- ------------------t h
e j o i n t . . 0
welp, this joint 06 is the last traditional j
oint in awhile.. from now on, weare going to be t
rying an idea brought to my attention by hennifer
and warpus
thanks guys called swaptm .. what is it you as
k? let me explain:
up to 8 or 9 artists join swap at the specified time
, and each artist will be
assigned a , and everyone will change their nicks t
o xxxxxx assigned , xs handle then everyo
ne starts on their own joint at the same time, an
works for 15 minutes so theyre not so rushed. the
y then name the file
xx.ans assigned of person who started the ansi - xx
of the person
working on the ansi .. when i recieve the ansi from eac
h person, i pass the
ansis on to the next person.. when every ansi has been p
assed to everyone in thechannel when everyone has wo
rked a 15min segment on each ansi, the joint ends
what will this mean? it will mean there will be around 8
-9 ansis per swaptm,
all different, and no one will sit around doing nothin
it wont be as complicated as it sounds to run, so come and
check out swaptm
01 on tuesday 08/27 at 7pm est in swap.
so basically, with the transformation from joint to swaptm
, the joint will
stop and swaptm will take over. should be quite cool, so
come check it out..
a big thanks goes out to everyone who t rned out for the las
t joint, 06: wizy, nail, illx, ph, outkast, aoh,
and fever .. its a shame this one didnt turn ou
too good, but all the problems we had basically molded the a
nsi into being not
so good ..
original joint idea: crayon / swaptm idea: hennifer
+warpus / info-file: cheeze
be one of the first swaptm artists! join swap tuesday
08/27 at 7pm est!