this image contains text
this piece is an album cover for mycologik. if u are interested in getting the
song itself in .IT or .MP3, contact me. its some of the most intense *trance*
ever made...
the piece explained
the eyes: origin of the process of thought, layered as the brain is from
primative to modern faculties.
the conveyor belt: method of manifesting the original idea. tools
the seed: spawns mushrooms. mushrooms are supposed to come from spores.
mushrooms: growing manifestations of creative thought.
the aether: grey background, formless. the outside world
this is a focus for creative and unique powers. it hasnt all been spelled out
but hopefully with some general knowledge of the representations contained
within this piece you can appreciate the meaning as well as the presentation.
a lot of my visual work seems to be simple creative mantras. its too bad i
cant use words to explain the concepts i am trying to communicate in these
pieces. but if i could, why use the visual medium at all? i am doing this
specifically because the concepts cannot be worded! in this case, i represent
that thought not only visually, but in song as well.
this is an ansi detail of a painting i did in december. my method of depicting
details is nearly fractal in nature -- rather than enlarging elements, i twist
them into smaller knots of thought, accentuating subtle nuances from the
fungus comes from spores. to create a notion of higher ordered thought these
growths come from seeds a more advanced or recent form of genesis.
create the music. sounds like seeds or spores grow in the mind... we take
music to get the best high of all.
song itself in .IT or .MP3, contact me. its some of the most intense *trance*
ever made...
the piece explained
the eyes: origin of the process of thought, layered as the brain is from
primative to modern faculties.
the conveyor belt: method of manifesting the original idea. tools
the seed: spawns mushrooms. mushrooms are supposed to come from spores.
mushrooms: growing manifestations of creative thought.
the aether: grey background, formless. the outside world
this is a focus for creative and unique powers. it hasnt all been spelled out
but hopefully with some general knowledge of the representations contained
within this piece you can appreciate the meaning as well as the presentation.
a lot of my visual work seems to be simple creative mantras. its too bad i
cant use words to explain the concepts i am trying to communicate in these
pieces. but if i could, why use the visual medium at all? i am doing this
specifically because the concepts cannot be worded! in this case, i represent
that thought not only visually, but in song as well.
this is an ansi detail of a painting i did in december. my method of depicting
details is nearly fractal in nature -- rather than enlarging elements, i twist
them into smaller knots of thought, accentuating subtle nuances from the
fungus comes from spores. to create a notion of higher ordered thought these
growths come from seeds a more advanced or recent form of genesis.
create the music. sounds like seeds or spores grow in the mind... we take
music to get the best high of all.
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