet fidonet xxxxxxxnet aquanet
t / :
r/ . /
E V i L B B S
hum.. i painted this about one year ago.. we forgot to include it
into fbk-hefe and i dont really like it anymore, but i think the
style is somehow interesting.
/ / / // l /
tr / l
f b k
365 days overpHUNK!
wir feiern uns solange es uns gibt, auch wenn
nicht jeder arsch uns liebt
t o o l o u d f o r t h e c r o w d
sorry for being +1 days this time
its obviously that this is my first time being late..
for susha, da prusha
/ // / / / . /. / . : / / / /..... : /... / /................. . ..... /............::::::::: ::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: //:: :: ::::::tr . . / / /
d0nfk. sysop dj jensenfbk. / /
fbk packet radio outpost /
/ / / tratefbk
d0NFK / / / / :
l / /
, l
--- l - ------------------------------------------------------
requested by - of course - dj jensen..
-- p u r g e r e n d e r i n g e n g i n e --
penetrante radikal ejakulation ?
for the gays at pruge - the other group im in.
r *pHUNK* is da max
the smallest phunk-logo ever.
little die axt-highascii.. for gunman.
voice: o41888148
/ fido: 2:240/5100.23 email: down.. new one soon!
duda who tries to make sum asceestuff - but anyway: i think ive improved
my style a lot since fbk-hefe.
. t h e n O r t h e r n t e r r i t O r y .
sysOp bladerunnerfbkobstsalat remOteOps leOnardon!c and sushifbklp
tha central art oriented board in tha north big ansee and ppe section
nOde1 49.40.down!: uSr cOurier 33k6 nO nUp/nUv/spW jUst apply nOw
x-posure whq neo!classic ghq fbk northern hq obstsalat memberbOard
black maiden dist phAt dist nOn culture dist lAmmingz prod. dist
dgu terror section dist
pcb underground net apply hq visionnet fidonet xxxxxxxnet aquanet
t / :
r/ . /
E V i L B B S
hum.. i painted this about one year ago.. we forgot to include it
into fbk-hefe and i dont really like it anymore, but i think the
style is somehow interesting.
/ / / // l /
tr / l
f b k
365 days overpHUNK!
wir feiern uns solange es uns gibt, auch wenn
nicht jeder arsch uns liebt
t o o l o u d f o r t h e c r o w d
sorry for being +1 days this time
its obviously that this is my first time being late..
for susha, da prusha
/ // / / / . /. / . : / / / /..... : /... / /................. . ..... /............::::::::: ::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: //:: :: ::::::tr . . / / /
d0nfk. sysop dj jensenfbk. / /
fbk packet radio outpost /
/ / / tratefbk
d0NFK / / / / :
l / /
, l
--- l - ------------------------------------------------------
requested by - of course - dj jensen..
-- p u r g e r e n d e r i n g e n g i n e --
penetrante radikal ejakulation ?
for the gays at pruge - the other group im in.
r *pHUNK* is da max
the smallest phunk-logo ever.
little die axt-highascii.. for gunman.
voice: o41888148
/ fido: 2:240/5100.23 email: down.. new one soon!
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