this image contains text
- ------------------t h
e j o i n t . . 0
*the toon*
this one was held at the *gasp* schedualed time, in the sche
dualed channel, and
guess what? crayon was there too! phear! .. everybody pre
tty much followed
the time limits, and fused everything together for the most
part. im pretty
happy with this one, although it prolly couldve turned out
in tradition of all the other joints, id like to thank all
the participents:
nail, blazemore, liithn, cygreet, psychoholic, lint, men
detor, crayon, armdonutbisounours, fever, and, well,
myself g. hope you guys had a good time.
the next joint 06 will be held on tuesday, 08
/20/96, at around 6 or 7pm est in joint yet aga
in. if you wanna participate, just drop by when i an
nounce theopenning of the channel, see if you can sta
rt the ansi, and then drop by later
to see if there is an openning. no order this time, but it
will be in the
select channel. itll be just a regular one, and th
en the NEXT one 07 will
be an all shadded joint.
look in the 04 packet for all the rules and shit..
i really dont feel like
making this infofile real long.
if you have taken part in the joint, and have ANY commen
ts/suggestions, please
take the time to mail me at yar1@cris.com, and crayo
n and myself will see what
we can do.. any comments/suggestions are welcome.
weve decided that itd be nice to have a hq or 2, so he
re they are:
temp whq doink - 407-783-1522
whq earth/2 - not yet up
ftp site: ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpac
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
e j o i n t . . 0
*the toon*
this one was held at the *gasp* schedualed time, in the sche
dualed channel, and
guess what? crayon was there too! phear! .. everybody pre
tty much followed
the time limits, and fused everything together for the most
part. im pretty
happy with this one, although it prolly couldve turned out
in tradition of all the other joints, id like to thank all
the participents:
nail, blazemore, liithn, cygreet, psychoholic, lint, men
detor, crayon, armdonutbisounours, fever, and, well,
myself g. hope you guys had a good time.
the next joint 06 will be held on tuesday, 08
/20/96, at around 6 or 7pm est in joint yet aga
in. if you wanna participate, just drop by when i an
nounce theopenning of the channel, see if you can sta
rt the ansi, and then drop by later
to see if there is an openning. no order this time, but it
will be in the
select channel. itll be just a regular one, and th
en the NEXT one 07 will
be an all shadded joint.
look in the 04 packet for all the rules and shit..
i really dont feel like
making this infofile real long.
if you have taken part in the joint, and have ANY commen
ts/suggestions, please
take the time to mail me at yar1@cris.com, and crayo
n and myself will see what
we can do.. any comments/suggestions are welcome.
weve decided that itd be nice to have a hq or 2, so he
re they are:
temp whq doink - 407-783-1522
whq earth/2 - not yet up
ftp site: ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpac
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
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