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- ------------------t h
e j o i n t . . 0
well, this one sure turned out nice.. and it ran smooth too.
heres how it went:
crayon STILL wasnt here, so i only held the one joint in j
oint. things ran
real smooth, everybody for the most part didnt go over the
time limit, and alladditions were integrated. i am
very happy at how well this one turned out. itlooks
like all the bugs have been ironed out..
despite the fact that this one went well, and the ansi turne
d out great, im
going to do 04 differently. instead of holding it in i
ts own channel, itll
be held in ansi and ice .. the system will s
till be used 1-100, but in
this one, you dont have to be a participant to choose a
.. if you come closestand you DONT draw, then t
he person second closest who is participating will
start it.. then, all ill do is /msg people to see if they w
anna go next. wellsee how it goes, and then most li
kely go back to the joint way. oh, and this
one will be held whenever i feel like it, on tuesday or
also look for some variations in future joints. like an al
l toon joint, an
all shadded joint, newbie joint, legend joint, things like
that.. just so it
doesnt get old.
we had some more fuckups by me in joint02.zip, such as i ac
identally saved
blatzs part as noots too, and the dates were off. other t
han that though, it
was pretty much a good packet.
so, again, thanx to everyone who took part in 03, and look
for 04 next tuesdayor wednsday in ansi and ice
.. it will be one phearful occation.
i can be contacted at yar1@cris.com, or give doink a
ring at 407-783-1522.
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
also: still looking for a new name for the joint .. gimmie
some suggestions bitzs.. g
e j o i n t . . 0
well, this one sure turned out nice.. and it ran smooth too.
heres how it went:
crayon STILL wasnt here, so i only held the one joint in j
oint. things ran
real smooth, everybody for the most part didnt go over the
time limit, and alladditions were integrated. i am
very happy at how well this one turned out. itlooks
like all the bugs have been ironed out..
despite the fact that this one went well, and the ansi turne
d out great, im
going to do 04 differently. instead of holding it in i
ts own channel, itll
be held in ansi and ice .. the system will s
till be used 1-100, but in
this one, you dont have to be a participant to choose a
.. if you come closestand you DONT draw, then t
he person second closest who is participating will
start it.. then, all ill do is /msg people to see if they w
anna go next. wellsee how it goes, and then most li
kely go back to the joint way. oh, and this
one will be held whenever i feel like it, on tuesday or
also look for some variations in future joints. like an al
l toon joint, an
all shadded joint, newbie joint, legend joint, things like
that.. just so it
doesnt get old.
we had some more fuckups by me in joint02.zip, such as i ac
identally saved
blatzs part as noots too, and the dates were off. other t
han that though, it
was pretty much a good packet.
so, again, thanx to everyone who took part in 03, and look
for 04 next tuesdayor wednsday in ansi and ice
.. it will be one phearful occation.
i can be contacted at yar1@cris.com, or give doink a
ring at 407-783-1522.
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
also: still looking for a new name for the joint .. gimmie
some suggestions bitzs.. g
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