this image contains text
- ------------------t h
e j o i n t . . 0
well, well, well.. what do we have here? yes, thats right,
this is the joints
infofile. what is the joint, you ask? good question. lemm
e explain.
the joint is a new type of compo where the people in it do n
ot compete, we
compile. wha? ok, listen .. participents meet in jo
int on saturday nights
at 8:00pm beginning 07/26. either crayon
or i will choose a between 1-100,
and then ask everyone to /msg us with their guess. the pers
on who comes closestwill get the privledge of startin
g the ansi, and picking the board it will be
for. this person will then be given 10 minutes to start on
the ansi. once he
is done, he dccs the ansi in this format: brd abbriv1.an
s to one of us.
then, another person is picked to do the next 10 minute segm
ent. you can add
a pic, a font, change something, add shadding, whatever the
hell you want to do
just so long as it fits into the 10 minute
time limit.. then, you dcc the file
in the format to one of us, and the next person gets it. th
is continues until
everyone participating has done 1 10 minute segment.
wow.. that sounds complicated! well, its really not.. just
show up, and crayonand i will take care of things g
we held a demo joint friday night 07/19 wh
en crayon came up with the idea. itturned out quite
well. crayon, balls wilson, armdonut, l
ago, and i all did one10 minute segment each. it
was quite challenging, but very fun. the ansi
final01.ans is included, as well as the different
ansis saved after each
persons segment.
this infofile is a bit fucked up, so if you have any questio
ns, write me mail atyar1@cris.com, or give do
ink a call at 407-783-1522. i hope to see yo
u all
there on the 26th!
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
e j o i n t . . 0
well, well, well.. what do we have here? yes, thats right,
this is the joints
infofile. what is the joint, you ask? good question. lemm
e explain.
the joint is a new type of compo where the people in it do n
ot compete, we
compile. wha? ok, listen .. participents meet in jo
int on saturday nights
at 8:00pm beginning 07/26. either crayon
or i will choose a between 1-100,
and then ask everyone to /msg us with their guess. the pers
on who comes closestwill get the privledge of startin
g the ansi, and picking the board it will be
for. this person will then be given 10 minutes to start on
the ansi. once he
is done, he dccs the ansi in this format: brd abbriv1.an
s to one of us.
then, another person is picked to do the next 10 minute segm
ent. you can add
a pic, a font, change something, add shadding, whatever the
hell you want to do
just so long as it fits into the 10 minute
time limit.. then, you dcc the file
in the format to one of us, and the next person gets it. th
is continues until
everyone participating has done 1 10 minute segment.
wow.. that sounds complicated! well, its really not.. just
show up, and crayonand i will take care of things g
we held a demo joint friday night 07/19 wh
en crayon came up with the idea. itturned out quite
well. crayon, balls wilson, armdonut, l
ago, and i all did one10 minute segment each. it
was quite challenging, but very fun. the ansi
final01.ans is included, as well as the different
ansis saved after each
persons segment.
this infofile is a bit fucked up, so if you have any questio
ns, write me mail atyar1@cris.com, or give do
ink a call at 407-783-1522. i hope to see yo
u all
there on the 26th!
infofile: cheeze .. the joint original idea: crayon /
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